On Valentine’s Day in 2021, a friend of mine posted a man on her WhatsApp status. She referred to him as her uncle. I could not keep my admiration of the man to myself. I remember replying to the post, “Eii, your uncle is handsome oo.” She laughed, “Oh really? Then I am going to tell him about you, and give your number to him.” I told her I didn’t care what she did with the information.

A few minutes later, I received a text from a strange number. I knew it was my friend’s uncle but I ignored him for a while. I didn’t want to engage him initially, but after a while, I responded to his text. He started checking up on me every day after our first chat. The first time we spoke on the phone was on independence day. He asked if he could call me and I said yes. Then I received a call from a strange number. The voice on the other side was beautiful, “Hello madam, I am calling from the MTN office.” I was confused at first but I kept quiet as he went on.

“ One of our loyal customers said he asked you to accompany him somewhere but you are reluctant to go. So he has asked us to plead with you on his behalf. Please talk to him, and go wherever he wants with him, okay? Thank you, have a nice day.” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. He said he was calling from Techiman so I knew it was George messing with me. I loved his voice and the way the Queen’s language rolled off his tongue. “This guy is handsome, speaks good English, and he is funny too. I like him,” I thought.

The first time we saw each other was when he asked me to accompany him to the hospital. The next time we met, he went with me to see the gynecologist. Another time, I went with him to collect his mother’s medication at the hospital. That became our thing. We only met when one of us had to go to the hospital. All our dates involved hospitals. We never met anywhere else until April when he invited me to his home.

In April of that year, he traveled to Kumasi for work. He texted me the entire time he was there. As the day got older, he sent another text, “I am done with my meeting. I am going to get some food, and join a bus home.” I wished him all the best as I awaited his next update. After about an hour I texted him, “Where have you gotten to?” “Involved in an accident,” Came his response. Panic rose like bile in my throat, as I dialed his number with shaky fingers. He didn’t answer my call. Rather, he sent me another text, “Sorry, I can’t talk now. They are taking us to the hospital.” For a minute, I thought he was joking. He likes to mess with me but would it not be too cruel to joke about something like this?

Feeling utterly helpless, I called my friend who introduced us, and shared the tragic news with her. One thing that kept me connected to him was how often he updated me on his progress. The accident hurt his knees so he couldn’t walk until he had knee surgery. He was in the hospital for three weeks before he was discharged. He went to stay with his family, but he told his sisters that he wants me to take him to all his doctor’s appointments. So I did my best and stuck to his side through everything.

After a while, his mother called and asked him to come home. When he went to see his mum, he called to tell me she was not feeling well. The next day she passed away. It appeared my man was having a bad year. He was yet to fully regain function of his knees, and now he lost his mum? My heart broke for him. My love for him also skyrocketed. Thankfully, his grief did not make him push me away. I got the chance to be there for him, however he wanted me to.

After his mother’s burial, his knees healed completely. He started walking without crutches. However, he started getting severe headaches when it was time for him to return to work. His pain was terrifying. He went to the hospital and his doctors gave him Gebedol. The Gebedol worked perfectly well but they wore off in a few hour’s time. He couldn’t take it consistently, because the doctors said it would be bad for his health.

They ran a series of tests on him; scans, X- rays, and lab tests. They wanted to know if the accident harmed him in any other place besides his knees. But all the test results came out clear. “Medically, we can’t find anything wrong with him.” The doctors said. The next course of action was to seek a spiritual solution. So I took him to the church I usually attend for prayers. He attended prayer meetings regularly but nothing changed about his situation. If anything, he gets worse with every day that passes.

As I type this right now, he can’t walk nor can he talk properly. You would be watching TV with him and he’d tell you he is the one on the TV. It’s so painful to witness. We don’t understand what is causing all this. He healed completely from the accident so we don’t think it is the cause. His sister took him to Dunkwaw to see an elder, and the elder said it could be that he promised to marry a woman and failed to deliver on the promise. Or that he has a grudge against someone at his workplace.

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Some men of God have pointed fingers at my friend, the one who introduced us. It turned out he is not her uncle. They are just friends, and she became jealous of our closeness at some point. Rumors reached my ears that she is going around telling people that I snatched her friend from her. I spoke to my pastor about her and he told me to forget about her. And that she doesn’t have any hand in George’s illness. We are doing our best to understand the cause of his predicament but it seems only God can tell us the answer.

Dear readers, I’ve been praying, fasting, and sowing seeds in George’s name but our miracle has been withheld from us. I broke my Susu box on his birthday and donated the money to a widow in hopes of provoking the hand of God to move, but so far nothing. In all this, I have not fallen out of love with him. It is the love I have for him that keeps me going and trusting in God.

What Would You Do If I Died Today? | Beads Media

There are times when he doesn’t remember me. On those days, he doesn’t even remember his family. I’m sick from worrying so much about him. In the beginning, I thought I was dating him out of pity, but now I know that it is not. I love truly love him; in sickness and in health, I am his.

When I think about it, I feel responsible for everything he is going through. I believe I brought him bad luck. How is it that the first few times we met were in hospitals? Now, I am the one who takes him to the hospital whenever he needs to see the doctor. Is this my doing? Are these two phases in our relationship somehow connected? Can anyone here help me with some answers?


Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com

