He tells me he loves me whenever he gets the chance. He says it as though his life depends on it. He also calls me foolish when I make him angry. Sometimes he yells at me, “How did I get involved with someone as stupid as you? I mean, we are here together because you were stupid enough to get pregnant in the early stages of our relationship.” It hurts when he does this. It hurts more when I think about the fact that a man who truly loves me would not verbally assault me.
I tell him, “You don’t love me. Love does not hurt the way you do.” And he always says, “We will be perfectly happy if you do the things I like.” Let it not be said of me that I did not try to do the things he likes. I have stretched myself thin in an attempt to please this man. And I have always failed because my man is a fault-finder. Nothing I do meets his approval.
Everything I do at home is met with judgment and criticism. He does not care if he hurts me with his words. I would tell him, “You are hurting me with your words and actions.” And he would shrug and say, “It’s not my fault that you can’t handle the truth.” In all our years together, he has never said sorry to me when he makes a mistake. He believes he does no wrong.
Every day when he is going to work, I prepare his lunch and breakfast and package it for him to take along. I am the one who shops for his clothes. Yet he acts as if I bring nothing to the table. All he does is complain about the things I do. When I buy him clothes, he wears them for about two years before they start wearing out. But the moment that happens, he would start insulting me that I did not buy him quality clothes.
Once, I bought him a Lacoste shirt, thinking he would appreciate its quality. He just took a look at it and asked, “Why did you buy me a summer shirt when we are in winter?” I felt so dumb that day. Besides that, he complains when I shop for boxer shorts for him. “What is this? It’s of poor quality. I can’t wear these shorts to sleep,” he would say. He does the same thing when I buy him shoes. According to him, everything I buy is not good enough. He barely says “Thank you,” for anything I do for him.
After we had our first child, this man told me, “Have you noticed that I spend a lot of money these days? It’s because you eat too much.” I had to eat well in order to breastfeed well, but his comment made me feel bad. And I started eating less. That’s what he does to me. He kills my self-esteem every day. It has gotten to a point where I second-guess myself when I am about to take a step. I have started seeing myself as someone who is not good enough.
One time we were watching TV when a story of a couple came up. The man cheated on his wife after they had been married for many years. I remember saying, “Imagine how you and I are suffering and doing everything to have a good life. Then one day you would leave me for a younger woman. Only God knows what will happen.” He simply responded, “I will just give the house to you and the children, just because you gave me my first kids.” I was surprised he comfortably accepted that he could cheat on me.
All these aside, he does not allow me to go to church. Honestly, his presence in my life has messed up my relationship with God. He just likes to dictate the pace of our relationship. For instance, he does not talk to me when we go out. It doesn’t matter if we are in the midst of people, I would talk to him and he would ignore me. So I always feel embarrassed when we are out in public.
There is no room for my thoughts and emotional health in our relationship. I once advised him to cut down on his spending habits, and he got angry and called me a villager. There was a time I suspected he was cheating on me with a certain lady. I knew he wouldn’t tell me the truth so I called the lady and spoke to her. When this man found out, he slapped me and beat me into a pulp. As long as he is concerned, I have no right to meddle in his business.
This relationship causes me more pain than comfort. When I try to talk to him he tells me, “I love you, can’t you see it? Look at everything I do to make you comfortable. Tell me, have you ever lacked anything? You live a better life than people who even have jobs.” And he is not lying about that. I haven’t worked since the kids came. So he is the only one who provides for the home. And he is doing a good job. He provides for all our financial needs, no questions asked. He says that is his way of loving me.
I am someone who doesn’t like talking but these days, I nag. There is a lot of bitterness in my heart. I can tell he is also tired of me, just as I am of him. But I suppose we are both still here because of our two children. We don’t want them to grow up in a broken home, so we are holding on to our broken relationship for their sake. If it was left to me alone, we would find ways to fix what is broken, however, the person who holds the keys to the relationship does not care if we sink or float. I could tell him I am leaving him, and he wouldn’t do anything to stop me. That’s where we have gotten to.
