I’d gone to the market and was carrying a lot of stuff in my hands. I was sweating, determined to get home as soon as possible when someone came from behind and said, “Let me help you.”
I didn’t even look at the face behind the voice. Immediately he said it, I dropped the load into his hands. He walked next to me and as we were going I tried to direct him as to where he should pass. He said, “Don’t worry, I know where you live.” I asked, “You know me? Because I’ve never seen you around here before.” He said, “I’ve been here since last year. I see you every Sunday when you are going to church.”
When he dropped my load, I asked his name and he said he was Lucas. I said, “Thank you very much, Lucas. My name is…” Before I would mention my name, he said, “Natasha.” I asked, “You know my name too?” He said, “Yes, I know your name. I don’t know much but your name nkoaa di3 I know.” His simplicity and easy approach to life caught my attention that day. I told him, “I will look for you whenever I pass by.”
I passed by every day so it meant I looked for him every day. The day he called me on phone for the first time, he said, “Now that I have your number, I’m going to disturb you with a lot of calls. I hope you don’t mind?” I said, “Keep calling. We’ll see who will pick your call.” One day I asked about his job and he said, “I’m working with my aunt currently. It’s the reason why I’m here. I lost the job I was doing and getting a new one was getting tougher every day so I decided to come here and help out.” I said, “So you’re looking for other opportunities while you are here,” He said, “Yes please.”
It got to a point I realized he liked me but was finding it very difficult to tell me. He would make everything so obvious today but tomorrow he’ll act like he wasn’t the one who was all lovey-dovey the previous day. He was warm and cold and that threw me off-balance. I was developing interest in him but I wasn’t sure how to express it.
One day, I was returning from church when I saw him. He smiled. He said, “The way you’re looking good, I wish I could take you out on a date and spoil you.” I said, what are you waiting for?” He said, “You wait, when my money comes, you’ll see how I will spoil you.” I took it as a joke and went home. Another day, the same story. I was coming from work when he came out to meet me on the road. He took my bag from my hand and started making the usual comment; “You look so good. You deserve a bottle of wine tonight but you wait, when my money comes.”
So, it was my birthday when he called to wish me a happy birthday. He asked, “Are you going to have a party? I said, “No party. I will just thank God for life and move on.” He said, “I should have taken you out tonight but I don’t have money.” I said, “If you did, where would you take me to?” He said, “I don’t know a lot of places but I know I would have taken you to a place where they’ll serve and pamper you because it’s your birthday.” I said, “I know a place, let’s go.” He said, “Currently I’m broke but you wait until my money comes.” I said, “Don’t worry about money, I will pay.” He said, “No you don’t have to do that. It’s your birthday.” I said, “If I had a birthday party, you would have come, right? And I would have paid for that party, right? It’s the same thing, right? Put on something and let’s go. I’m getting ready.”
So we went out on a date that night. I bought the wine, he served it, the tip of our glasses met, we said cheers and we drunk. When the food was served, I asked him, “Be honest with me, do you like me?” He said, “Yes of course I like you. You’re a very kind person and I like that about you.” I said, “That’s not what I’m talking about. You have a way of being love-dovey with me and then going silent the next day. What’s that all about?” He said, “I wish you were my girlfriend but you and I know that you’re out of my league.” I said, “Is that what you think?” He said, “That’s the truth.” I told him, “I don’t know the kind of league you’re talking about because I don’t like football but if you like me, get straight to the point. We are not kids. We both know what we want.”
That night he told me all his problems concerning work and why he had to work for his aunt who doesn’t even pay him; “The truth is, I don’t earn anything and a man who doesn’t earn isn’t a man enough.” I said, “That’s not a problem. You only need a job and you’ll get it. After that everything will be alright” He proposed the next day and I accepted it right there and then.
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I started pushing him to pursue a full-time job search. A few months later, he got one. It didn’t pay well but he took it. He worked there for a year and a half until he had a better offer and moved on. Two years after the better offer, he said, “I’m ready. If I marry you today, I can take care of you so let’s get married.” I looked at him very well. He had changed. He was no longer the man I took to the restaurant that night who complained about not having money. The man before me had confidence. He had a presence and knew how to take what he wants without waiting for imaginary money to come.
I said, “Let’s do this. I’m ready.”
We got married a year later. At our wedding reception, they asked him, “How did you meet your wife?” He said, “The first time I saw her she was on her going to church. She passed in front of my house and I saw her. She was looking so beautiful I wanted to approach her but I couldn’t. She was in a hurry so I told myself, “I’ll approach her when she closes from church.” That day, I stood by my door all day and she didn’t come to pass again. The next Sunday, I waited by my door. I rehearsed my lines. Immediately I saw her approaching, everything I’d rehearsed vanished. One day, I got closer to her and realized she was out of my league. But what’s yours is actually yours and no one can take it away from you. That’s why we are here today.”
Last May was our sixth anniversary. Today, there’s no place he can’t take me to unless I tell him I wouldn’t go. We are currently raising three kids who take delight in giving us troubles but that does not stop us from being the lovers we had been since the beginning.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com