I was preparing to go to church one evening when I got a call from an old friend. “Have you heard?” she asked. I was confused, “What have I heard?” “Oh, so you haven’t heard the news about Martey?” At this point I was losing my patience, “I haven’t heard from Martey in years. Is everything okay with him?” “Hmm, Martey is going mad. At least that’s what they are saying. All he does is drink himself into a stupor and smoke himself into insanity. They say his mind is slowly slipping away.” Her explanation left me more confused, “Which Martey are you talking about? Because I can assure you that the one I know is a good Christian guy. He lives his life to please God. He won’t do any of the things you are talking about.” She then went into detail about how much change a guy I knew to be so pure had gone through. It looked like she was describing a completely different person.

“This is all my fault. If only I stayed by his side, this wouldn’t have happened. I am a bad friend and sister.” This is how I berated myself after the phone call ended. Martey and I were two peas in a pod. I never even imagined that a time would come when I wouldn’t know his whereabouts. We were so close that a lot of people thought we were dating. But we were just good friends. I used to advise him on a lot of major life decisions and how he should live a God-centred life. We shared a bond that was as strong as a bond between siblings.

He had a difficult home life. I remember some of the scary things he shared with me about his family. I couldn’t believe how he managed to remain strong after everything he was going through. All I could do for him at that time was to pray for him and share some advice with him. And I was happy when he heeded my advice, as it helped him deal with the situation as best as possible. Maybe it was the fact that I was his calm when his life got stormy. Or maybe it is true what they say, that two people of the opposite sex cannot maintain a close platonic relationship without someone catching amorous feelings at some point. I am not sure what changed for him. All I saw was that he started showing interest in me in a way that frightened me.

From everything he was doing, I could tell that he wanted us to be in a relationship that was beyond friendship. I couldn’t have that. He was like a brother to me. Moreover, I was not ready for a relationship. I didn’t want him to confess his feelings so that I would have to deal with the awkwardness of rejecting him. So I acted fast. I started ignoring his calls. When he texts me, I would read it and intentionally reply late. If he told me he was in trouble and needed to talk, I would act too busy to be there for him. I felt if I did that, it would put some space between us and kill his feelings for me. I just wanted us to be friends, but I ended up pushing him completely away from me.

It was truly my fault. I was so naïve that I didn’t know how to handle the whole situation. When my subtle attempts at ignoring him failed, I resorted to a more aggressive approach. I became completely cold toward him. When he got tired of my attitude he pushed, “What’s going on with you? Did I do anything to hurt you?” I responded, “No, you didn’t do anything to offend me. But you are always in space. So I need you to back off.” He was hurt, but I foolishly believed that I was helping him. I thought by removing myself from his life, he would have time to focus on his books and serve God.

READ MORE: The Pain Of Always Being The Unfortunate Twin

I would have done things differently if I knew then what I know now. I wouldn’t have shut him off and ended our friendship just because he fell in love with me. Even when I lost his number, I always thought of him and wondered how he was doing. And I never heard anything about him until my old friend called me with that terrible news. That day I wept bitterly. I felt his life wouldn’t have taken that course, if I was still in his life, praying for him and giving him godly counsel. I felt as if I had failed at my duty as a Christian, and as a friend. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel burdened to find him and help him.

It’s My Brother Who Helps My Husband To Cheat On Me–Beads Media 

I started searching for him at the places I could think of. They directed me to his hideout. I went there in high hopes of seeing him but then I was told he moved to another place. I asked our colleagues, friends, and family, about him but no one knows where he is. I have searched for him on all social media platforms but I couldn’t find him. The most painful aspect of all this is that I don’t even have a photo of him to show to people. I always prayed to God that no one around me should go astray, but here we are. The person who was closest to me has lost his way.

It’s painful but I have faith that one day I will see him again. I pray that God guides him wherever he is and helps him find his way back home. Just like the prodigal son went back to his father, it is my innermost prayer that God will make his light shine upon him as well, and lead him to the path of righteousness. Please, I need you all to pray with me, that my lost friend and brother would be saved again.


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