My firstborn is fourteen years old. I had him after I completed high school. I learned a lot of lessons about love and men from my experience with birthing him. I mean, what other choice did I have when I was left to handle it all alone? The man who promised me heaven on earth became a ghost the moment I mentioned pregnancy to him.

Although he left, I was the one who was stuck with the pregnancy. I couldn’t have left, not that I would have. So I did my best to take care of myself and the pregnancy till I had the baby. And I have been single-handedly taking care of him for fourteen years now.

The good news is that having the baby didn’t halt my life. I went to nursing school when I got the opportunity. While I was in school, I had a lot of men coming my way but I didn’t pay attention to them. My focus was on getting through school so I could make something of myself. “I want to be someone my son would be proud of,” I often said to myself. This was my mantra whenever I felt overwhelmed. It helped me stay on track.


By and by, I completed school in 2018. After school, I met Tetteh. He met me at a time when I was open to the possibility of falling in love again. This means I didn’t stress him too much when he tried to get close to me. I took my time and got to know him. So by the time he proposed, I knew I wanted to be with him.

Right from the beginning of the relationship, he said he wanted marriage. So it didn’t take long before I introduced him to my family. They all liked him. His family also welcomed me warmly. From there, both families met for official introductions and the knocking rites were performed. I moved in with him after that.

We had started buying the items on the list when we found out that I was pregnant. We were going to get married anyway, so we chose to have the baby. However, we had to put marriage preparations on hold and start preparing for the baby’s arrival instead.

Along the line, T.T. started complaining that I was disrespectful toward him. “What are the things I do that disrespect you?” I would ask him. He would fumble and not have anything substantial to say. I am not the kind of woman who wants to disrespect her man. So I searched myself and asked what I may be doing that was so disrespectful to him. The answer was nothing.

The fact that I knew my conscience was clean gave me peace. He, on the other hand, had no peace. He kept tagging everything I did as disrespectful until we finally halted all our marriage plans. As I write this, our child is currently four years old but we are no longer together.

With two children already, I was convinced that I didn’t want any more kids. Because of this, my dating prospects changed. I didn’t want to date a man who would want us to get married and have kids. I was okay being with someone who already had children. This was the criteria I used to filter out men who came my way. Most of them didn’t have children but it was in the plan for them.

As time went on, an ex-boyfriend came back into my life. He is married but he told me, “I still can’t get over you. If it doesn’t bother you that I have a wife, can we try again?” For some reason, he seemed like the perfect person for me at that time. This is someone who already had a family. I wouldn’t be required to give him children. It was mostly about the companionship for me. Being a single mother gets lonely, you know.

I thought I was playing it safe but I didn’t take into consideration the fact that being with this man for a long time would make me want more from the relationship. I started feeling it when we were one year into the relationship. I was no longer content with just being the woman he kept on the side. I wanted to be his second wife.

When I discussed this with me he told me, “Marriage was never ruled out of the relationship for me. I was just waiting for you to get on the same page with me, and now you are. So we will start the process as soon as possible.” He seemed so sincere that I believed him.

READ ALSO: If I Don’t Leave My Boyfriend I Won’t Become A Doctor’s Wife

Two of my siblings have met him. They know we are together. It’s my parents who don’t know about us. Left to only me, I would have made the introduction yesterday. He is the one dragging his feet. Something that was supposed to happen soon is now taking forever. Now, I don’t bring up the subject anymore. So we are all tiptoeing around it.

While I am waiting for him to take the step, there is another man in the picture. His name is Kwesi. He has been crushing on me for years but I didn’t mind him because I am four years older than him. Another reason was the fact that he doesn’t have children.

I thought he would get over the crush if we didn’t date but he is still holding on to his feelings. He lives outside the country but he is seriously proposing marriage to me. “If you say yes, we will get married when I return to the country next year,” he says. He doesn’t mind that I already have two children.

Now, I don’t know what to do. One part of me wants to give my married boyfriend a chance to come around, while another part wants me to give Kwesi a chance. I may not be desperate for marriage right now but I want to be with someone I can call mine. What do I do? I need advice.

— Rita

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