I am a thirty-two-year-old nurse who cannot even boast of GHC1,000 in my account. No, I am not lazy. I work hard. Every thing that is required of me to do, I do it diligently yet I cannot point to anything I have accomplished in my life. Ever since I started working four years ago, I have tried to have something else to do on the side but it’s been almost impossible
I have ventured into businesses but none of them yielded any results. I even took loans and used them as capital for some of the businesses but I only ran into debts. I became scared of trying another business on my own as a result. I decided to play it safe and invest in someone else’s business.
First, it was my friend’s business. I invested GHC4,500 into it. She took the money peacefully but when the time came for me to start reaping the profits, it became war. Now, we have become enemies. I didn’t get the return on my investment, and neither did I get the principal amount I invested. The money just went down the drain.
After her, I invested in my partner’s fish farming business. I took a loan of GHC12,000 for this. Something went wrong and it triggered another thing to go wrong and it led to an incident. Long story short, I lost all that money.
Sometimes I feel like giving up but I am a strong woman. So I keep pushing for the sake of my siblings who are looking up to me. They are the reasons my salary finishes by the 5th of the month. I take care of two of them in school. One is in high school while the other one is in university. I have two other siblings who also pitch in but it’s still hard. By the time I am done with the expenses, I have nothing left to save for myself. It’s the reason most of my colleagues have their degrees but I still haven’t gone back to school to get mine.
Of all the losses I have made, the one that pained me most happened when I bought a goat last month. They had just paid our salaries. I decided I would buy a goat in the village so my mum would take care of it for me. I just wanted to have something in my name.
Last Monday my mum called to tell me the goat went missing about a week ago. They searched everywhere but couldn’t find it. I feel I am the only person something like this would happen to. How can a goat I bought disappear in less than three weeks? Another money gone, GHC400. The amount seems small but I was so hurt considering how tightly I had to squeeze myself to spare that money.
When I think about the fact that nothing seems to work for me I feel I am cursed. It’s not just the businesses. My relationships suffer too. Every relationship I have been in ended badly. I am not a demanding person. No guy I have dated has spent up to GHC500 on me. They always go broke when it comes to me. I am even the one who spends money on them sometimes.
My current partner, for instance, is not financially stable. He went to school abroad and returned to Ghana hoping to find a job but so far he is still job hunting. This is the reason he wasn’t enthused when I found out I was pregnant in April. He asked me to get rid of it but at thirty-two, it didn’t make sense for me to do that. I chose to keep the baby. Since then, he has been acting up.
When he said he didn’t have money for a child I told him, “I have a job so I will hold the fort. When you get a job then you support.” Because of this, he has washed his hands off everything concerning me and the baby. I am almost in my seventh month but he has never given me a penny. When it comes to emotional support too, it’s zero.
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He lives in Accra while I live in a town in the Bono region because of work. He knows I am pregnant but he can go for weeks without calling me. When I call him, he picks up at his own convenience. He has never visited me at my station. No, our relationship is not new. We’ve been together for three years and my family knows him. I expected so much from him but here we are.
I am a strong woman, I know but gradually my strength is wearing out. If I can’t have a thriving relationship, at least let me have money. Is that too much to ask for? I am very prayerful. And I know I am not a bad person. I do my best to contribute to society. It’s just sad that nothing seems to be working for my good. How can one person be doing poorly in two important aspects of her life?
The Secret He Wasn’t Telling Me Was On His Phone
This is why I have come to you today. I am not looking for anything but words of encouragement. Maybe there’s someone who found themselves in my shoes at some point in their life. I need to know there’s light at the end of this tunnel. Most importantly, I want to be connected to a powerful man of God.
I am a prayerful Christian but sometimes you need someone with a higher authority in the spiritual realm to help you break some yokes. Ever since my goat went missing, I have felt like I need that kind of divine intervention. That’s what I am looking for. I am sure there’s a spiritual sabotage in my life. So if anyone here knows a powerful man of God who can turn things around for the better, please connect me.
— Afika
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
I will recommend Pastor Elvis Agyemang
Kindly join Alpha Hour prayers @12Am.
I can be of help to be calling you when it’s time so you join.
Never give up,God is up to something okay?
Good day sis
Go to YouTube and search for NSPPD. The name of the pastor is Jerry Eze, we pray every morning Monday to Friday 6 am to 8 am.
Join and testify here again
We had Ghana conference in February you can check it out.
The prayers may sound loud but don’t let it bother you.
I support the God factor contributions made by @Efyarh Borngreat and @Bella. But you need to learn basic financial skills. Pay yourself each month. You cannot empty yourself every month for your siblings, partner and parents. You are acting so nice and docile thus why your businesses are not working. Smile when people are buying from you or taking a loan from you and document the transaction. If they start acting up, bear your teeth. Report them to their pastors and bosses. Make their life HELL. Prayers is good, but taking appropriate actions are more important. If you stress yourself for others and die, they will collect your social security contributions and live a good live on it. It’s sad your pregnancy is seven months gone, i will have told you to abort it. A lazy, uncommitted man like current partner does not deserve to have his sperms taken forward into the next generation. Africa is behind because of such lazy stupid genes.
I’m glad you’re a prayerful woman. God makes all things beautiful in HIs own time. Keep praying and believing, something will work out. Sending you hugs sis🫂
My dear, stop giving loans, stop taking loans and start to pay yourself at the end of the month. Don’t be satisfying others while you’re not satisfied and contact the administrator for my email address so we can take things from there
You can visit my church @fb God’s friend Eric Ministries
Cursed? The problem with you is that you don’t appreciate what you’ve got. You’ve set some unrealistic expectations for yourself. You are employed. With some difficulty, no doubt, you are able to look after yourself and even support your siblings. What more do you want? Who says you must invest in any business? After all your future is being taken care of by your Social Security contributions. If you have any spare money, instead of going to buy goats, who have minds of their own, put it in a fixed deposit or treasury bills. What you need to do, is to look behind you, and when you see the great numbers of people behind you, maybe you’ll begin to appreciate how well-placed and lucky you are. Your relationship issues are normal. People have been through worse, and have prevailed in the end. In a few months, God will give you an ‘object’ of all your affection and attention. Continue to pray and be thankful for what you’ve got. Things will get better.
This is very sad, but u have to know that we’re not battling against the flesh and blood alone (read Ephesians 6: 12…)
you may be the bread winner in your family, hence you’re the devil’s target. Satan knows when he breaks you down, he’s the whole family at glance. People like u always need to be connected to God through righteousness, fasting and prayers 🙏 to break the devil’s plan in a step at a time.
I recommend one powerful church to you in your area (True Faith Church International, locally know as Gyedi k)k)).
This church will not only help u against spiritual battles but also guard your path in the right direction towards Salvation.
kindly contact me via email
eoppong275@gmail.com for direction in your area. Trust me this is the right place for you
Your brethren around the world are going through the same thing. So I say to you as someone in your shoes or more, that there’s light at the end of the tunnel 💡.
Never make suicide an option though; psyche your mind against that. And learn to go a little easy on yourself with regards to your ambitions. Sometimes, have a blank mind and ENJOY the MOMENT, taking each day at a time.
Ambitions are good. But over-ambitions and anxiety can make you weary, and even take you to your early grave. You were made to LIVE, you were meant to LOVE ❤️.
That’s why my profile reads, “I live, and I love ♥️”, no matter the hurt.
Look for brother Chris on facebook please.. and you will testify..