I got married four months ago. My friends were there, those I grew up with and those I made along the way. I had no intention of sidelining my friends after marriage but slowly, I noticed they made plans without me and went to places without informing me. It bothered me a lot so when they posted photos of their outing, I went to rant under them.

Kobby was frank with me; “Since you got married, anytime you talk, you bring your wife into the issue. “My wife said this and that.” “I have to ask my wife blah blah” so brothers bore. That’s why they are doing it without you now.”

I never knew I was doing that. I didn’t have any memory of me saying that to brothers. But according to them, it came up in my statement so often it became annoying. They thought it was my wife who was running the show.

Since they said that, I’ve been conscious. When I catch myself bringing my wife up in a conversation, I stop and say something else.

But it is not easy. To have a lengthy conversation without bringing your wife into it takes conscious effort.

I was with them when my wife called. I knew it was time to go home. I didn’t pick up. I was about to tell them, “Wifee is calling. Time to go” but I quickly changed the statement and told them I had to go home. They all said, “Wifee is calling, abi?”

“Or I said it without realizing I did?” I asked myself.

It happens unconsciously so it’s hard to gauge your thoughts against it. I don’t want to lose my friends so I’m asking those who have been married for ages, how did you finally keep your wife out of your mouth? And how were you able to keep up with paddies when your marriage was still fresh?

— Fii

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