My father wanted to have twins desperately. His want for twins was so bad that when my mother couldn’t give him a set, he married another woman. It took him two wives and twelve children to finally get what he wanted. I remember the day my mother told me the story. I told her, “Since you couldn’t have twins, I will be the one to do it. My first pregnancy will result in twin birth.” My mum laughed and responded, “Twins don’t go near wicked people. Your father is a very wicked man. That’s why God didn’t give us one.” Every time this conversation came up, I would insist I would have twins and she would laugh.

In what I envisioned, the twins would arrive when I was married and settled with my husband. However, fate had a different plan for me. I was in my first year in high school when I found out I was pregnant. My boyfriend was a level 300 student at the university. No matter how we saw it, it wasn’t something to celebrate. I was a student depending on my parents and so was he. The only choice we could have made was to get rid of the pregnancy.

I didn’t know what pills to take or where to go to get it done. My boyfriend was just as clueless as I was. We were not in the same town to even meet and try to do it together. He relied on me to find a way to do it. Luckily, I had a male friend I trusted. When I confided in him and let him know what I wanted to do, he offered to help me.

Two days after we had the conversation the guy came to tell me, “I spoke to a doctor who agreed to do it. All you have to do is make yourself ready for the procedure tomorrow.” I was scared, especially when I thought about everything that could go wrong. But I also thought about my education, the fact that I didn’t have money, and all the people who would be disappointed in me if I kept the pregnancy. I felt I didn’t have any other choice but to have the procedure done.

On the eve of the day I was supposed to see the doctor, I had a dream. In my dream, I was walking on a deserted farm when I came across a hen. I drew near to it and found that it had laid two eggs. The eggs were beautiful. I couldn’t resist the temptation to pick them up. While I was admiring them, I woke up. It was still dark but I couldn’t go back to sleep. I lay in bed musing over this dream until it was dawn.

When morning came, I took my bath and started getting ready for my doctor’s appointment. Then I heard a knock. I opened the door to find my male friend at the other end. Immediately I saw his face, I knew something was up. Truly, he had a story of his own. I asked him what happened and he started, “I haven’t slept all night. I don’t know if it was a dream or a hallucination. I kept hearing the cries of babies every time I closed my eyes.” “Babies?” I asked, “Or do you mean baby?” He shook his head and said they were two. “The cries were different so I knew it was more than one child,” he muttered almost inaudibly.

He added that at 3 am, he went outside just to make sure there were no babies behind his room and found nothing. After narrating his ordeal, I also told him about my dream. It was at that moment that I decided that I wouldn’t go through with the plan. My dream and my friend’s experience were too ominous to ignore.

After my friend left, I called my boyfriend and narrated everything to him. He was disappointed when I told him I was keeping the pregnancy but I didn’t mind. After that, I called my mother and talked to her about the pregnancy. As expected, she too was disappointed. Regardless, she stood by me and supported my decision to have the baby.

When I delivered, they were twins. Two girls. Unfortunately, the nurses didn’t attend to me on time so we lost one at birth. We named the surviving one Nayram, which means, “Bless me.” Through it all, my mum was there for us. Because of her help, I went back to school when the baby was three months old. I spoke to the school authorities and rejoined my classes, while my mum took care of the baby.

By the time I completed school, my boyfriend also finished his national service. He wrote a number of job applications and attended interviews but nothing came of it. We had responsibilities but no source of income. We had to do odd jobs here and there to provide for our Nayram.

Six months after his national service, he took a job as a Lotto writer. It wasn’t what he dreamed of doing but I believe our baby comes with a special blessing. God was just waiting for us to start doing something solid so he would activate our breakthrough.

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Seven months into the job, he was promoted to a lotto agent. Within four months of his promotion, we bought one plot of land, did the papers, and cast two hundred cement blocks. We got married in the next three years.

Now, we own a boutique. We have our second child who is a boy. He is also here with his own blessings. Even though we have many challenges in the marriage, we have learned to work things out for the good of our marriage.

When I think back at where it all began, I am grateful I kept the pregnancy. Despite losing one baby, my girl is a healthy six-year-old who brings me so much joy. She is my best friend and a blessing to us. I am just here to counsel young women who find themselves in challenging situations when they get pregnant to stop getting rid of pregnancies.

You may think you don’t have any other choice but you do. Although the timing may be wrong for you, these babies come at the right time and they all have their blessings. My husband and I are not rich but we are doing well. I do hope my story encourages someone to keep their pregnancy.

— Matilda

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