I was just a delivery guy going around delivering happiness to lovers on Valentine’s Day last year until my last delivery became an unwanted drama in a couple’s home.

In the early morning of 14th February 2023, a shop I deliver for called me to be at the premises of the shop as soon as possible. I couldn’t even get the time to bathe or polish up. I jumped onto my bike and in the next few minutes, I was there. The shop owner gave me a list of contacts and said, “Send these items to them as soon as possible.”

I called all the numbers on the list and told them I was bringing their delivery. This lady I called was confused and asked many questions I didn’t have answers to; “Who sent the package? Where does he live? Do you have his contact? Can you describe how he looks like?” Every “No” I said gave birth to another question. Finally, she gave me her location and asked me to deliver as soon as possible.

It wasn’t as soon as possible as she wanted it. I got to this lady’s location late afternoon and called but she didn’t answer. I called again and again until I decided to leave. Just when I sparked my bike, she called back.

We met at her gate and went through my stuff to pick up her package. Before I could hand it over to her, a man came from behind barking in a deep voice, “Hey hey hey, stop right there. Who sent you? Who asked you to bring this to my girlfriend?” I stood still, waiting for the lady to answer the questions. She didn’t so the man took the package and opened it, hoping to see any information about the sender. There was none.

He threw the package at me and asked me to return it to the sender. It had an iPhone. A pair of heels. A box of jewellery. Some chocolate and a wine that looks like the one Jesus used for the Last Supper. He pulled the lady inside and left me alone there. The face of the lady broke my heart. She was in severe pain.

Several minutes later, she called me on the phone; “Where are you? Make sure you keep everything safe. I will call and meet you for it. Please, don’t disappear with it, I beg you in the name of God.” She cut the line before I could talk back.

The following day, we met. I gave her the package and she kissed it. She whispered, “Idiot, you won’t buy some for me but have the audacity to be angry when I get it from somewhere else?” She smiled, tipped me handsomely and I drove away. There was one question I forgot to ask; “Do you now know who sent it?” But judging from what she said and the smile on her face, I concluded she knew and was grateful.



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