I grew up in a very strict Muslim household. Lessons of chastity were served with our daily meals. “Ruky, don’t let a boy touch you. Keep your body for your husband,” my mother hammered in my head the least chance she got. So I stayed away from boys. I wouldn’t talk to them or look at them.
The few times I took interest in boys, it wasn’t sexual. It was mostly admiration and crushes. Every time someone suggested going all the way with me, I would remember my mother’s lectures and then tell them I was saving myself for marriage.
I held on to my virginity until I met Hassan. I told him, “I haven’t done it yet, and I am not going to do it until I am married.” He smiled and said, “That’s alright. I can wait.” True to his words, he waited. We were in love so the wait was difficult. Sometimes our emotions would try to get in the way but we overcame them until we finally tied the knot in a simple Islamic ceremony.
I was twenty-five when we got married. The pain I went through that night just for us to consummate our marriage was not a joke. It was my first time so I expected it to hurt. I clenched my teeth and endured it until it was over. When he finished I said to myself, “Now that we’ve done the painful part, I will enjoy everything that comes afterward.”
I am sure when I made that statement the universe laughed. I am saying this because the next time we did it again, it hurt. That one too I convinced myself that it was the second time so the pain was not abnormal. Maybe after this, I won’t feel pain when we do it next time. That was what I consoled myself with.
My husband works in another town so he only comes home on weekends. When he went away for work I was relieved. His absence meant no shuperu. No shuperu meant no pain. It also meant I didn’t have to pretend I was having fun when I wasn’t.
When the week finally passed and the weekend arrived, I was petrified. For some reason, I didn’t know how to tell my husband about the pain I feel when we get together. I feel embarrassed to have that kind of conversation with him. So I have been performing an act every time we make love.
Because of the pain, it scares me. So I don’t like it. I don’t feel any iota of pleasure when he is touching me. All I feel is fear and pain. I have tried to move past it but it’s somewhat impossible.
The moment he tries to touch me, I panic. By the time he is touching me and we are doing it, I am in pain. I try my best to hide it but it doesn’t seem I am succeeding. There are times he asks me, “What’s going on with you? Do you not find me desirable?” He doesn’t know exactly what the problem is but he knows something is wrong.
I love him. Our marriage is not even two months old. I don’t want to drive my husband away this soon because of my pain. Is this happening because I married as a virgin? The women here who waited till marriage to do it, did you experience pain even after the first time? How long did the pain last?
I am very worried that there’s something wrong with me. What if I am one of those people who don’t have sexual feelings? Maybe that’s why I feel pain when we do it. My body is probably protesting the activity because it doesn’t want it. I know this sounds crazy but what if I am right?
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Ever since I started having shuperu, I have never enjoyed it. I have also never desired or craved it. How is this normal? As a young woman with blood coursing her veins, I should want to have intimacy with my man. But that has not been my portion. I only do it because it’s part of my wifely duties. And I want that to change.
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I want to be able to make love to my husband and enjoy every bit of it. I want to crave his touch instead of dread it. I want to enjoy the feel of his skin against mine, and not wish for him to hurry up and get off me.
Please what can I do to enjoy intimacy in my marriage? Also, is there something wrong with me? Or what I’m experiencing is normal? I need help.
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Dear Rukaya, I can understand what you’re going through. I believe you should try to talk to your husband about the pain and explain to him how you feel during the act. Let him understand you need him to help you to overcome it so that he can take his time with you when he starts. He should do more of the romance and if possible use a water based lubricant too. It might help the process.
You should have been enjoying by now but I think because he works in another town and comes in only weekends so u go back tight. Staying away from sex for some days make u tight again especially since u r now starting. I think you should get some 1 week with him, doing it everyday to get the place properly loose and before the act just set ur mind on it , try to imagine him in ur mind with the romance or if possible watch some romantic video to make u wet and ready to wait for him. You will enjoy it dear.
Oh, Rukaya, your story had me chuckling and cringing at the same time! It’s like you were handed a manual for “Avoiding Shuperu 101” and now you’re stuck in a comedic whirlwind of wifely duties and painful pleasures.
But let’s get serious here – first off, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin when you get married. People have different experiences when it comes to intimacy, and it’s not uncommon to experience pain, especially during your first times. Your body is adjusting to new sensations, and it can take some time to adapt.
Now, as for that “pleasure” part, well, the universe does have a sense of humor, doesn’t it? It’s like you were expecting fireworks, but instead, you got a sparkler that occasionally misfires. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many couples go through an adjustment period where intimacy isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Communication is the key here. Your husband is a partner in this adventure, and he deserves to know what you’re feeling. Instead of pretending you’re having a blast, open up to him about the discomfort. Discuss your worries, your fears, and your desires. If he loves you, he’ll understand and work with you to make it better.
It might also be a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a sex therapist to rule out any physical issues and explore ways to enhance your intimacy experience.
Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination. So, be patient with yourself, embrace the humor in your situation, and keep working together to make shuperu a delightful part of your marriage. Who knows, maybe one day, you’ll be writing a follow-up story titled “From Pain to Pleasure: The Chronicles of Rukaya!” 😄
I am sure the man doesn’t also understand foreplay . He should do things to put her in the mood and get her ready, there are men who don’t understand this. They assume once they are ready the woman is ready so ‘wurudu’ , they go in and come out when they are done.
If the thing is big and you have sex only after one week,the vJ goes back to factory reset.Talk to your husband to romance you more for you to identify where your strong feelings are so that you can also enjoy him.My husband and I work in different places.we can meet after two weeks and the first penetration is painful as if you are now breaking it again but after penetration I am ok.He is the one who broke my virginity but I direct him during the act so that I can also enjoy.Talk to him and buy lubricant as well.At the same time relax your brain and yourself and you will start enjoying it,it is sweet paa and i even wish I get it everyday from him but marraige is not only about sex🤣🤣🤣
Dear Rukaya,
After reading your submission, I am of the opinion that you may be dealing with a clear case of Vaginismus. Fortunately enough, I recently saw an interview on YouTube over this subject which I will share below. Kindly take your time to see this interview. You will learn a lot about how to handle your situation.