Right from the early age of four, I knew I had the feelings of a woman. I believe I felt that way because I grew up around women. I was the only boy among them so they must have rubbed off their femininity on me. This thing bothered me my entire life. Physically, I am very masculine. I have always been. But emotionally, I am feminine. What I am trying to say is that I have only ever been attracted to boys.
I am currently twenty-one and I am at the university. I am a handsome young man, who is very outgoing with a great sense of humor. Although I am a social butterfly, I don’t have a lot of friends. The few people I call friends are people who make me happy. And I am always happy when they are also happy.
Everyone thinks I’m just the average cheerful young man who has not a single care in the world but all is not well with me. I am very depressed and battling with my inner demons. Ever since I discovered that I am attracted to boys, I have hated myself. I was raised in a Christian and very traditional family so I know that people like me are condemned to burn in hell.
Why would I be happy that my soul is already damned just because of the way I feel? I have been praying and fasting for as long as I can remember, that my feelings should change but it’s not happening. Because of my masculine features, I have a lot of women flocking around me, but I feel nothing for them.
At a point, I decided to let whatever will be, be, but that was when I started drowning. I feel like a disappointment and failure. My parents have so much faith in me. They always praise me for my brilliance. They believe I am the star of the family. This is because I was a gifted child. I used to pass all my exams with flying colors.
However, my academic performance has declined significantly ever since this problem of mine has entangled me. I was on a path to becoming a medical doctor but I couldn’t make the grades required of me to gain admission into the medical program at the university. My dad was so disappointed in me but I couldn’t man up to tell him what was eating me up.
I remember my feelings for men intensified when I got to SHS. However, I kept myself in check. I never did or said anything to anyone to make them suspicious of me. If they caught on to my sexuality, they would have publicly labeled me as gay. I also refused to share a bed with certain people who were known as such.
In case you are wondering if I have done it before, no I haven’t. I have never lain with a man or woman. When my feelings overcome me, I play with myself. Because of this, I became addicted to touching myself and watching adult movies with men in them.
This is what I hate about myself the most, my desires. I have contemplated taking my own life more times than I can remember. I feel like if my prayers will not change the way I feel, especially, born in a country where it has been drilled into my head right from childhood that feelings like mine are an abomination, then I should go and meet my maker.
Last semester at school, I was about to use a knife on myself when a friend came knocking on my door. I just feel like I have had enough of this life. Everything is a mess and I don’t feel worthy of anyone’s love and attention. This thing has broken my spirit. I quake with fear when I think about what my parents would do to me if they found out.
I know what they are capable of doing. They are so rooted in their Christian and traditional family values that they would label me a disgrace and disown me instantly. That’s just who they are. It’s hard for me to live a double life. I wish I could confide in my family, at least, but how can I?
I wouldn’t wish for anyone to be born into a family that makes you feel that you won’t be welcomed if you are different. The threat of hellfire always spills out of their mouths. So I keep asking myself, “Is this what life is all about? Is this our purpose on earth? To live a life that will not condemn us to hell after we die? Nothing else matters?”
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I believe that I am a good person. I readily help people who need me. I don’t know much in this life but I am certain that the only sin I have committed is these feelings that have always been a part of me. I may try to explain it away but I am certain I was born this way.
Nobody ever touched me wrongly when I was a child. Nobody initiated me into anything. I didn’t watch a movie or film that altered my mind. I have just always liked boys, even when I was a little boy. I know many people will criticize me for my kind but I didn’t wish to be like this.
Who Would You Choose, A Rich Man Or A Man Who’s Good In Bed?
Just as I stay away from men, I have vowed to not have any close relationship with any girl as well. I don’t want to end up deceiving somebody’s daughter. Beautiful girls come my way but my conscience drives them away.
I am slowly dying with this shame so I want the readers here to tell me something. Currently, I am on the verge of quitting my life so I can rest without worry. This is because I am tired of living such a life. How can a young and masculine man like me be like this? It bothers my heart. So I might soon write a letter telling my parents that I am sorry they wasted their resources on me, and then I would be gone from this life. I love my family, and I know they love me but I cannot quiet these thoughts. Please help me!
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Matthews. Nothing in this life should have the capability of letting you take your life. Your life is precious and valued . You have a lot of potential ahead of you so don’t allow this feeling to send you to an early grave. If you haven’t seen a psychologist yet, I advise you see one to help you navigate the feeling. You can find one at Accra psychiatric hospital and to have an appointment with one is less than 100cedis. So please don’t kill your self, go and see a psychiatrist or psychologist who can help.
Admin, please I want to be a of Matthew. And please where does he stays
The life you want to take away is not yours. I won’t judge your attraction towards men but even that shouldn’t take you away from the love of God. There’s nothing you can do that is greater than the price Jesus paid for you at the cross. You mentioned, you attempted to take your life with a knife and right at that moment, a friend knocked on your door. Don’t you think that was God’s intervention. He knows you have those unnatural feelings but He still wants you alive. A wise man once said to me,”no matter how you feel, don’t leave your post or else your blessings won’t know where to find you.” Don’t take your life, hold on, help is on the way. You are loved.
