I and Appiah were fairly happy in love. The chemistry between us wasn’t crazy or wild but we loved each other. We often talked about the future and the big things we would accomplish when we finally get married. I was certain that we belonged together. We were not a perfect couple for sure. We had our little fights here and there but at the end of the day, we understood each other. I knew what made him happy and what made him angry. He knew the same thing about me. I also knew he was a good person and he would never hurt me on purpose. We were fine with whatever life threw at us.
Somewhere in 2015, he accompanied me to the bank to open an account. The guy who attended to me and helped me open the account was very helpful. His name is Kwame. His customer service was top-notch. After completing the process of opening the account, I applied for an ATM card. I went through that process too and days later the card was ready.
Kwame called, “Hi it’s Kwame from the bank. Your ATM card and cheque book are ready. Kindly pass by the bank to collect them.”
I went to the bank with my boyfriend the next day to collect the card. The first time I tried using the card, the machine seized it. I got angry. I felt Kwame did something wrong with the card so I called him and unleashed my anger on him. He didn’t react to my rudeness. Instead, he took his time and talked me through the process of retrieving the card. I followed his instructions and later got my card back.
One Saturday I had a call from Kwame. I was like, “Why is he calling me? Aren’t we done with the account issues?” I picked up the phone and he excitedly screamed my name, “Hello Rose, how are you doing?” I responded with an indifferent tone; “I’m fine. Is there a problem with my account?” He laughed, “Oh so I can’t call you if it’s not about your account? I thought we were friends.” “I wouldn’t call us friends. It’s not like we know each other,” I responded. He said, “Well then I want to get to know you. Are you busy today? I want to see you.”
I told him I was busy with some chores and he said he didn’t mind waiting for me to finish. I gave him a direction to my place and he came. When he arrived, I offered him a seat and went back to my chores.
I attended to him when I finished Everything I was doing. He asked if we could go out for drinks and I said yes. We went to a nearby pub and talked over drinks. I learned a few things about him and I told him some stuff about myself, nothing too personal. After the drinks, he brought me home and stayed a little while before leaving.
When it was time for him to leave, I walked him to the door. When we got to the door, he leaned in, tipped my chin up, and kissed me. At first, I was stunned but it wasn’t for long. Our conversations during the night were calm. I liked the aura around him and he had this calming presence that worked on me. I didn’t fight the kiss. I kissed back. I don’t know who pulled away but when we stopped, I breathed so hard. He gave me a mischievous smile and walked away.
That night I couldn’t sleep. Guilt and pleasure warred in my brain. Guilt that I had kissed a guy who wasn’t my boyfriend, pleasure at the memory of the kiss. No one had ever made me feel such intense things with just a single kiss. When I finally drifted off to sleep, I kept waking up from recurring dreams of the kiss. I told myself “This Kwame is bad news. I will stay away from him like he is a bad disease.”
I was tempted to call him and ask why he kissed me but I didn’t. A few days later he called me and I couldn’t resist the urge to answer the call. This time there was no excitement in his voice. He sounded serious; “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” he said. “Me too,” I responded in my head but suppressed my mouth from saying it out loud. He went on, “I want to marry you.” I laughed, “Marry me? What joke is that? Do you remember the guy I came to the bank with the day I opened the account? That’s my boyfriend.” He said “He is not your husband. I am asking to be your husband. Think about it.”
He called occasionally to talk about the marriage proposal but I turned him down. Sometimes he would show up at my place unannounced to see me and then kiss me before leaving. He never touched me beyond that. We went back and forth until I finally agreed to his marriage proposal. It only meant one thing, and that is, I had to find a way to break up with Appiah and I did just that. I broke up with my boyfriend and started a relationship with Kwame. True to his words, we got married in December 2018.
Our wedding night was the first time we got intimate and that was enough to get me pregnant.
Before we got married, Kwame came up with a business plan that he said would earn him enough money. He was so sure about it; “This is a big idea. If I’m able to get this going, I can resign from my job and soon become wealthy.” He convinced me to take a loan for him. I loved him with fiery passion and there was nothing I wouldn’t do for him. I didn’t even ask him questions. I just agreed to what he said and took the loan for him. He started the business alright but paying the loan became a problem. He often complained that things weren’t going as planned with the business.
After the wedding, we fought a lot about the loan payment. I couldn’t let the interest pile up so I started paying it. It took me three years to clear the debt. He didn’t pay a penny of the loan I gave to him. To make matters worse, he started having issues with the law. As I write this, my husband is in jail. I didn’t put him there, no. He stole from the bank he was working and he got caught. It was a large sum of money. I was shocked how he was able to steal all that.
I found out the hard way that I married a con artist. It has taken a lot of time for me to pick myself up from the shame and hurt Kwame brought into my life. I was broken into pieces but I didn’t die. I soldiered on until I completely healed. Currently, I am doing well. Love is not something on my mind but Appiah has been lurking in the shadows. He wants me back. He proposed marriage but the truth is, after what I felt and experienced with Kwame, I can’t go back to Appiah. This may sound some way but Appiah is not good in bed.
I can bet my life he is not a thief or a bad person. I know he truly loves me and wants this to happen but going back to him means settling for bad sex and that’s too much for me. I am not sure what to do at this point in my life.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Woman calling photo created by wayhomestudio – www.freepik.com
Madam, you made a mistake but go back to Appiah wai.