I joined a Facebook group to meet new people. I was hoping to make friends and if one of those friendships led to something more, why not? When people join the group, they post their photos and introduce themselves to the group. I was a little laid back but after a while, I gathered the courage and did it.

I received a lot of kind words from the group members. Most of them left their comments under the post but there was one lady in the group who sent me a message directly. “Hello handsome, I admire how nice you look. Can we get to know each other?” Her message read. I found her boldness alluring. To answer a few questions, I looked at her profile and saw that she didn’t look bad. I replied to her message, “Sure dear. Tell me about yourself.”

That’s how we started chatting. She was forward and sounded quite mature. I thought she was around my age until she told me she was twenty-one. When I told her I was thirty, I expected her to freak out and tell me I was too old for her but that did not happen. All she said was, “You look good for thirty. I would have easily mistaken you for a twenty-five-year-old.” I felt flattered as I smiled.

We were still chatting on Facebook Messenger when she left her number for me to call her. I took the number and we kicked things up a notch. While I live in Accra, she lives in Sunyani. That day we spoke at length. I enjoyed every bit of the conversation. Due to the distance between us, I thought it would take time to meet in person. So I was content to be her long-distance friend for the time being.

However, I got the surprise of my life when she called me the next day and asked if she could visit me in Accra. It sounded like a pleasant request. I responded, “Sure you can. When do you want to come?” She then said, “I will come as soon as possible. But you have to understand that I will stay with you when I come, and I won’t go back.” I laughed thinking it was a joke. She, on the other hand, didn’t. This made me understand that she meant business.

She didn’t do much convincing before I agreed to this crazy plan of hers. I only gave her one condition; that she should inform her mother before coming. “I don’t want to get accused of kidnapping you if you don’t tell anyone you are coming to me, and they presume you are missing.” She assured me that I had nothing to worry about.

When she was ready to show up, she said; “I have GHC150, which is too small for the transport fare. Can you top me up with an extra GHC150?” I have heard stories about how women use this line to take money from men but never show up. Yet this did not stop me from sending the money to her. I just took a leap of faith and decided not to have any expectations of her.

Truly, this lady didn’t disappoint me. She came all the way from Sunyani to my place at Dansoman. I am a factory worker. I work for a rubber company to be precise. The very day she came, I was supposed to go for a night shift but I didn’t. I stayed at home to give her a warm welcome. Things were lovely between us. We even had shuperu that night.

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The next evening, I went to work and left her at home. I returned the next morning sound and safe. This continued throughout the week. I noticed that she was always on her phone texting and laughing but I looked the other way. I didn’t want it to look like I was controlling her because she was staying with me. This is why I let her be. All that mattered to me was that we were cool with each other and lived peacefully.

The next week, I was on day shift. I would leave in the morning and return in the evening. This routine continued until one morning I took her phone and hacked her WhatsApp. I don’t know why I did it but I just wanted to be sure I didn’t make a mistake by letting her move in with me so soon.

While I was at work, I could access her chats. There was nothing suspicious until she sent a video to a guy. I opened their chat and saw that she was naked in the video she sent. I read their chats and realized the guy is her boyfriend. I felt deceived. What pained me more than anything was that she was in my room wearing my shirt when she made this video.

When I got home from work that evening, we had a fight. The next morning, I gave her bus fare and sent her back to Sunyani. I keep thinking about it and it doesn’t make sense to me. Why would a woman move in with a man while she already has a boyfriend? My heart is so broken by this.

— Kobby

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