Hello Matthew,I just read your story now .
Am happy you know how to pray and fast so I will be real quick with you…. kindly search for ALPHA HOUR PRAYER on Facebook and connect with them for support and prayers.
There is a prayer help line there,call them to connect and pray with you.
I tried and it helped me too that’s why am recommending it to you too.
Pls don’t do anything to yourself.
Just connect with Alpha hour and you will be helped.
All the best bro
Matthew, you haven’t spoken with your family cus of what you think they preach and beliefs.
Taking your life won’t help even tho it’s not me. Trying to waste it is useless. Travel outside the city/country and start life afresh where you are going to be accepted. You can choose to ignore them after you are happy rather than leaving them emotionally damaged and some financial loss. Thank me later
You are loved dear. Lots of love from my end to you. Go to jw.website search for questions young people ask , read both the volume 1 and 2 you will find practical help for yourself…
Remember your mother anything you feel like taking your life, life is a precious gift from Jehovah God…
Matthews. I have been there. Personally, I even acted on my impulse, my partner threatened me as well. Honestly, God intervened and all praise to Him. I had help from my pastor as well, kindly contact Ammishaddai, he is a good man in Tema C.5. You can attend his church at Adjei Kojo as well.
TRUST GOD and be happy regardless of your plight, he will see you through. You will pull through, have faith. I’m married with a child now. God is that merciful, trust him, keep praying and fasting. KEEP THE FAITH.
Matthew pls don’t kill yourself. Join Alpha hour and your life will never be the same.
Go to the basics: You didn’t make yourself, God made you. Therefore if you have any problem with who you are, common sense says, go back to the one who made you. But don’t work alone. If you want to build a strong body, you go to a gym. Common sense says, if you want a strong faith, spiritual healing, go to a place of God!
Hello Matthews, life presents us with blessings and challenges. I think you should confide in someone you can trust, your mother maybe, just to lighten the burden you bear. And then continue to present yourself to God in prayer on the alter of Alpha Hour, the testimonies are countless. Please don’t end your life, live to be a testimony to others. My prayers are with you.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
Can we find a friend so faithful?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer 🙏
Yes you’ve said you’ve prayed and fasted yet there’s no answer to your request dear Matthews but I’m reiterating this that Jesus knows your weakness and sees your effort of overcoming it. That you’re not seeing sign’s doesn’t mean He(Jesus) has forsaken you.
Remember the story of Naaman, he was asked to only bath 7 times in Jordan. He murmured that there were better rivers in his hometown than river Jordan but then upon when his servant reiterated it he had a change of heart.
All I’m trying to say is the comments we all are given here means God knows you better than you claim you know yourself. Oh yes our Savior Jesus care, you and I knows that He cares. His heart is touched with our grief. When the days are weary and the long nights dreary I’m certain that your Savior Jesus cares.
He(Jesus) is still at work, working out for your good. Just trust and obey.
You can learn more with voice of hope medial broadcast by Pastor Isaac Appau or log into any Seven-Day Adventist church online Bible lecture to learn more
Peace to you
Shalom 🙏
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged,
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
Can we find a friend so faithful?
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer 🙏
Yes you’ve said you’ve prayed and fasted yet there’s no answer to your request dear Matthews but I’m reiterating this that Jesus knows your weakness and sees your effort of overcoming it. That you’re not seeing sign’s doesn’t mean He(Jesus) has forsaken you.
Remember the story of Naaman, he was asked to only bath 7 times in Jordan. He murmured that there were better rivers in his hometown than river Jordan but then upon when his servant reiterated it he had a change of heart.
All I’m trying to say is the comments we all are given here means God knows you better than you claim you know yourself. Oh yes our Savior Jesus care, you and I knows that He cares. His heart is touched with our grief. When the days are weary and the long nights draw
Its okay to feel what you are feeling. Donnie McLurkin Struggles with it as well the point is you dont have to act on it. This is probably the thorn in your flesh that is used to test your faith dont give up on Prayer. Find a counsellor you can talk to. If your mum is the kind of woman who understands and wont judge open up to her . Ask her to intercede for you as well. All the best
My brother, I have a family that can help you. Just find a future Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area. They can assist you with Buble guidance and answer all your questions. Or better still call me at +233205950145.
There are people who think like children in this our age. So recently, I had been hitting on a fair lady from whom I buy food. Then we started talking. It was when I asked her background that I got to know she is a daughter to one of my uncles who has not been visiting home frequently. Honestly, she is beautiful, but did I continue after realising what I was tasting for was immoral? No. The same for many impulses we feel as adults. When a person wrongs you badly and you feel like hurting them back even planning assault, do you not restrain yourself because it is wrong? Do you know how many people were attracted to their brothers, fathers or mothers but restrained themselves because they realised it is bad? There is a bible verse by Apostle Paul which admonished Christians to add discipline to their faith. When humans decide not to discipline themselves, they will succumb to every evil in the name of ‘feeling’ . My friend, stop been a wuss.