“God, I know you can see my heart. You must know the depth of my loneliness. I don’t have anyone who shows me affection and reminds me that I am not a waste of space. I am so tired of men walking out on me. Please, show me the way I should go. Send me the man from whose ribs I was made. I don’t want to wonder about aimlessly anymore. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers, amen!” March 2018 is the date. I remember it as if it happened in a movie I just saw. I was tired of choosing men for myself who only ended up disappointing me. So I went into my room, just as Daniel did when he sought the face of God. I went on my knees and prayed to God for marital favour,
Immediately after I brought my prayer to an end, my message notification went off. I checked and saw that I received a message from Facebook messenger. I had a Facebook friend who was always sending me messages. I mostly ignored him or replied to his messages late. However, this time his message arrived at a time when I had just prayed an important prayer, so I was open to exploring all possibilities. I asked myself, “This guy has been in my inbox for a while now. What if he is my future husband?” There was only one way to find out.
I replied to his message pleasantly and we had a nice chat. After the chat, we exchanged contacts. He expressed interest in me that very day and I also accepted it. I believed in my heart that this man was the one God created purposely for me. We didn’t live close to each other and our busy schedules did not permit us to meet just yet so we stuck to phone conversations. Even that, it was mostly texting via WhatsApp and Facebook. Our responses to each other’s texts were always prompt.
After a while of getting to know each other and bonding over the phone, my boyfriend and I agreed to finally meet. It was our first meeting so he offered to come to my town so I would feel comfortable. I didn’t have a problem with that except for the fact that I couldn’t host him at my place because I was new in town and was living with a friend. So we planned for him to stay at a hotel close to my house. He sent me money to book the hotel and make the necessary preparations for his arrival. I got the room and waited for him over there after I closed from work on Friday.
When he arrived, we were comfortable around each other instantly. All the time we spent on the phone erased all forms of newness from our interactions. Things got intense between us very quickly, and the next thing we realized, things were knocking things. Our time together was incredible. Everything he did and said increased my love for him. We lived in a bubble of love and a promising future the entire weekend we were together. On his way back to his base, we chatted for a while until he texted; “Babe, my battery is dying so I am going to turn off my data until I arrive. I will text you when I get home. Love you!” That text message marked the beginning of our end.
He started responding to my messages very late after that day. If I didn’t text or check up on him, he would go the whole day without checking up on me. He could be online commenting on issues yet ignore my messages on Facebook Messenger. He would read my Whatsapp messages but not reply to them. I was surprised at the drastic turn in the relationship. “What did I do to offend him?” I sent him messages asking, “Did I say or do anything to hurt you?” He saw the messages and chose to ignore them.
READ MORE: He Married Me Because I Passed His Test. He Doesn’t Know I Cheated In The Exams
It was difficult but by and by, I had to accept the fact that he did not want me again. I counted my losses and left him alone. While I was trying to move on I was still hung up on him. Whenever my phone beeped or rang, I hoped it was him texting or calling to explain his actions. Whatever excuse he had to give, I was willing to take it in good faith and accept him back. That’s how deeply I loved him. However, he never called or texted. So I had no choice but to give up on us. It hurt so bad. I felt dirty. The thought that he came into my life just to sleep with me was what tore me apart. But I was determined to soldier on with my life.
When God Throws A Wife On Your Table–Beads Media
I blocked him on Facebook, Messenger and Whatsapp. As payback, I purposed in my heart to better myself. I went back to school for a Master’s degree. The plan was, “The next time he sees or hears from or about me, I will be in a place way better than where he left me.” But as time went on, I forgot about that payback plan and did it for me. Yes, I got the Masters for myself.
He doesn’t even come to mind anymore. I remembered this incident when I saw a video on the page about guys leaving after sex and I decided to share my story. I don’t have any hard feelings toward him. I’m in a better place now. He reacted to a comment I made on one of the Facebook pages and I didn’t feel any bitterness. I was only dumbfounded that he had no sense of shame after what he did. That he had the nerve to react to my comment with a laughing sticker as though things ended between us on a joyful note. Anyway, I forgave him long ago although he never asked for my forgiveness. I did it so I could heal. And now I am alright. Time heals all wounds indeed.
— Salem
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com