It’s 3:12 AM but sleep seems to be having a quarrel with me. I have all the bad things cramming up in my head. This headache that has been with me for over five years has also joined the party. They all seem to be having fun but the only thing on my mind is, when will it all end? I know this page is a relationship page so I did not want to write this in the first place. But I can’t bear these heavy emotions all by myself anymore. I need someone to vent to. So pardon me if this rant dampens your joy this Monday morning.
I am at a place where when someone dies, I don’t feel sad. It does not even break my heart that they will be missed. KODA was one of my favourite musicians, yet when he died it did not pain me in the way it should. When I saw people writing about what a loss it is to have him gone, I was jealous. Believe it. I was envious of the dead. I wished I was the one who died instead of him.
I have a headache that has been a thorn in my flesh since 2018. I am not speaking in metaphors. I am talking about a literal headache. When the pain comes, it feels like someone is splitting my brain into two with a knife. It gets so bad that all I pray for is death. I cry out to him or whatever gender fits eternal sleep, saying, “Come for me and end my misery. Living is too painful an existence.” This is why each time an old classmate, a friend, or a relative passes I am pained that they did not take me along with them. Sometimes all I say is, “This person is so lucky to be taken away from this awful world. It should have been me and not them. Next time I hope it’s me.” But the next time I find myself receiving news instead of being the news.
When I go online and see my friends, and people in my online community happy and moving steadily with life, I scoff. I see some of them posting pictures of parties they attended, while others talk with great pride about their academic accomplishments and career milestones, and it all looks good. But I am not stupid. I know most of them are faking it. I know this because I am one of them. You will never see me without a smile on my face and a kind word for anyone I come across.
I am practically a motivational speaker. I tell people not to succumb to their low moments. “Do what the sun does after a night of darkness, rise to the occasion!” I would say. I am the one you come to for cheer, meanwhile, my life is as bleak as daytime in the Antarctic. This is why I believe when they say, not all that glitters is gold, they are talking about me. I am the most lively person you will ever encounter but I am always looking around the corner, hoping and praying that my time to exit this world is closer than ever.
I know, I know, most people will say I’m crazy. Some will tell me, “There is more to life than your suffering,” and “blah, blah, blah.” I already know all this but it does not change the fact that I am tired. I really am.
This feeling of loneliness, of emptiness, of sadness, plagues me. My life is an open door it walks into and walks out of at will. Sometimes I tell myself it is an evil spirit, but I know better than to blame the devil for my problems. I know it is because I am not truly loved by the people in my life.
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I believe that if my ailment should cripple me today, no one will come to my aid. The ones who can come won’t, and the ones who want to will not be able to. I say this because almost everyone in my life gets close to me to get what they want from me. When they are done, they leave. That’s why there are only two people on this earth who know the true extent of my suffering.
I have tried to open up a few times but people hate to have these conversations. They only want to hear the good stuff. Even my pastor indirectly shut me down when I tried to confide in him.
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When it comes to romance, I don’t even bother. It is not as if nobody wants me. I’m not blowing my own horn but I am handsome. I have many ladies crushing on me. But I can’t even take any of them seriously. I know I’ll waste their time and effort and I’m not ready to do that to someone’s child, so I ignore all of them. It didn’t even end well in all my previous relationships so why try now that the end is near?
In case you are wondering what I truly want, just know that I don’t need money, no, I passed that level a long time ago. As for prayers, I am not even sure I do, because someone might pray a prayer I don’t like. I just need a time machine, to go back to a place where I didn’t know this pain. I say this because as time progresses, it keeps getting worse. This is why I hope it takes me to my grave soon so I can be free.
— Job
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
1. The best way to console oneself, is to look around you. You will find people who are worse off than you, but haven’t given up.
2. There are a lot of people in your situation. They need a purpose for their lives; something to live for. There is only one thing that can change that: Love. Giving and receiving love. In your case, since you are averse to relationships, it might come from a child. A little boy or a little girl. How you get one, you’ll have to figure out yourself.
3. If you are really feeling physical pain in your head and you are in Ghana, then go to Korle Bu. The neurological group can do great things. I know.
