If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.

When I heard the first knock, I thought it was in my dream. I was deep in my sleep at this point so everything was dreamy. The second knock was louder but I still snored away wrapping myself in my bubble of sleep. The next knock quickly followed and so did the others. They were louder and more demanding, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to my door. “Sledgehammer to my door…” I mumbled sleepily, then it hit me, someone was at my door. I jolted up immediately. Half confused, and half panicked.

Thank God that I had the presence of mind not to open my door immediately. The first thing I did was trudge to my window. There she stood. Angela, looking as beautiful in the moonlight as the queen of the night she was. It took me a moment to notice that she was not alone. She was in the company of three bulky men. “What have I done?” I thought as fear gripped my heart.

I started thinking of an exit plan but in all the possible scenarios I played in my head, none of them ended well for me. I decided then that if I would go down, I would at least take someone along with me. So I went into my kitchen and grabbed a knife. I was wearing a jalabia. The robe was too restraining for me to freely move around if I needed to so I took it off and wore shorts instead, then hid the knife in one of the pockets.

When I felt calm enough, I boldly stepped out and asked them, “Why are you knocking on my door as if you are trying to wake an entire cemetery? What is your problem?” Upon sensing that I was not intimidated by them, their demeanour softened. One of the guys gestured at Angela and answered, “Our sister here said you brought her to your house, and used her body, but when you finished you refused to pay her. When she challenged you, you threatened to kill her.” I was in shock but I didn’t let it show.

I was calm and quite authoritative when I narrated my side of the story to them. I didn’t flinch or cower so they knew I wasn’t lying. After I finished saying everything, they turned to Angela and asked her why she lied to them and brought them out to a stranger’s house in the middle of the night for nothing. The anger they were hoping to take out on me was rather descended on her. No one hit her though. It was insults and scolding.

I thought this girl would accept defeat and scurry off but her tenacity is something to be admired. She stood in the compound screaming curses at me while me and the men watched her in confusion. Once again, my reputation was at stake. I didn’t want to risk getting exposed by her theatrics. So I turned to the guy who spoke to me and demanded, “Ask her what she wants from me.”

The moment she heard this she calmly said, “You used me and didn’t pay so all I want is my money.” Of course, she was lying but I wanted to be rid of her for good. When I asked how much she wanted, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Four million old cedis.” Wow, another GHC400? I was annoyed, nonetheless, it was a small price to pay for my peace. That’s why I didn’t argue with her. I just went inside and brought her the money.

She snatched it and stormed off with victory all over her gait. Two of the guys followed her but one of them stayed behind. When they were out of earshot he told me, “I can see you are a good guy so let me give you a warning. Angela is trouble. She might come here again with the same story. If that happens, beat her very well, if not you will never be rid of her.” I nodded, said thank you, and watched him disappear into the night.

A cocktail of emotions awashed me when I finally locked my door behind me. Relief, anger, sorrow, and the most palpable was anxiety. I couldn’t go back to sleep. I sat in bed and pondered over the guy’s warning. I didn’t want to risk another encounter with her. The next course of action was to pack a few things and leave the house.

I went to a friend’s place in the next town. When he asked what was going on, I told him ECG took my light and the heat was too unbearable for me. The next morning I was down. I couldn’t even eat. I didn’t get any sleep either. It was on Sunday morning that I woke up feeling a dose of peace in my mind. Only to be shaken when I saw my landlord’s call at 2 pm. “I am f**ked” I cussed before answering the call.

As anticipated, my diabolical queen of the night had returned to my place on Saturday morning to bang on the door as if I owed her money. She was so loud that people came out and asked what the problem was. She told them she was a call girl, and I patronized her services but refused to pay.  Me? A saint in the eyes of these people? Ha! This is where my hypocrisy saved the day. Nobody believed a single thing she said.

My landlord’s wife and some of my neighbours ganged up on her and insulted her. “You must have lost your way and appeared here. Joe is not one of those men. Unless you want to tell us someone put you up to this. Go and find where you belong and leave here,” that was how they handled her according to the report. The landlord also called his police friend to come around. The mention of police got her out of there as quick as lightning.

READ ALSO: How An Embarrassing Encounter With A Call Girl Turned My Life Around

Even after I was assured that she wouldn’t be back, I couldn’t go home for three good weeks. I gave excuses that I had breakdowns at work. I was afraid she would visit again hence that decision.

When I finally went home, the issue had died down but the trauma never left me. I say this because since this issue happened last year November, I haven’t had the urge to visit a brothel to date. I now see these girls and I become terrified. I also didn’t experience an erection for a while after the incident. But by the grace of God, I am fully functioning now.

I now realize that some of the fine girls in my church have been looking my way all this while but I was so blinded with my lifestyle that I failed to notice them. Now, for the first time in three decades, I have a girlfriend.

We always spend the weekends together at my place but I haven’t made any attempts to touch her. The other day we were talking on the phone when she said,  “It’s okay if you want to keep the relationship non-sexual. Although people have been telling me you are a virgin, at least we can kiss and do other things without going all the way, right?” I only smiled and told her. “Don’t worry, my dear. We will get there soon.” I’ve never kissed in my life, that’s true, but the kind of styles I can take her through, she has no idea.


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