My friend and I are having relationship problems. No, I am not dating my friend. Therefore he is not the one I am having the problems with. By some meddling hand of fate, we happen to be having problems in our respective relationships at the same time. It first started with my friend’s. He is called Akwasi, and I am also Akwasi. Coincidence. It’s not as if I went around with a name tag looking for another Akwasi to be friends with. However, the moment we both realised we had the same name, it was easier for us to like each other.
If you think us having the same name, is a crazy coincidence then wait till you read this. The girl Akwasi is having relationship problems with is my sister. I know people often make jokes that men don’t like it when their friends date their sisters. Well, in our case it’s different. My girlfriend is Akwasi’s big sister and he doesn’t mind. Just as I don’t mind him dating my sister as well.
It was Akwasi and my sister who started having problems first. I don’t know what started their petty fights but it escalated as time passed. Before we knew it, my sister left town. She didn’t tell me where she was going but I checked up on her and knew she was fine.
Two weeks after she left, Akwasi called me saying he couldn’t hear from my sister. “Since when?” I asked him. “It’s been two weeks now,” he responded, “Her number is active but when I call she doesn’t pick up. My WhatsApp messages go unanswered. Have you heard from her?” I had heard from her within that period so I asked if they were having problems. That was when he admitted that they had been fighting.
I called my sister to find out what was going on. She told me, “I am no longer interested in dating your friend. He is abusive. When he told you I have been ignoring him, did he tell you what he did?” I said I knew they had been fighting. “Fighting?” She shrieked. When she calmed down enough to talk, she explained that it was no fair fight. My friend had been beating her.
Considering that I don’t hit women, most especially the women I date, I was not happy to hear what Akwasi was doing to my own sister. My sister explained that she did not want the issue to drag on. They were living together before she ran off to God knows where. According to my sister, Akwasi became abusive when he lost his job.
He was always giving her a lot of money. They bought so many items together. My sister said she didn’t want any of those things anymore. “Tell your friend to sell everything he ever bought for me, and keep his money. I don’t want anything from him anymore,” my sister said as she decided to be done with the relationship for good.
While I was going back and forth between the two of them trying to facilitate a less dramatic breakup, my own girlfriend started giving me attitude. I don’t know what I did to her but she wouldn’t pick up my calls. When it first started, I was worried. I tried everything possible to get her attention but it only earned me insults. We were together happily and peacefully so where from all this anger?
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Unlike Akwasi and my sister’s relationship, his sister and I do not live together. We have been together for two years but I have never spent money on her either. I opened an account. And every time I wanted to give her money, I put it in the account instead. And knowing the woman I am dating, her decision to ghost me only means she did something bad. That’s what happens. Whenever she does something that would upset me, she would be the one to get angry and give me attitude. That way I would end up apologizing to her instead of receiving an apology from her.
A Guy Caught Us Doing It And Started Raising An Alarm
This is why I don’t invest anything in her financially. I just want to be sure about her intentions for me first. So far I haven’t seen anything to convince me that she truly loves me. Especially now that she has started giving me the silent treatment again. I am even leaving the country next month. I was going to tell her as a surprise but with the way she is behaving, I might not tell her.
Akwasi needs advice on how to persuade my sister to forgive him for hitting her. He says it won’t happen again. I also need advice on how to handle things with Akwasi’s sister. Should I tell her I am traveling? Or I should allow our ongoing fight to be the end of us so I start my life afresh in this new country I am moving to?
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A woman beater!!!????
Physically abusing someone you love.
No no no no, thank God it has been revealed early.
It will happen again, it is a sign of things to come.
If you love your Sister, encourage her to leave.
Don’t allow someone to kill your sister. She is the only sibling you have. When she dies you won’t get her again. As for Akwesi he will move onto his next victim. Besides what you guys are doing is a taboo. It’s incest. What is not right won’t work . As for your girlfriend my dear leave her. She does not respect you, apart form that she is manipulative. Don’t tell her anything . When you get there on the side end it with her and block her. Protect your sister and your heart. Support your sister. Remember once a woman beater, always a woman beater.
Abusive relationship,its a red flag, pls the earlier she leaves that relationship the better,as for your girlfriend find out if you’ve offended her and apologize, if she says you’ve not and she’s still giving you attitude just ignore her and move on, for now don’t tell her you’re travelling, send her a msg when you’re at the airport and that’s it,it ends there,don’t entertain her again, that relationship is not healthy, a lady who doesn’t apologize is not the best,my brother move on
There’s no excuse for a woman beater. If she were physically stronger would he try it? Luckily, his sister is no better. On the contrary, this is the opportune time to drop both his sister and even himself as a friend. He doesn’t value you, otherwise your friendship should have kept him from lifting his hand on your sister
The major Reason why I am sharing this information is because a lot of home has been saved and there are many more that need saving too, my Wife and I has been married for 11 years living a blissful life God has blessed us with two beautiful & amazing kids. believe it or not, the devil is loosed roaming around looking for the family and life to destroy. something Happened my wife wanted a divorce, financially, this will cost me over 4 million dollars, it is not just about the money but, there are mental issues that comes with divorce, it break the family when it is not meant to be, I contacted my friend who is an African descendant, I told him I don’t want this to happen to kids, they need all the love to grow together, He gave me a contact of a Man who is spiritually blessed to live on Earth. Dr. Suju. I contacted him, he asked me what do I need I answered Peace in my Family, I don’t know how he did it, my wife dropped the case. we are now living happily after.. I am Grateful, here is the contact of the Man who helped e: Drsuju@priest. com | The Summary