Job God Loves you.
God loves you so much.
And this too will pass.
Have you been to any medical center. Try again this time and go with faith that everything will be alright. God is bigger than this headache.
I don’t know you, but you will always be in my prayers.
I will love to be your friend, so we can walk together.
If you can, chat me. I would love to connect you to a man of God your can talk to.
God Loves you dearly bro Job
Hi Job, I don’t know if you’d believe but I once felt exactly the same way you’re doing right now, I’m not completely healed yet but i don’t feel the exact same way anymore. Sometimes, what we need is not for everyone to love or appreciate us, we just need that one or two persons to really show us true love and care and respect us. I say this cos I get this feeling even from immediate family members that once you’re no longer useful to them, they don’t care whether you live or not and from friends, you’re the one always keeping in touch and reaching out and once you don’t, everyone forgets you. But I’m telling you, it’s not the end of the world. There are plenty people out there who are dependent upon your survival, I see it as a divine assignment to be able to help even if I don’t get a quarter of the help back when I need it. It’s not easy but I strive to appreciate the very few who show me true love and care the little I can and always let them know that they are appreciated. Please don’t let depression win over you. You can find peace in Christ and the Holy Spirit. You might not need anyone to help, you might need someone to help but in case you don’t, the Holy Spirit is available always, just seek Him with a your heart and He’ll give you the peace you so much needs and desire. God loves you and there’s more to your life than the darkness you’re experiencing now.
Joe I might not be able to comprehend what you need because I’m confused as to the meaning of your story. If it’s literal pain you are experiencing then go to the hospital quickly. Some brain tumours announce their presence with headaches initially. Also some mental health disorders are associated with headaches. Please if it might help seek medical advice
Is your name really Job or its a pseudonym. Whichever it is you can draw great inspiration from the biblical Job. He was afflicted physically and emotionally, prayed for death and all but he persevered till his awakening moment. I also don’t know which type of prayer you were talking about as not the type you liked but Jehovah listens to all prayers if prayed through Jesus, and he is closer to the afflicted the most. Pls go to the hospital for diagnoses if you haven’t done that already and never look down on the importance of prayer. I hope Jehovah remembers you like he did Job. Wish you all the best Job. Hang in there.
If the pain you talk about is a migraine (very localised headache), I’d recommend you get your eyesight checked for myopia. A pair of glasses (lens) might be all you need. Good luck.
Sending you warm hugs and a heartfelt prayer. Kindly see a doctor if you haven’t yet. Someone recommended Korle Bu and I agree or you can as well check IMAH in Tema. They both have great doctors. Keep faith
God still loves you Job,and it shall be well
Actually I couldn’t find the exact head ache you are having
Come to Jesus now, He’s the answer to all your challenges. Give yourself to him,do right by him and u’d experience complete healing my brother. God be with u
God Loves you dearly bro Job
Hi Job. From your story I can tell you’re deep in the depths and darkness of depression and you’re slowly sinking into it. I suggest you see a psychiatrist or psychologist to talk to about your pain and your thoughts of death. They will help you process them better and they will be able to recommend a good doctor for your migraines too. A psychiatrist or psychologist is easily accessible at any mental health facility. If you’re in Ghana, you can see one in Accra psychiatry at a very affordable price.
I pray you get better soon. Best of luck to you and know you are loved.
It sounds like you could have trigeminal cephalgia. The pain is usually unbearable but the condition can be managed. Go and see a neurologist as soon as possible for a proper evaluation.
Is a emotional disturb and psychological disorder thats makes you lost in this feelings. Nobody will understand your pains but Nature does . Know this , that your life is a movie that has worst moments included but that is not the end . Good moments await you and soon approaching but first , *BE STRONG FROM WITHIN THAT MAKES YOU A MAN* YOU ARE A LEGEND, YOUR STORY WILL CHANGE MOMENTS IN PEOPLE’S LIFE .. “DEATH IS NOT THE BEST SOLUTION ” !!!
Hi Job,please have you been to the hospital for medical examination, if no then you have to do that