I met Adam when I was in school. He was running a business at the time. Things were not going well for him but I didn’t look at all of that. I was rather focused on building a future with him. So I helped him with the business. I was so dedicated to making his business grow that he would joke, “K.K., it’s as if I am in a competition with my business for your heart.” When we started dating, his business became my second boyfriend. With my efforts and his together, the business started doing well. Even when the business was doing well, I was not interested in his money. All I wanted to do was to build him up.

As time went on, he expressed interest in joining one of the security services. He didn’t have a preference. He was just looking for the security of having a stable income. So we often prayed and spoke to people who could help him. I am not a typical church girl but I went all out to pray for his dream to come true. And by God’s grace, he got the opportunity to enter one of the services in 2020. Little did I know that this opportunity would change everything between us.

We didn’t get the chance to talk all the time but he called me whenever the opportunity arrived. And every time he called, he would tell me about this lady he met over there. He said they were just friends but he spoke of her too much to my dislike. I trusted him so I wasn’t jealous. I just didn’t like the way he always mentioned her. He had to come home during the presidential elections to vote. I had access to his phone when he came, and that was when I saw messages between him and the girl he referred to as a friend. There was nothing friendly about those messages. When I confronted him he said there was nothing going on, but I realized that he stopped texting her and talking about her when he went back to school.

After we closed the chapter of that girl in our life he introduced another girl into the picture. He referred to this one as his sister. The impact this sister had on our relationship was devastating. He spoke to her about everything regarding our relationship. I remember one time when we were having problems. Adam went to ask the lady if he should break up with me. I saw the message on his phone later. He did not break up with me but I felt very hurt that after everything we had been through, he had to go and ask a third party if he should leave me.

I thought about the message and the fact that his parents did not like me. His father even told me that they would never accept me into their family. The reason they don’t like me is not something I could easily change. I grew up hanging around my brothers so I ended up behaving like a boy most of the time. Because of this, I mostly hang out with boys. This is why Adam’s parents don’t like me. They want their son to end up with a girl who is soft, feminine, prim and proper, and goes to church more than a candle. I am neither of those things so there is always friction between us. When I considered all these factors, I decided to walk away from the relationship so I could save myself from too much heartache in the future.

After Adam, I met a guy named Clinton. This guy seemed very noble. I allowed myself to get close to him only with the intention of being his friend. However, when my spiritual father saw me with him he warned me, “This guy I have seen you walking with has a bad spirit. Stay away from him before he leads you into trouble.” I was still in love with Adam so I decided that I would heed my spiritual father’s warning so I don’t get into any trouble hanging out with Clinton. What happened next was a surprise to me. I found myself in his arms when I should be running away from him.

I ended up doing a lot of things with Clinton that I never imagined I would do. I didn’t understand what was going on. All I knew was that I didn’t feel like myself. I felt like a puppet whose strings were being pulled. While all this was going on. Adam came back into my life. He apologized for everything he did and asked me to give him another chance. I still loved him, and I wanted to go back to him but I couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried to leave Clinton, I found myself right in his arms.

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Adam was hurt but I couldn’t do anything about it. “People are laughing at me,” he told me one day. I asked him, “Why are they laughing at you?” He said, “Everyone who was against our relationship is having the last laugh because you left me for another guy. And I am right here begging you but you refuse to give me your attention. What can I do to win you back? Tell me and I will do it.” I felt his frustration because I was frustrated too. But it seemed physically impossible for me to leave this Clinton guy. For two years, I was with him even though I knew I didn’t want him.

I became so depressed that I contemplated ending my life. Then I met a certain guy on campus who became my friend. Through our conversations, I told him I yearned for death. He asked me to follow him to see his uncle so he would give me medicine to kill myself if that’s what I want. I felt trapped and needed to be set free by whichever means necessary, even if it meant death, so I agreed to follow this guy. He took me to see his uncle who is some kind of spiritual person. I don’t know the kind of spirituality he dabbles in but it was quite powerful. He showed me visions of my life. And I could see myself under a spell Clinton cast on me. I found out that day that everything I have done since I met him was because he was controlling me.

It turned out Clinton was a scammer and he uses charms on the people he defrauds. My friend’s uncle told me, “The guy is trying to sacrifice you to his deities to gain more power for his scams. He used both spiritual and physical means but none of it worked. So the final approach was to drive you to the point where you would end your own life. That one would have succeeded.” The moment he said this I started crying, “Please help me. I am tired of all the suffering he has put me through.” He answered, “You were set free the moment you entered this place. Go back to the man you want. He is waiting for you.”

My Husband Enjoys Watching The Nakedness Of His Mother–Beads Media

Immediately I came out, Adam sent me a message that he was no longer interested in me. He said we can’t be together anymore and that he is moving on with his life. I explained to him that I was under a spell but it has been broken. “I am free and ready to be yours again,” I explained. But he said no. Nothing I’ve said has changed his mind. I believe that one of the reasons he has given up on us is his parents’ disapproval of me. I love him very much and would love to work things out with him but even this morning he sent me a message that I should move on. My family is also telling me to hold on and not lose hope. I don’t know which step to take. Whether to accept defeat and move on or I should hold on and hope that he comes back to me.


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