One of the things she told me during the talking stage was, “I am not monogamous. It’s not intentional. I just find myself dating multiple partners. Each of them fulfills a different need in my life.” It didn’t matter how she polished it. All I heard was, “I lie, cheat, and play with people’s feelings for my benefit.”
I told her it was wrong for her to string multiple partners along. “If you don’t want to commit to one person, then be single. But if you commit to one person, then you must stick to him no matter what.” She made me realize that she didn’t know any better at the time she was out there playing around. “Now that I have met you, I have changed,” she assured me.
I studied her for a while and didn’t see any signs of promiscuity in her life. She truly was a changed person. As Oscar Wilde said; “The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.” If she was changed, then why not give her a chance to become the woman of my dreams?
Our relationship did not have any major drama. We were good most of the time. Occasionally, we encountered problems but we resolved all of them. We were always together. If I showed up somewhere without her, people considered it unusual. Everyone in my life knew that she was always glued to my side.
Even when she started school this year, we were still close. We never let go of each other. I visited her as often as I could. We would go to a guesthouse near her hostel and spend some alone time together. I made sure I always satisfied her sexually and made her feel happy. I did all this so she wouldn’t miss me so much.
Before my last visit, I spent three days with her at that same guest house. We stayed indoors talking about our hopes for the future, and all the ways we will be happy. She promised to be the best woman she could be. “I want to be a woman you will be proud of,” she declared. “I will take my studies seriously. Then I will focus until I get a good job after school. We will be together through it all. We will be a power couple, so help me God.” It made me happy that she had elaborate plans for our future together. I felt loved and cherished by her. Above all, I loved that all her days of playing games were truly behind her. I was the real deal.
When I left her place, she called and texted repeatedly to tell me how much she missed me. Left to her alone, we would never leave that guest house. We would stay in there having deep conversations and sharing intimacy until we could no longer go on. I told her, “Hang in there my dear, I will be visiting you again soon.”
I honoured my promise and visited her as soon as I could. When I got there, something about her didn’t feel quite right. She tried to act as if everything was fine. But I saw through her easily. I didn’t know what she was hiding but I knew it was just a matter of time before I found out. That night when she went to sleep, I took her phone. What I saw broke my heart.
All the time she was talking about how badly she missed me, my girlfriend was sleeping with her lecturer. They did it three consecutive times. He offered her money in exchange for her body and she did it without even a second’s hesitation.
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The evidence was right there on her phone. Everything they did and talked about was in their chats. This woman who swore heaven and earth to be faithful to me betrayed me at the mention of money. When I asked about it, she denied it. Even when the footprints of her indiscretions were glaring at us from their chats, she said she didn’t do anything. I had to force her before she came clean.
I Told Him To Go Ahead And Do It
“I am sorry that I broke my promise to you. Just understand that it didn’t mean anything. I only did it because I needed the money to survive. But I have seen the errors of my ways. No amount of money is worth hurting you this badly. Please, forgive me.” I love this girl so much but her betrayal cut deeper than anything I have ever experienced.
She says it will not happen again. Every day she tells me she is sorry. I want to believe her but I don’t trust her anymore. When I see her, all I see is a cheater. I no longer believe she can ever change. I am also not ready to walk away from her. I love her too much to leave. I don’t know what to do. I feel stuck. Please, what do I do? I am not thinking clearly right now.
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People hardly change…but they do when they want to. You can hope that she would change or assume that she would never change. I would go with the latter because that is most likely. If she won’t ever change, will you be with her regardless? If yes, good luck. If no, you know what to do.
Thank you, Kobby. You said it well.
The fact that he is not ready to walk away makes me wonder why he even wants to be advised.
No man can forgive cheating. You will not be the first one. You say you love her. Does she? Always remember she readily gave it out and moaned loudly, not once, but three times. Never forgive a woman for something that she knows she should not be forgiven for. If you forgive her, she will punish you for it.
Tobby, you will be fine without her.
what youre feeling is only for for few days, dont ever accept to be with her ever again
Let her go, she cannot change
Lemme tell you based on my own personal experience. That girl will hurt you more and will not stop doing what she did with her lecturer, she’ll do it(that’s if she’s not doing it already)sleep with fellow students and married men too. She already see you as a weak man, and someone who can be easily manipulated. The moment you shove aside what she told you in the beginning is what you’re suffering now. A girls who sleep with and keep multiple partners won’t make a good girlfriend/wife.
A cheating woman that has been caught is a dangerous woman. Never forgive a cheating woman…. The consequences are enormous. The only thing you can do for yourself is to END things with her, cry if possible, heal, move on and give love another chance but not immediately. You can never forget even if you forgive her. A word is enough for the wise. Are you wise enough to let go cos you truly love her? Is love enough? I’ll stop with this, She did it 3 times with him, she’ll still see and sleep with him and couple of other guys,