I am a young woman who wants to make it in life. I am not even looking for something extravagant right now. I just want to be able to afford to live without running to my relatives or friends for financial support every now and then. I enrolled in a long-distance education program and got a degree in January 2023. My degree is in educational psychology.
I know I am supposed to be working as a teacher, however, I lost my passion for teaching after I did my national service in the corporate world. I taught very heartily when I was in school. I couldn’t wait to get my certification so I would now feel validated as a teacher. I got a diploma in education first before I did a top-up course for my degree.
It was after my diploma that I did my national service. This was in 2020 when schools were closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The only option available was for me to do the service in a corporate organization. I fell in love with the corporate world there and then. Regardless, I enrolled in a degree program for the degree I currently have.
After I finished my service, I started a small business selling fabrics. It did very well for a while but in 2022, things slowed down until they eventually came to a halt. No matter the marketing strategies I used, I couldn’t save the business. What’s a business when you are not making sales?
I applied for a teaching position with my diploma and started working. It was then I realized that the corporate world had stolen my heart. The joy and fulfillment I used to get from teaching no longer existed. I taught out of duty instead of the passion that used to burn bright in my heart for the profession. I knew what I wanted but I needed the money. So I continued to teach until the academic year came to an end.
Getting up early in the morning to dress up and go obsess over files, documents, meetings, and meetings KPIs gives me a certain rush that teaching doesn’t do anymore. It’s like comparing fruit juice and cocktails. While fruit juice is more practical, I love cocktails. Thus, my decision to apply for corporate jobs after I got my degree.
From January 2023, I have been on the job market looking for opportunities to take on roles that would help me build a career as a corporate woman. I know I have to start from somewhere so I have been applying to jobs with personal assistant and administrative assistant roles. Unfortunately, the salary for these jobs is very low.
Out of desperation, I accepted some offers. However, in all the experiences I gained from them, when the salary is low, I end up borrowing money to cover transportation expenses. At the end of the day, I was constantly in debt. Who am I helping when my salary doesn’t properly cover my transportation costs to work?
“Maybe if I quit, something will come along. At least I have some experience now,” I thought. But each time I quit, the next opportunity was no better than the one I left. Because of my experience with sales, I have been applying for customer service jobs as well. It’s just unfortunate that all the jobs I did, there is nothing to show for it.
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I know manna doesn’t just fall from the sky anymore. If I want to make it, then I have to work. I’m ready to work but where is the job? I also know that nothing good comes on a silver platter, and that if I want a good job I have to keep trying. That’s why I haven’t given up. I don’t even have the luxury of choice to say, “I’m tired of chasing these dreams that seem as elusive as a ghost.” No, I am still here trying.
As I am trying to make things happen, I have realized that I cannot do it all alone. I need the support of community. That’s why I’m here this morning. If you are seeing this, then you are part of my helpers. With my little experience doing administrative work, I know I am good at it. All I need is the opportunity to prove my worth. That’s where you come in. Please, help me find a good job.
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This is a new year. All I want is to make some progress. I turned twenty-seven last year but I have nothing to my name. When I think about it, I get so depressed. The last interview I attended was in January. They offered to pay me GHC850 a month. Meanwhile, my transportation to work would cost me GHC43 every day, and I was supposed to report six times a week. How could I have accepted the offer knowing it would cost me more than they were paying me?
I spend most of my time on LinkedIn and other platforms that advertise jobs but so far I haven’t gotten anything. Please, I need to work so I can make something out of my life. If you can see this, help me in my search for a job.
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