I liked the flow of our friendship. He had a way of making everything sound funny. Which means every time I am talking to him, I’m laughing. So I liked him. It was all just platonic at that stage. Although we had been talking for a while, I didn’t harbour romantic thoughts and feelings toward him until he expressed those feelings toward me. “Will you be my girlfriend?” He proposed. “Let me think about it,” I responded.
I don’t know why but I was willing to give him a shot. He was a nice guy, after all. However, something was holding me back. I would open my mouth to tell him yes but for some reason, I would say something entirely different from what I intended to. I kept doing this dance for days. When I was finally sure that I would take that leap of faith, I found out that very day that he already had a girlfriend.
So when I called him to give him a response, I turned him down. Regardless, our friendship continued. Things didn’t become awkward or weird between us. We just carried on with the friendship as if something that huge didn’t happen. Along the line, he and his girlfriend broke up. I don’t know the full details of the story. He just said things didn’t work out. As a friend, I was there for him, being supportive through the breakup and all.
I wasn’t interested in a romantic relationship with him at that point either. It was all platonic. He would come to my place whenever he missed me and needed to talk. We attended events together. We had phone conversations checking up on each other. We were two peas in a pod. He also supported me whenever I was down on cash. I would say we had a mutually beneficial friendship without the complications of sex, love, or romance. It was all brotherly and sisterly love.
I traveled to another town in a different region to write an exam but that didn’t stop us from talking. He still continued to help me whenever I needed his help as well. One day we were having a video call when he saw my roommate. Actually, she is more than a roommate to me. She is a very good friend too. When I told him this, he got all excited about her. “If you say you don’t want me then link me up with your friend,” he requested.
I ignored him at first thinking he made the statement in jest but he repeated himself. “Wait, are you serious?” I asked just to be sure. He said yes. So I gave my friend’s number to him and they started talking. I also spoke well of him to my friend but she didn’t accept him the way he wanted. She wanted friendship but he wanted love and its related sentiments. So it didn’t happen for them.
Later she told me, “I couldn’t have dated him. He is too slim for me. He is also a small boy. I am two years older than him.” He is a good guy but I couldn’t force her to be with him just because he is my friend. They sorted it out among themselves and agreed to be friends. And they’ve been good friends since I introduced them. We’ve formed a trio of friends. It’s beautiful what we share.
All three of us go out together. Sometimes too, the two of them go out without me. Now, that’s not my problem at all. The problem is, that he is back to proposing love to me again. I have gotten to a place where I also like him. The platonic love I felt for him has now morphed into something romantic. I am curious to see how far it will go. He doesn’t have anyone now so I want to give him a chance. My fear now is our friend, the one who rejected him. What will she think about us if we start dating all of a sudden? Should I tell her? Or I should just let him go to avoid possible drama in our friendship?
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