I have a wonderful husband. He’s a great father to our children and I love him.

Everything was fine until recently when I met my Boss for the first time. I recently started working in my new office so I never met the Boss personally. From the day he saw me, he took a special interest in me. He knows I’m married and he is okay with that.

He treats me like a woman and caters for all my bills. He pays for the things I don’t even know I need.  I love being with him. He makes me feel very safe and with him, I think the world can go away for all I care.

He’s not married and he is willing, in his own words, to “be here” for me.

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We are yet to have shuperu but he kissed me last night before we departed from each other and I’ve been yearning for his kiss all day. Not only his kiss but I’ve started wondering what it would be like to lay in bed with him and surrender to his desires.

I tell him how much it hurts doing this to my husband and he tells me, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. What he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.”

He has a way of getting to me emotionally. It’s only my husband who has been able to get to me the way my boss has and it makes me want to keep him—keep him and keep my husband too.

My husband knows him as my Boss and nothing else. He will surely break down and break up with me if he finds out so I’ve learned not to leave no traces. It’s kind of a confusing state I’m in now. Confused because my husband has to hurt me or treat me badly to be able to fall for someone else but in this case, everything is fine between us but I still yearn for someone new.

I need my job badly so I don’t want to do anything to hurt my boss. This is the only job I’ve had that pays beyond my imagination. I can’t afford to lose it. That aside, I want my boss and need my husband. I wish there was a way the two can work at the same time.

I Will Change My Views About Sex | Silent Beads

The seriousness of the issues currently is, since I met my boss, shuperu with my husband is like a duty for me. I avail myself to him but I don’t feel anything. It’s like the stream and the stone story. What can the stream do to the stone? Nothing. He’s busy doing it and I’m there thinking about my boss. I need help, I know. That’s why I’m here.


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