The first lie he told was his age. He gave me the impression that he was older than me. By the time I found out I was older than him, I was madly in love with him. I was hurt that I was deceived into the relationship but what was there to do? I forgave him and let it go. 

He didn’t have a job when I met him. I asked why and he said, “I am a footballer. I have some opportunities lined up. If some of them work out, I will travel outside the country to work with a team.” He seemed to be good at what he did. The way he spoke passionately about making a name for himself in the game was also moving. 

The best way to show you believe in someone is to help them achieve their goals. That’s what I did as a supportive girlfriend. I took care of him as though he was my unemployed younger brother. I bought him boots for training, shirts that I knew he’d like, and gave him food. I added pocket money too. 

I was hurt when I realised that no matter what I did for him, it was never enough. He was always asking for more without first appreciating my efforts. When he eventually got a job I thought the tables would turn. I did not expect a reward for helping him when he was down. All I wanted was for him to prove that he would take care of me when he was in the position to. He didn’t do it. I didn’t even get a toffee wrapper as a present from him. 

He kept his money solely to himself until he lost his job. He became my responsibility again. I did what I could for him without complaining. All I asked in return was that he should respect me. That one too, he couldn’t do it. 

He talked to me anyhow. I wasn’t the only one. He treated everyone else around him with complete disrespect. I thought I could help him speak well and treat people better but I ended up suffering the brunt of his abuse the most. 

Recently, I cooked and asked him to come over and eat. I waited for him to show up until I dozed off. At some point, I was startled awake, looked at the time, and saw that it was past midnight and he still hadn’t arrived. So I called him. He answered the call but he couldn’t speak. I heard what sounded like a scuffle between him and another person. “Are you there with someone?” I asked him. He didn’t respond. He just hung up.

I wanted answers but I didn’t push it that night. I waited till morning to call him again. As soon as he answered the call, he greeted me with insults. “Why won’t you give me space to breathe? If it is because of the stuff you bought for me then come and collect them and let me be free of you,” he shouted at me. Out of anger, I also went over there to collect my stuff. He wasn’t home at the time.

Before the day ended, he sent word through my friend that the relationship was over. I thought he was overreacting but I dialed his number and found out I was blocked. I heard he went to his mum to complain about me, and the fact that I collected the gifts I gave him. 

His behaviour was draining but I was not ready to move on. The love I had for him was just too much. Maybe I also considered everything we had been through and decided to fight for our love. 

I returned his stuff to him and apologized. This guy rejected my apology. I knew he was exaggerating our problem but I was willing to overlook it to work things out. I accepted the blame for whatever happened. I even brought people he knew and respected to plead on my behalf for a reconciliation but it didn’t work. He insisted it was over. 

READ ALSO: We Agreed To Have A Baby Only For Him To Deny The Pregnancy

What choice did I have but to move on? I was doing just that when his mum called me one day. She sounded upset, “My son said you threatened to show him something. What does that mean?” “I made no such threats,” I said in my defense. Truly, I didn’t threaten him. His mother didn’t believe me though. 

 To avoid problems in the future, I went to their church and reported Nene to the pastor. I put it before him that the guy and his mum accused me of doing something I did not know of. The pastor was welcoming. We had a lengthy conversation that day.

At the end of the meeting, I found out that Nene’s pastor didn’t know I was his girlfriend. He told the man I was his sponsor. He said I liked him but he didn’t agree to date me. I was disappointed to find that was all I meant to him, so I also revealed to the pastor that we dated and I took care of him until he broke up with me for calling him at midnight. I had called him at midnight several times in the past. It was never a problem until that particular night. 

Now Nene and his parents are angry because I disclosed our relationship to the pastor. They said he was about to travel but after everything I told the pastor, the plans have been ruined. That’s another thing. I didn’t even know he was travelling. His mother especially, is very angry with me. I am asking, is it my fault that his plans are ruined? Where exactly did I go wrong here?

— Vashti

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