What Would You Do If I Died Today? | Beads Media
Earlier this year I asked him, “What are your plans for the two of us?” He shrugged, “I don’t know what you mean. We are already making preparations to get married this year. So what other plans are you talking about?” I responded, “My plan is for us to grow in love and be kinder to each other as the years pass.” He just looked at me and said nothing.
I do not wish to get married to a man I don’t enjoy but how can I walk out? We have two children together. I cannot destroy the traditional family we are trying to raise them in. This is my dilemma. What do I do? Do I put my interest above my kids and leave? Or do I stay because of them?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Your man is a typical abuser and a very successful one at that. He abuses you yet makes it look like he loves you and that you are to blame for the abuse. By remaining in an abusive relationship you are actually inculcating in your children that an abusive relationship is okay. Your son’s will become like their father and your daughters receptive to abuse. You must fight back and if he ever resorts to physical abuse get the police to lock him up. There are two reactions that may occur. Either he shapes ups or he ships out. In all cases you will restore your mental health and bring home strongly to your children that abuse should not be tolerated or entertained. Your children need this awakening as much as you!
You’re just failing to appreciate your humanity and has allowed a narcissistic abuserr to manipulate you. This is the worst person you could be. And he’s blackmailing you with whatever provisions he’s making for you. For more than 6 years my wife didn’t work but I never demeaned her; saved into our joint account and still gave her 💯 respect. This guy will kill you and marry another woman. Shine your eyes
Masa what is wrong with you
Has he married you
The first thing you need to do is read your Bible and watch sermons on TV. You are drowning and the only One who can help you out of this situation requires you to draw closer to Him. I believe it’ll be one of your greatest regrets in life if you marry him, unless he repents and takes accountability for what he’s doing. You are in this situation because of the choices you made. You made some wrong decisions because of the beliefs and views you have about life and yourself. Fix your relationship with God, first and foremost. Allow Him to teach you who you really are, not the lies the enemy has been feeding. Commit to clinging to God regardless of any storms or fires that come in your life. Make decisions that are filtered through the Word of God (meaning His will for His children). Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’ve already chosen to live with a man who’s not your husband and even had kids by him out of wedlock. What’s the real reason you want to get married? I’m not saying it’s acceptable to live with him; I want you to question your reasons for considering marriage with him.
By the way, when you go to God in faith and obey Him, He will make sure you have a roof over your heads, clothes on your backs, food, and whatever need you have will be met. Whatever pressure you feel from family to marry this man is part of Satan’s plan. Don’t succumb to pressure. At the very least, make sure you can proudly look at him and say God, thank you for this man. I couldn’t have designed him better for myself if I had a chance. If you can’t say that, then stop gambling with your emotional health and worse your spiritual life (this is your eternal salvation and relationship with God). It makes me sad that you think staying with this man is not leaving deep scars on your children. Again, only you can truthfully answer as to your reason for the beliefs you have. Making wrong decisions that affect you is one thing, but choosing to stay committed to living with a narcissist and refusing on some level to accept that your choice to stay is also contributing to your children’s emotional scars is worrisome.
He is really abusing and manipulating you as well. My sister, you are really enduring this relationship oo, you are here thinking of marriage with such a man? it can only get worse than this wai. Save yourself, set yourself free, have your peace of mind, and enjoy yourself ok. Don’t stay and get killed slowly.
Broken relationship is better than broken marriage, think about ur life, peace and happiness first
Akua, learn this and learn it quickly, leave this relationship and, leave because of the mental health of your children and that of yourself. You go into relationship or marriage to grow into old age together with your partner in good mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health and not a premature death and leave your children and partner behind. I don’t even understand why you should agree to stay at home and not work. If you are a woman never ever be a stay at home mom. Do something to make money, if for nothing at all, do it for your health and also contribute something to the table. Read Proverbs 31 and learn about the ideal woman.
For that guy it’s either he has mental illness or he just doesn’t love you as you claim. You are not in a healthy relationship.
Because he takes care of u you don’t want to leave him..sigh.my sister do u know that people die every day because of abusive relationship?? I’m not sure u want to die early and leave ur kids stranded …sit up madam
Marriages do not change people, sometimes it amplifies the behavior of our partners.
Please walk away and save yourself.