I met a lady wearing my husband’s shirt in town. I know this lady on my husband’s phone. They’ve been to places. They’ve taken photos together. I’ve asked about her and he told me she was once a working colleague until she left the company they were both working for. I see her comments on the posts my husband makes on Facebook. She’s very vocal on social media so you easily see her.

I went to the mall and saw her in the aisle picking items into her basket. The shirt got my attention first before I saw the human in the shirt. Blue shirt. My husband has worn it on so many occasions and I’ve washed and folded it on so many occasions so I knew it was the same shirt.

I walked to her and said hello. Her face changed. She gave a wry smile that said something was wrong. I said, “I know you on Facebook.” She responded with shock on her face, “Really? I don’t think I know you. How did you know me when I’m not even on Facebook very much?”

She was lying and it showed. When we finished talking, I picked up my phone to check her up on Facebook. I wanted to make a comment under her post and say, “I’m the lady you just met.” I checked her wall and I’d been blocked.

I took a photo of her. Unfortunately, her face wasn’t showing in the picture. I sent it to my husband and asked, “Is this not your shirt your former colleague is wearing?”

He sent a quick response, “My colleague? Who is that? I don’t think I know who this is.”

In the evening when he came home we continued this argument. He swore heaven and earth that it wasn’t that lady I saw and he didn’t know who was in the photo. I asked, “So where is that shirt?” He answered, “I should ask you that question because it’s you who wash and fold them. Where did you place it? Or you intentionally hid it somewhere so you can play this game with me?”

He made me feel like a fool who was seeing dreams on a dead tree. “Open your Facebook. Let’s see her face and compare it to this photo. Prove to me that I’m lying!” I requested.

If it’s today that he’s going to open his Facebook for me, I don’t know. We fought over this for a week. I decided I would drop it for peace to reign but I’m hurt. It’s no longer about the cheating but the fact that he’s making me feel like a fool. That hurts.

I’m on a mission. I won’t say everything here but once I discover everything, he will say sorry but it will be too late for him. I’ve told him the same thing. That this is the right time for him to say sorry and not tomorrow. He laughed it off. He called me paranoid. We’ll see.

— Helena

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