She speaks with her prophet every dawn, including dawns when she sleeps at my place. That’s not the problem. I understand her job at her church and her involvement with the prayer foundation of her church. It’s the reason the prophet calls every dawn.
They’d pray on the phone, he would tell her the revelations he had received during the night and they would pray about it. A lot of people also send their prayer requests in and when that happens, they’ll do a conference call with the rest of the warriors and pray together.
My girlfriend is a prayer warrior and when she prays you can feel something is happening.
She would be naked next to me when the prophet calls. She would get up, sit at the edge of the bed in her birthday suit and talk spiritual things with the prophet. Sometimes I wonder, “What if the prophet calls her on a video call?”
They would pray in tongues and shake the throne of the devil all night but right after that, she would jump on me and give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.
It’s her double personality that worries me. If she can lie to the prophet and God this way, who am I that she wouldn’t lie to? She makes it look flawless, without guilt and without shame.
I’m not involved in their prayer sessions but sometimes my guilty conscience pricks me on her actions. I’ve become an accomplice and I feel God will strike me first even before he strikes her.
The last time she told me, “I can’t wait for us to get married so I use it as an excuse to leave this church.”
We Broke Up Because Her Mother Didn’t Like Me | Hot Seat
Yes, we’ve talked about marriage but currently, I’m thinking twice about it because of the way she treats God and the Prophet. Many people in their church rely on her to get their prayers to God but see what she’s doing? Do you think God will listen to such a prayer? Do you believe God will listen to ours too?
I want to leave before she plays me the way she’s playing God and the prophet. Is this enough reason for me to leave her? Is a woman like this, not a red flag?
— Hammond
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You’re just looking for an excuse to leave this woman. What has she done to you personally? If you’re not comfortable with her double personality, then talk to her about it and get her to dissociate herself from the church
The funny thing about this Christianity thing is that the sins of majority of its adherents is mind blogging. You are right to flee. Such individuals are narcissist and only use God to cover up.
Nuhh a man like this is a red flag
You can stay and change her. Put her on track. If you leave her now someone will have her and it will be your greatest loss. Besides if you dump her she will find someone and continue this lifestyle. You know the right thing so do it and encourage her to do same. Don’t make up excuses to leave.
Cheating on God? what about you? At least she is trying by going to church. It’s the sick that goes to the hospital. We are all children of God, including you. God hasn’t asked you to do His work for Him. You can’t do His work for Him. If you want to leave her, look for a better excuse or make an honest woman out of her.