I saw my ex by the roadside waiting for a vehicle. I stopped a few meters away from him, got down and walked to where he was. Before I could get there, a trotro made a stop and the people there started rushing into the trotro. He was struggling to get in when I held him. Immediately he saw me he screamed my name and forgot about everything. We hadn’t met in five years.

We dated when we were in the university. We were coursemates but started dating when we got to level three hundred. He had problems with some of the courses so we met at the library every evening and studied together. After the library, I would take him to the class and give him extra tutorials.

During exams, we studied all night and I tutored him all night. When finally our results came, I topped the class and he also got a pass. I thought he could have done better looking at all the tutorials I gave him. That notwithstanding, I was happy for him because it could have been worse. In the evening when I visited him he said, “Tell me the truth, which of the lecturers are you sleeping with?”

As if that wasn’t enough, he continued, “You sleep with them and they give you the questions but you hide them from me so you alone can have the glory. You think I don’t know?”

Everybody could have said it and I wouldn’t mind but someone I tutored? It didn’t end there. Soon It became a rumor around campus that I’d been sleeping around for marks. The shame, the name-calling, the disgrace. I took all of them in knowing school would be over soon.

We broke up due to the same issues. I remember when I sent him the breakup message, his response was, “You think I care? Now you can go into full hoe-mode since that’s what you’ve been doing.”

I was the best student in my class when we graduated but no one cared because they all believed I got it by jumping into the beds of our lecturers.

We talked at the bus stop for a while, talking about missing each other and all. When he told me where he was going, I offered to drop him at his doorstep. When he was stepping out he said, “I will send you my CV tomorrow, please make things happen for me.”

Something made me happy that day. It felt like I’d had closure. The closure I didn’t know I needed. I told him where I’d worked and the places I’d travelled for work in the last couple of years. I wanted him to know that my hard work in school was paying off.

He sent his CV through email. It’s been months but I haven’t opened the mail to look at his CV. I can help him if I want to but I won’t. Maybe to him, I’m still that girl who sleeps around to get favours. Let everyone be in their lanes. 

— Cindy

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