She knew I was married because she saw my ring the first time we met. She wanted to apply for the US lottery and a mutual friend directed her to me. Through that, we talked often and deepened the friendship between us. Even after I was done helping her, she kept calling every now and then and she passed by my office whenever she could. When I realized I was falling for her, I decided to back out of the friendship. I stopped calling her and sometimes did not pick up her calls. The more I tried to leave the friendship, the more this girl kept pushing.

One afternoon, I was in the office when she came wearing a long face. She looked at me someway, as if I’d wronged her in some way. I asked what the problem was and she said, “Have I wronged you in any way? I want to know because this is not the first time you’re doing this to me. Why don’t you pick up my calls? Why don’t you answer my text messages?” I thought I had to be frank with her so I told her what the problem was; 

“Slowly, I’m developing a certain affection for you and I don’t think it’s appropriate looking at my situation…” She cut in, “Your situation? Are you a cripple or you’re suffering from leprosy?” I answered, “Not that but you know I’m married and I’m not allowed to be in this kind of relationship. It’s the reason I’m pulling away because I don’t know how it will make you feel when you finally realize I’m in love with you.” 

Honestly, I said the truth knowing the truth will push her away from me. Instead, she made a joke out of it and asked questions that sought clarification on my feelings for her. She said, “If you love someone, you tell them. Yours is to let them know about your feelings. What they’ll do with that information is none of your business. You’re married, yes but you won’t be the only married man who has another woman on the side. It happens all the time. You don’t cut people off just because you’re developing feelings for them. You tell them. You’re a man.” 

She gave me hope and I hung onto that hope to propose. I asked her, “So if I say I want you, will you agree to be with me?” She smiled. She said, “This is your office. I came so we resolve our differences. After work, call me and let’s talk about it the way it should be talked about.” Right after work, I called and she said yes. I said in my head, “Wow, it’s that easy? And I was shying away?” So the affair started. She knew her role and she played it perfectly. She would only call when I’m at work. Once I tell her I’m home, it ends there. We could chat all day and at night when I could, I would hide and talk to her. She was the one who initiated all the crazy ideas. I was only following her lead.

For over a month, we only talked and met in public places. Whenever I suggested shuperu on the phone, she would be so excited about it but when it gets to the time that she has to show working, she would be giving me excuses. “It’s the time of the month. Unfortunately, it came tonight. I wasn’t even expecting it.” One day when we were so close to intimacy she told me she had white. “If you carry it home, your wife will get the hint that you’re cheating on her.” For two months, it was one excuse after the other. Meanwhile, I was discharging my duty as a boyfriend. I sent her money when she asked for it. I bought her talk time and data so we could do video calls and each time we met, I paid her fare. 

I got the hint that she was just toying with me so again I backed off. I stopped entertaining her and whenever she asked for something I ignored her. Again she came to my office. I didn’t even want to see her but she begged to have just a minute with me. She said it wasn’t intentional. “I can’t wait to do it with you too but it looks like we meet one unfortunate event after the other. As I’m sitting here I’m good and ready. If you like let’s do it.” I softened my stand. I told her, “I’ll call you after work so we meet somewhere.” She screamed, “Now you’re talking. I hope you won’t disappoint me. The way you’ve been calling for this match for this long, don’t come and give me two minutes show ooo, I won’t accept it.” We both laughed and she left.

I called her phone after work and it was off. I shook my head. I said to myself, “It’s over. This is where it ends. I’ll never pick up her calls again and I’ll never see her when she comes to look for me in the office. Never!” She called the next morning and I didn’t pick up. She texted, “I know I disappointed you but please give me a chance let me explain. Pick up my calls and let’s talk please.”

I picked up her call and she said she was sorry and that she would like to meet me in the evening. When we met she told me, “The thing is, I don’t want to have a relationship that is based on only sex. I want friendship. I want the feeling of courtship. I want to be wooed every day. But with you, I feel like all you want is sex and then nothing. Because of this, I’ve sworn not to do it with anyone until we are married.” I asked her, “So why didn’t you tell me right from the start?” She answered, “Well, I’m sorry about that but I’m telling you now.”

I was so angry I wanted to kick the stupidity out of her soul. I said, “Then it’s over. Just go your way and leave my life alone.” She said,” Oh so it’s true. All you wanted was shuperu right? You want to eat and leave me right? If you had any other good intentions you wouldn’t be bothered about my stance. You’re married. I also want to marry before I do it. What’s wrong with that?” I asked, “You mean I should marry you before I get it? Is that what you want to tell me? Didn’t you know I was married before you came?” She said, “Well, I thought we could be everything but sex mates.” 

READ ALSO: He Is A Wonderful Husband And Father, But His One Weakness Is Ruining Everything

I knew it was over that day so I deleted her number and blocked her line. I warned her not to come to my office again but guess what, this lady will call me with a different line every day to remind me it’s not over between us. She’ll be in a trotro and beg someone to use his phone to make a call. She’ll call me and say, “It’s me. I’m using a guy I met on a trotro’s phone to call you. If you won’t unblock me, I’ll always call with a different line. That’s how much I love you.” 

I thought she had a mental problem so I asked the person who directed her to me the first time and she said, “No she’s sane. She’s very sound in the mind.” I told her, “Please tell her to stop worrying me.” I told her I was done helping her but she keeps calling to disturb me so she should warn her to stop. She hadn’t stopped. Because of her, I think twice before picking up calls that I don’t have the number on my phone. The work I do won’t allow me to stop picking up calls from unknown numbers so each time when she calls with another number, I had to pick up. 

Currently, that’s the kind of devil I’m dealing with. I wish she would read this and leave me alone. I’m a married man, I don’t want disturbances. She has taken a lot from me already without giving me access. I’m OK. I’m not angry but she should leave my life alone.  I’m getting frustrated and that’s not good for the two of us because I know what I can do when I’m frustrated 


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