I am a twenty-five-year-old woman with a one-year-old child. I didn’t have it easy when I was pregnant. My boyfriend at the time abandoned me when I got pregnant. I had to do it all alone. All the financial burden was left for me to bear; antenatal care, hospital bills, hospital items, baby stuff, and everything else.

I was working so I had some money saved. It was when my child got to three months old that his father reappeared and started taking responsibility. Now he sends us GHS400 every month. It’s not enough but I manage.

I also work so financially we are fine. The only thing I want right now is genuine love. A man who will understand my situation and not take away from the peace in my life. I am not looking for a father for my child, he already has a father, however, it’s important that whoever I date has a soft spot for kids, and will see my son as his.

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A guy I met two months ago exhibited the same traits I was looking for. I completely opened up myself to him. I told him everything I went through at the hands of my baby daddy. “I don’t want to ever go through that experience again,” I said. He also promised, “I don’t know what your ex’s problem was but trust me, if you give me a chance I will treat you better.” I believed him.

At the beginning of the relationship, I was the problem. My insecurities got in the way most of the time. I read meaning into things, jumped to my own conclusions, and started arguments. These little arguments started to get out of hand. So I sat down one day and reflected on the promise he made me, that he would treat me well. I decided then to give him the benefit of the doubt.

As I am typing this story right now, the guy broke up with me three days ago. Nothing happened. We didn’t fight. No argument. He just got up and said, “I am no longer interested in this relationship. Let’s just be friends.” I asked him if I had done anything wrong and he said, “You’ve done nothing, Akosua.”

I cried and begged him to take me back but he refused. I have been in tears these past three days. I can’t even eat. All I do is stay in bed and cry. I’m completely shattered. I need advice on how to forget about him. I am in too much pain because I love him with everything in me.

— Akosua

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