If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.
My plan was to ignore the incident and continue living with him in silence. That’s who I am. Naturally, I find it difficult to verbally express my emotions. So I am usually laid back and reserved when I am confronted by heavy situations like this. The only way I could bare out my heart and deal with what happened was to hide behind the safety of anonymity and share my story here on this page. Thankfully, the audience empathised with me and gave me sound counsel.
Many of the comments advised me to break the silence. They said it was important for my mental health that I don’t bottle up my pain. I understood them but I just didn’t know how to address things. So I decided to take it slowly until I was ready to open up. The easiest advice for me to follow was the one from the people who said I shouldn’t sleep in the same bed with him.
The day the story was published, he returned home from his work as a surgeon to find that I had moved my stuff to the guest room. I was in the room when he came looking for me. I locked the door so he wouldn’t enter. He knocked and knocked for almost two hours. Each knock was accompanied by, “Babe, I am so sorry for doing this to you. Let’s talk about it, please.” I remained silent until he left.
That night, I tossed and turned in the guest bed, replaying his profuse apology in my head like a broken record. By the time I eventually fell asleep, I felt guilty for the way I treated him. Nonetheless, I snapped out of the guilt when I asked myself, “Would he have apologized if he hadn’t gotten caught?” I don’t understand why in these situations, they are only sorry when they get caught.
The next day, I left for work as usual. I am a safety officer in one of the mines in Ghana. I didn’t know he was still at home when I left. The day for me, was heavy but I did my best to perform my duties without getting distracted by my own misery.
On my way home, I thought about what I would do that evening. If I would finally talk to him or if I would continue with the silent treatment. As I sought to make a decision, my mind took me back to the way things were before that fateful day.
If I hadn’t returned home from the funeral early, I wouldn’t have known that my marriage was not as perfect as I thought. He was a good husband. The kind who washed the dishes when I cooked. The kind who cleaned the windows while I dusted the furniture. The kind who hung the clothes when I was doing the laundry.
He was supposed to be the husband of my youth. We got married when I was twenty-five and our marriage will be two years old in December. When we found out I was pregnant three months ago, he became more tender toward me and doted on me. Everything was fine between us. We had a solid friendship. Our sexual chemistry was unmatched. There was never a time I withheld myself from him. I was so sure of myself as a wife that I only saw a perfect husband in him. Unbeknownst to me, everything I believed was something else.
I mused over this until I got home. I expected to meet a silent house but I was surprised to see my elder sister outside. She opened the gate for me and I drove in. When I got inside I saw my mum, my husband’s parents, and two of his uncles. Nobody had told me there was going to be a family meeting. I felt ambushed. I also knew there and then that the meeting was about my husband’s infidelity.
My sister followed me inside and asked what was wrong. I was confused that she didn’t know. “Didn’t they tell you why you are here?” She said, “No, mama only asked me to escort her here. She didn’t tell me why.” I said okay and went into the guest room to change into something breathable. When I went back out, everybody’s eyes were on me while my mother-in-law joined my husband on the floor. They were both on their knees.
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I was overwhelmed with emotions that I almost didn’t speak. But I felt awful to see his mother kneeling down. I knew she wouldn’t get up if I asked her to. So I asked my husband to get up. When he did, she followed suit.
At the meeting, they asked him if I had been denying him intimacy. He shook his head and said, “I will be lying if I say she does. The longest we have gone without it is these few days since the incident happened.” His father then asked him to apologize to me in the presence of everyone. He did it eagerly.
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After his apology, everyone present advised me to forgive him, including my mom. I agreed to let the matter go, but only under certain conditions: we would abstain from intimacy for six months to get an HIV test before we would engage in intimacy, and he would change the bed. His mum also added that he should compensate me for not disgracing him publicly when I caught him in the act. Everyone said the terms are fair. My husband has also agreed to do all of them.
As we are trying to restore the trust that was broken, we are taking things slowly. We know that things will not go back to how they used to be so easily. So right now, we are crawling. When the time is right, we will leap, before we eventually become whole again. I am thankful to all of you for your comfort and guidance.
— Kathy
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I really understand you, but I tell you, you have a good man at home , I wish my husband would just be remorseful over his infidelity act for once
Kathy God bless you for this decision. Even though a lot of people may disagree, it is still your marriage and you decide everything. To practice onenes in marriage is to clinge to your marriage regardless of any external influence. It is true that this can be difficult to do especially when such issue has happened and everyone may tell you to do the contrary. They are not wrong either because these contradictory ideas are as a result of empathy and love. Now listen, the journey of healing will be long! And trust me, you and your husband can’t do it alone. Get yourself a counselor, a God inclined one for that matter and let this counselor help you. Again, help your husband for him to also help you. Don’t be laid back and quiet. Move in with him in his room, retaliate his I love you, evoke some vulnerability by calling him babe even if it hurts you so bad! Now more than ever be intentional about doing things together- pray together, eat together, go on dates, have a movie date at home, hold hands. We can’t for tell tomorrow and anticipate the worst but we certainly have today to make the most of it to influence the future. I’m so positive about you guys and can’t wait to see how strong your marriage will be out of this situation! God bless this marriage 🙏🏽
You are clearly a good person. May you rediscover the joy in your marriage faster than you anticipate. Your extended families are functional and morally balanced too. Keep your connection to both extended families going strong.
Kathy your husband is a great man,he loves you, respects and cherishes you and the marriage,his type is rare so please do everything possible to keep him and make the marriage work, please you must do your best to adore him,love him like never before and make your marriage an enviable one, I wish you all the best and more wisdom to continue with this journey