I was a very brilliant child when I was growing up. Because of this, I skipped a few classes along the way. This made me the youngest person in most of my classes. By the time I completed SHS, I was barely eighteen. I did very well in my WASSCE so I went to the university that same year. I was young but I had my life mapped out. “I won’t leave room for any distractions,” I told myself, “I will quietly attend this school and get my degree after four years, and then do my national service and land myself a good job. No girlfriend or love interest until I complete school and I am working.” I stuck to this plan and everything worked well for me. My life in school was smooth and I did well in my courses. When I got to my third year I continued to excel academically and I was so proud of everything I was accomplishing.
Then I got to my fourth year and life decided that it had different plans for me. Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. I failed two papers in my first semester. I was shocked. I had never failed an exam until then, so I never saw it coming. When I saw the results I believed it was a mistake so I went to my head of department to complain. They told me the results have already been uploaded so there was nothing they could do about it. I cried so much thinking about the fact that I had come all this way only to not graduate. In the end, I completed the course but I had two resits to write. After all that trouble, I took comfort in the knowledge that I would do my national service at an institution of my choice.
I applied to one of the mining organisations and I was selected. The training superintendent assured me that I had a position with them and the Human Resource Manager also sent me a letter of appointment. The day to report for my National Service arrived and the training superintendent said he didn’t know me. I showed him the letter I received from HR but it didn’t mean anything to him. After I pushed him for a while he told me, “If you want us to consider you then you have to go through an interview.” When I went for the interview I failed miserably. I was disheartened by the turn of events but not hopeless. The only thing I could think of was one organization I interned with. When I worked with them I gave them my all. I was only an intern but I worked harder than their employees. So the management really loved me. So in my lowest moment, I turned to them with the hope that they would accept me to do my national service in their organization. However, they turned me away.
During those times I was preparing to write my two resit exams. In November of that year, I managed to get into an organization for my national service, and I also went back to school to write my exams. Unfortunately, I failed those exams too. I am not exaggerating when I say that I nearly went mad. I tried to understand why something like this was happening to me but I didn’t have any answers. All I had was frustration. I almost lost my faith in Allah. I kept asking Him, “I pray five times every day. I don’t miss a single moment of prayers or fasting, so why do you allow me to suffer like this?” After the national service ended, I was back to square one. I had no job or prospects seeing as I didn’t have a degree. All I could boast of was frustration, depression, and overthinking.
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I sat at home for the entire year and went to resit the papers again. This time around I passed but I couldn’t even jubilate. I was just too mentally drained to feel any joy. I never imagined that it would take me six years to finish a four-year degree. The next year I started applying for intern positions so I could gain some experience in the job market. But nothing fruitful came out of them. My mother and my sister did not offer me the comfort I needed from my family. All they did was complain about the fact that I didn’t have a job. So I always left home at 8:00 AM and returned at night. I often left the house with no destination in mind. I just wanted to go somewhere I would get peace of mind. I continued doing this until I found a man on social media who offered me an internship opportunity.
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When I had an interview with this man, we negotiated and agreed on the money he would pay me. But when I was about to start work he told me that the boss can’t pay me that money because I am inexperienced. So they decided to pay me GHC27.39 every day. It wasn’t good enough but was better than nothing so I accepted it. I started the work and realized the people were looking for cheap labour but I didn’t quit because it helped me to escape from my mother and my sister’s constant insults. I did the internship for four months and then I landed a well-paying job. The job comes with a lot of allowances and benefits. This is the dream I worked so hard to achieve, but now that I have it I am not happy.
I have not been medically diagnosed but I know that I am suffering from depression. My mood is always down and it has gotten worse to the extent that my work colleagues have started gossiping about me. I have been talking to myself sometimes. It’s mostly unconscious. I do it at the office when I become unaware of myself. I am slowly losing it and I know I don’t deserve this. I am trying to be okay and I should be happier now that life is good. I went through so much for two years and now that I am financially stable in life, this is what I am going through. I don’t understand any of it.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Seek professional help immediately before it gets worse. Mental health can always be managed
I second Sammy’s comment. Just seek therapy and you’ll be fine. My prayers and well wishes go out to you..
Bro everything will be fine. Just seek a counselor and share your story with him. Again, for this reason, you shouldn’t isolate yourself and try to exercise small small.
You got this. Seek help immediately and read mood lifting books, listen to great and you are going to do just fine.
You can even confined in your boss. He/She may support you in getting some help. Your problem is half solved just by admitting it to yourself. Be strong.
Your mental health is important. Please seek for medical attention.. Being depressed is a form of mental disorder.. May Allah strengthen you and keep you safe… it’s well
Dear kassam, tell yourself it’s okay not to be okay. I know it’s hard opening up, but better you talk to a professional. Keep praying about it as well. You’ll be fine.
I’m a mental health activist, you can send me a text on fb, if that’s okay with you.
Sending you love, hugs and kisses ❤️
Life is spiritual as well as physical, please my advice is seek for spiritual healing by giving your life to Jesus, he is the Lord of all.
I pray that you will receive a complete joy in Jesus name