Theres’ an Update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link

One Saturday night, I was about to sleep when my friend Jerry called me. He said, “Charley some party for the hood ooo, would you like to go?” I said, “I didn’t plan on going anywhere so I’m about to sleep.” He said, “You’re about to sleep at this time? Are you a chicken? Charley put on something then make we go.”

I got up, put on some clothes and waited for him in front of my house. When he arrived, I realized his girlfriend was sitting at the front next to him. Before then, I thought it was some boys—boys party. I asked, “Is it some official party?” He said, “Naa, my old paddy bi ein party. You can call Adjoa. If she accepts to go, we can pass by and pick her up.” I looked at the time and it was a few minutes to 10pm. I said, “I doubt that girl will go so let’s go.”

A few minutes later, we were at the party. The whole thing looked like old friends coming together for a party. I didn’t know anyone there so I sat in a corner enjoying the music and occasionally looking at the women who came around wearing short dresses. Not too long afterward, a lady walked up to me and asked, “Are you sharing this table with other people?” I said, “No, I’m here alone.” She sat down and started going through her phone. A few minutes later, a lady walked up to her and asked what she would take. She turned to me and asked, “Should she bring you anything?” I said, “ No, I’m fine.”

For the next fifteen minutes or so, we sat there quietly, listening to the music and nodding. She asked me, “Are you waiting for someone?” I said, “I came with a friend but it looks like he knows a lot of people around here so he’s in there chilling.” She said, “That makes it the two of us. I came with a friend too. She had met a lot of her mates so she’s there chilling.” We went quiet again. I watched her eat what was served. She asked me, “Where’s the washroom?” I said, “I’m also a stranger here.” I called one of the ladies who were serving the food. I asked where the washroom was and they showed us. She got up, went inside, and came back. Immediately she arrived at the table, she held my hands and said, “Come let’s dance.”

She looked tipsy and her behavior was all over the place. While dancing with her, Jerry came to whisper in my ears, “Is that your new catch? She fine papa.” I laughed. While we were dancing, I tried a lot of crazy moves on her and this girl didn’t complain. I held her close to me and even played with her butt but she didn’t complain. I asked her, “Where’s that friend you came with?” She said, “She could be out there drinking or something. She’s with her boyfriend so don’t worry about her.” I told myself, “With little effort, I will get this girl.” I started telling her how beautiful was and how her boyfriend was lucky to have her. She said, “Boyfriend? You think I would be here if I had a boyfriend?” I did the sign of the cross in my head. I said, “Then it’s my lucky day because I’ve been single for a very long time.” She looked at my face. She said, “Are you sure about what you’re saying?” I said, “Look at me very well. My friend came with his girlfriend. You think if I had a girlfriend I wouldn’t be here with her?”

I said, “It’s a special providence that brought us here tonight. We shouldn’t take it for granted. Why don’t you be my girlfriend? She laughed. “We just met and all of a sudden you want me to be your girlfriend? Is that what you do to all the girls you meet?” She was smart but I was smarter. I saw through her actions and knew she was only playing hard to get. Around 1am, I told her, “It looks like your friend had abandoned you just like my friend had abandoned me. Why don’t we leave?” She asked, “To where?” I said, “We can go to your house or mine.”

A few minutes later, we walked hand in hand out of the party, picked a taxi, and went to my place. It was when we were in the taxi going that I texted Jerry that I was leaving. He said, “I saw you leaving with the girl, I hope it’s not what I’m thinking.” I said, “I will give you all the round down tomorrow.”

We got home, washed down, and rushed to bed. We couldn’t wait to consume each other. For the rest of the night, we didn’t sleep. It was either she was on top of me or I was on top. After the huff and puff through the night, we finally slept when it was already morning. We both woke up at around 11am. I looked at her against the morning light and she was more beautiful than I saw her the night before. She didn’t leave on Sunday. She stayed and we had another marathon before Monday morning.

On Monday morning when I was leaving for work she said, “Leave some money. I’ll cook something so you get something to eat when you return. I said in my head, “Eish, this girl is not leaving today too? What if Adjoa comes to meet her?” I left her money and left for work.” I called Jerry. I told him everything and he said, “My guy be careful ooo. When a girl comes cheap like that, she usually comes with a lot of issues.” I said, “Don’t worry, by tomorrow she’ll be gone and I won’t see her again.”

I got home after work and saw my keys in front of the door. I looked through the window curtains and something didn’t look right. I opened the door and rushed in. The first thing I noticed was the absence of the TV on the wall. I rushed to the bedroom. She wasn’t there. Four of my sneakers were gone. Perfumes—gone. I had a locked iPhone in my drawer. That too was gone. My laptop—gone. I remembered I’d kept some cash in a trouser I’d hung in my wardrobe. I checked that one too and it was gone.”

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It felt like there has been a rapture in my room. I sat on the floor contemplating where I could find her. I called her line and it was off. I remembered what Jerry told me, “When a girl comes cheap like that, she usually comes with a lot of issues.” Why didn’t I think of that? Why did I trust her that easily? I asked my neighbor if she saw the girl leaving with my things. She said, “I wasn’t home all day.” Her son said, “I was here when she was leaving. I carried the TV to the roadside and she gave me GHC10.

I was so embarrassed I couldn’t tell any of my friends about it. When Adjoa asked what happened to my TV, I said I’d sent it to repairs. It took me three months to be able to buy another TV. For three weeks, I consistently went to the place we had the party hoping I could find her there but I never did. At some point, I had to count my losses and let everything go. But It’s a small world. One day I’ll meet her somewhere and she will have a lot to explain.


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