If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.
The verdict was loud and clear; “She’s a jealous person so move on with your life.” I listened and decided to stay in my corner. I didn’t call her and didn’t text her. She also didn’t do any of that but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I mean we’ve been friends for that long. The longevity of our friendship deserves a better closure than that. I thought I deserved to be told what I did wrong but like someone told me, “You won’t get an explanation for all the things you don’t understand so deal with it.” It was hard but I decided to let everything go and think about my life.
One day I was going through status on Whatsapp when I accidentally flipped into her status, I had stopped watching her status for so long and she had stopped watching mine so it hurt me a lot that I made that mistake. I was in my bed cursing my stars when I saw that she had posted another status. It was a text so I could read from the thumbnail. She said, “They don’t talk to you but would be in the shadows monitoring your life. God is keeping me happy and you’ve seen it for yourself.”
I knew that shade was for me but it didn’t make me angry. It rather made me laugh. I said in my head, “This girl is very petty. Does she think I have time to monitor her life? If I wanted to, I would have watched every status she posts but her life doesn’t interest me.” That very moment, I wanted to block her line but I thought, “No, I won’t give her that reason to think that I’m bitter.” So instead of blocking her, I muted her status.
Many days after that incident, I was talking to a friend who asked me, “So what’s going on between you and Efe? Are you two fighting over a man?” The way he asked the question sounded like he knew more than I do. Instead of going ahead to tell him what happened, I decided to lay low and listen to what he has heard. I asked him, “What did she tell you? That we are fighting over a man?” He answered, “No she didn’t say that but she spoke bitterly about you to another friend who came to tell me. I was wondering why you of all people would engage in such a petty fight.” I asked him, “So what did she tell your friend?” He answered, “I don’t think it’s even necessary because you two are not children. She said you came to her office once and she introduced her boss to you but a few days later, you started dating her boss. She told you her boss was married but you said you’ll date him because of what he gives you.”
I was stunned. I asked him, “Who did she say that to?” He said, “As I said, it’s not important but whatever the issue is, you two should resolve it. You’re more than sisters, why would you allow another man to come between your friendship?” The guy sounded like he believed what he heard but that wasn’t the problem for me. I was asking myself, “So how many people has she sold this story to? Is she going around tarnishing my reputation? Why would she tell such a lie?” I was getting ready for a confrontation but sense prevailed on me that day. It said, “You’re too good for that. You’ve pushed for the truth and she keeps ignoring you. No need to chase after her. Leave her alone.”
A friend had a naming ceremony and I went. When I got there, she was already seated with some mutual friends. To avoid drama, I didn’t go closer to them. I pulled a seat far away from them and sat on it. Throughout the program, some of my friends came to me, trying to get me to sit next to them. I declined I needed to enjoy the program peacefully and leave with my sanity intact. During the reception, one of the girls came to sit next to me. She said, “So it’s true? The way you two are behaving means everything we are hearing is true.” I asked what she has heard and she repeated the same story that friend of ours told me. At this point, I was boiling. I looked around and didn’t find her. She was gone. Maybe she saw what was coming so she left the place.
I explained the whole story to those friends available and they were all like, “Ohhhh! What kind of witchcraft is that? They all got angry on my behalf but importantly, they asked me to ignore her and live my life. I was in pain. I couldn’t sit still for her to tarnish my image like that so I sent her a message; “Efe, I’ve never hated you. Even after all the things you say about me, I still respect our friendship but if you don’t keep your mouth shut about me, I will retaliate and you won’t be happy about me.” She read my message but said nothing. The fact that she read it was enough for me.
During the 6th March holiday, I walked into her boss. He was there with two other gentlemen. He recognized me immediately he saw me. He walked toward me and invited me to his table. He started telling his friends, “This girl embarrassed me some time ago and I want her to apologize to me.” He said it jovially and his friends joined in; “Oh it’s ok if a beautiful girl like this embarrasses you. Girl, don’t apologize.”
We all laughed but in the end, I said sorry to him and promised to make it up to him. One Friday afternoon, I went to his office. I had to talk to Efe before I could get in. I greeted her and she turned away. I said, “I’m here to see your boss, is he around?” She nodded her head and I entered. I spent some minutes there and came back. Her boss came out with me and saw the mood between us and asked what was going on. She faked a smile and I walked away.
I’ve been visiting her boss every now and then and each time I go there, she spread the news to our network of friends. She tells them I’m dating her boss. Some even send me screenshots. It’s not true that I’m dating her boss. The truth is this, one of the gentlemen I met with her boss that day took my number. He wanted a relationship. He’s a good man so I’m trying to give him a chance. Her boss never liked me the way Efe painted it at first. He told me, “Yes, you got my attention but it wasn’t for that reason and I’m happy my friend is bringing you in. It’s all the same.”
READ ALSO: I’m Tempted To Believe That My Wife Is The Punishment For My Past Sins
His friend is not in the country and it gives us a lot of time to know each other and decide what we want from our future. He ships things through Efe’s boss and I will go for it. She sees me there and she goes green with envy. I haven’t said anything to her boss. He knows all is not well between us but he doesn’t know the details. “It’s girls’ issues, nothing serious,” I told him.
A month or so ago, I went to the office to see her boss. She saw me and she smiled. I was like “Eish, what’s happening?” I went my way and came back to see her still smiling. That evening, I had a call. The voice said, “This is Efe’s mother. She has asked me to apologize to you. If I knew where you live, I would have come there with her to apologize. She’s your friend. You girls have been through a lot. Don’t let this misunderstanding end the beautiful thing you had. Forgive her and let bygone be bygone” I smiled. I said, “I have nothing against her. It’s she who pulled away from me. We are still friends.” The next day I saw her call. She was so loud on the phone as if all was well between us. She apologized “for being a bitch” and wanted me to forgive her.
Apparently, her boss spoke to her and advised her to restore the friendship. He gave her timelines to see changes. She didn’t call to address why she left and why she ghosted me. She only came to say sorry. I spoke to her nicely but I made her understand that things are not going to be the same looking at what I’ve been through. “It will take time to heal the cracks so don’t get me wrong when I’m not pulling my weight.”
She calls often. We talk but the feeling is not the same. I don’t think it will ever be the same. Something is broken, something words cannot heal and actions cannot put together. It doesn’t feel the same way and there’s no joy like it used to be.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com