We dated for seven months. me and Adelaide. We were always fighting. It could be about anything. Anything that adults could sit, talk and resolve it. We didn’t have the time to do that. If she called and I didn’t pick up and I called back later, she would snap and it would turn into a huge fight. If I called her at night and there was someone else on the line and I asked who it was, she would give me cheeky answers like, “Are you the only person I’m allowed to talk to at night?” I would get angry. I’ll accuse her of cheating on me and she would tell me, “If I’m cheating on you and you don’t understand, you too go and cheat some.”
You see the kind of fight we were fighting? Childish, right? But there was one thing both of us couldn’t resist from each other. Sex. Yeah, shuperu. We could fight right now and the next moment we will be doing it. We’ll get up, dress up and continue the fight. I remember after one of the fights, we didn’t talk for four days. One evening someone opened my door while I was in the bathroom. I had soap on my face so I couldn’t even open my eyes to see who had opened my door. I kept screaming, “Who’s that? Who’s in my room?” I rubbed the lather off my face and rinse off the soap only to see her right in front of me in the bathroom. She took off her clothes and joined me. It was fireworks and moans.
After, she dressed up and left without saying a word to me. When I called her phone she didn’t answer. We didn’t talk for two extra days before I went over to her place to apologize to her. Everything about our relationship was toxic and we knew it. She caught me cheating and she left. She told me, “It’s not about the cheating but the person you cheated with. “At least you should have gone up the grade. You cheated on me with this thing?”
From there we were over. No amount of words could bring us back together. I went to beg thinking it was one of those anger that thaws with time. This one was heavier. One, two, three months later we were still not talking. I learned to give up so I could start something new for myself. We had one final talk and she confirmed her stand that she wasn’t coming back again.
We both attended the same school. That was where we actually met but we didn’t date until we completed school. The school had an event and I attended. When I got there, she was sitting with Alfred. Alfred was a close friend when we were in school but I didn’t sit next to them. I found myself another seat and a few minutes later, Adelaide came to join me. Afterwards, Alfred also came around and we talk. It was all fun and jolly until the program closed. Alfred came to me and said, “Adelaide tells me you two live closer to each other. Does she have a boyfriend?” I asked him, “You want to date her?” He answered, “Yeah, we were having a positive conversation until you walked in. Since you’re friends with her can you help?”
I laughed at him. I told him we were far from that age when someone had to help him get the girl. “Go ahead and shoot your shot. There can only be two answers and none of those answers will kill you.” He insisted that I should help him and I agreed to help. I told Adelaide about it and she laughed. She said, “And you’re the only person on earth he could ask for help from? The irony.”
When they started talking, Adelaide told me. When they went somewhere, she called and told me about it. When something didn’t go well, she called and told me about it. I didn’t hear from Alfred until one day he called to tell me Adelaide had said yes to him. It hit me small but she wasn’t mine so I ignored that feeling. It took a long while before Adelaide told me they were finally dating. She said, “I’m only giving him a try. He’s too dull for my liking but he’s a good guy. I like his plans for me and all but I wish he could ginger up small.” I advised her to talk about it with him but she wasn’t ready to listen to me.
READ ALSO: My Fiancée Has Threatened to Leave the Relationship if I Dare Leave the Christian Faith (Part 2)
Because of Alfred, I started talking again with Adelaide. She was complaining about how slow life was between her and Alfred. “I miss those rough life, you know what I mean? A man shouldn’t be this dull. Even when it comes to shuperu, I have to initiate it. He’s scared to touch me as if I have to teach him how to get his way with women. I’m tired. I can’t be his teacher.” Their relationship was about four months old when the woods of our old flames lit up. I met her on the way home and she followed me to my house. She threw herself on my bed and screamed, “Oh I miss this bed!” I fell on her and screamed, “Oh I miss this body.” That was it. While we were busy at it, her phone rang. We both looked at the screen and it was Alfred. Her face fell and I looked away.
Two years later, these two are seriously involved and are even planning to get married. Alfred called to thank me for initiating their relationship. He said, “On that day you can be my best man if you want to. Whatever role you want to play, you just let me know.” I answered, “I’m happy where this is going and I’m happy I’m part of your story. Whatever you want me to do on that day, I’m down with it. What are brothers for?”
A moment after that conversation, I was on top of the woman he was planning to get married to. I have a conscience and it pricks me every now and then. Sometimes I feel like I’m committing murder looking at how Alfred believes in me and how he adores the role I played in their union. I want to stop it. I’ve had several conversations with her and each time she brushes me aside. She told me, “I didn’t know you have a conscience like that ooo. So the day you cheated on me, where was your conscience?”
I told her things are different and the situations at hand differ. “You two are getting married. That’s the whole difference.” She said, “We are getting married doesn’t mean we are married. When we marry, all this will stop. I won’t wear my ring and watch you take me from the back, no I can’t do that so let’s just make hay while the sun is still up in the skies.”
I haven’t seen her for the last two weeks. I give her excuses whenever she calls to see me. Currently, She knows I’ve travelled so she doesn’t call to bother me. I’m trying to draw the line but it’s difficult for me too. Adelaide is fire and I’m the fuel. Without her, I don’t find anything like her in any woman. It’s a shame the only thing she wants from me is shuperu and I’m even embarrassed to want more from her. Slowly, I’ll withdraw but I’m saying this because I haven’t seen her. When I see her, my morals fly out of the door so it’s better I don’t see her.
Every Problem We’ve Had In Our Marriage Had Came From Our Sex Life–Beads Media
Not seeing her will be the only way I can escape her snares and be free. I’m planning to spend more time with Alfred going forward so I don’t get to be alone with her. I’m planning many things that will put us apart and I want ideas on other things I can do to stop this evil deed the two of us are doing.
This is what keeps me awake at night. I even get scared she will just walk in one evening and catch me here. I’ve added prayers too. I’ve even told her I’m a born-again Christian and my new faith in Christ doesn’t allow me to do that. She laughed at me and told me to wait until she sees me. She’s my devil but that can’t continue forever.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
It is your ego that is fueling this vile sexual triangle. The woman has no scruples; she won’t leave you alone. You need to meet Alfred and tell him the truth, so that he can cancel the marriage plans. It can only lead to pain and suffering in future, because the truth will out some day.
I feel really sad for u
Can u gather courage and tell ur friend?
I have seen it B4 and it destroyed a beautiful friendship