I was friends with Eric for years before he introduced me to James. James and Eric were friends too but James was away a lot of times so we didn’t meet each other until that day when Eric introduced the two of us. We became good friends. There was no me without Eric and James. We were like the three musketeers. In happy times and sorrowful moments, you would see the three of us together.

Our girlfriends also came into the fold so on a very good day, we were always six people together. Eric’s girlfriend, Amanda was the best cook so we always went to her house on Saturdays and Sundays to have fun around food. It was a friendship made in heaven so we believed it was only the heavens that could separate us and it did. Eventually.

Eric had an accident and died three days later. This was in September this year. The group was shaken. For days we couldn’t meet. The shock and grief were too much it was hard to even pick up the phone and call each other. I went to the mortuary with James. He couldn’t go in to look at the face of a friend. We drunk. We got drunk and drunk some more. It got to a point where no amount of alcohol could get us intoxicated.

Eric was in the morgue when I decided to visit James. It wasn’t even a planned visit. I was in his neighbourhood and decided to pass by and say hello. It had been only two weeks since Eric died.  I entered the hall and saw James on top of a woman. I retracted immediately. They both didn’t see me.

The side of the lady looked like Amanda but I wasn’t sure so I decided to stick around and see who the lady was. When they were coming out, my suspicion was confirmed. It was indeed Amanda. I was like, “How? Eric is still cold in the fridge and James is already warming his girlfriend?” What kind of friend Eric had in James? That he couldn’t even wait after burial before laying with his girlfriend ”

I still didn’t let them see me. I told my girlfriend about it and she cried like a baby. “Why didn’t you let them see you?” she screamed. “They should have been witnesses to the shame they are causing the departed. It’s not even a month.”

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I mourned the infidelity more than I mourned my friend. My heart was broken. It was as if I caught him sleeping with my own girlfriend. I didn’t say a word but anytime I saw them together and were pretending to us, I felt like puking. My girlfriend couldn’t hold it so during the funeral, when James and Amanda tried coming to us, she screamed at them, “Take your smelly infidelity away from us. You’re here to mourn someone whose girlfriend you’re sleeping with? You’re smiling, right? You’re happy he’s dead, don’t pretend.”

James turned to me to feign innocence. I said, “Don’t try it. If Eric died through any other means, I would have reported you to the police as the first suspect of his murder. I was there. I saw you on top of Amanda that afternoon. Should I tell you the details?”

Amanda swiftly left the scene and it was the last time I saw her during the funeral. James stuck around to deny the truth. Later, he told me we should have talked about it secretly rather than making an open show about it.

The dead is buried but I still can’t wrap my head around the whole thing. Were they together when Eric was alive? Because two weeks is too short to make love if the people involved weren’t already in love.

I thought we all loved Eric. That guy put a lot of love into us. All the time we went to eat and drink in Amanda’s place, he paid for it. He would give us his last and starve but a friend didn’t see all that and decided to sleep with his girlfriend? The most hit person in this whole affair is my girlfriend.

Last week she told me, “Let’s buy flowers and go to Eric’s grave and report the whole issue to him so we cause him to seek revenge. If indeed the dead can do something from their grave, Eric would do something. James has to pay for this. Amanda has to suffer for doing that to a dead man.”

Thinking about it, I feel it’s not worth it. Yes, we are feeling pains for a heart that’s no longer beating and I think that should be enough. Going that far feels like we are placing a curse on their lives and I’m not willing to go. But my girlfriend insists we should do it for Eric. We should do it so his soul would be at home after the revenge.

I don’t think it’s necessary. And because I’m being reluctant, my girlfriend thinks I’m an enabler of the situation. “You caught them and kept the news to yourself. Let’s take action for Eric and you’re dragging your feet. Did you even like Eric that much? Or James is a fellow man so you have to protect him by all means?”

She has a point but I wish we shouldn’t have to go that far. What do you think? Should we go ahead and do it for Eric or we should let go and let God?


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