The first time I spent the night with her, my slippers went missing. We looked everywhere for my slippers but couldn’t find them. It was very strange because I remember clearly where I placed them before I went to sleep. There were no dogs or cats in the house to blame. She called out for her twins to come out and help look for the slippers. They helped me. They went under the sofa and went under the bed looking for them but we couldn’t find the slippers. In the end, I had to drive barefoot to my place. I got home, called her, and asked, “Don’t you think your twins have something to do with my missing slippers because it’s very strange.”
She was unhappy that I could think of such a thing about her twins. “They are not kids to play with slippers so what are you talking about?”
To me, That was the only explanation that made sense because slippers don’t turn to air and disappear while we sleep. If it goes missing then it means someone has a hand in it.
Another time, I went to her house and these twins met me at the gate to tell me their mom wasn’t there. I asked where she had gone to and the girl responded, “A man came here early morning and she left with him. She hasn’t returned.” I looked at their faces, looking for traces of lies but couldn’t find any. “I spoke to your mom on my way here. She told me she was in the house.” They insisted she wasn’t in the house so I called her line and she didn’t pick up. I called three times. She didn’t answer my phone. The twins left me on the outside and entered the room. I stayed for a while until I saw their mom calling my phone.
They are fourteen years. Their mother had them when she was a teenager. From the story she told me, a national service person came to their community when she was in junior high school. She became friends with him because he was teaching her. One day he lured her into sex and got her pregnant. When he realized she was pregnant, the guy run out of town. They pursued him until they got him but he denied ever being responsible for the pregnancy. Nine months later, she gave birth to twins who look exactly like him.
The guy came back with his family to claim the kids as his own but didn’t do anything afterward when it comes to taking care of the kids. She had raised her kids single-handedly until I met her and fell in love with her.
From the onset, she told me her kids are her everything. They are the ones who had kept her company through life when everyone left her so she held them in high esteem. I understood her and promised to do my best to keep them happy.
The first time I met them, they were very happy to see me. The girl, Linda, was all over me, calling me daddy even before she knew who I really was to her mom. The boy was indifferent but he responded positively to every question I asked him. I thought we would get along just fine until they started showing me shege.
Anytime I’m with their mom, they find a reason to intrude into our conversations. Sometimes they’ll bring their homework for me to help or they’ll just sit around breaking into our conversations every now and then. There is nothing like privacy for both of us unless we step out.
One night we went on a date without them. That was the beginning of the relationship. When I brought their mother home, I thought I should get my goodnight kiss so we stayed in the car for a while, looking for an opportunity to kiss. I don’t know how they got to know we were out at the gate. The boy came out first and called the girl. They rushed to the car and hang around until their mom stepped out. Even when their mother asked them to leave, they stayed, making sure I don’t get my kiss.
And then the slippers incident happened. Followed by them telling me their mother was out when indeed she was in.
When she called back that day and I told her what her twins had told me, she laughed. “Nooo, I’m in. Maybe they’re joking with you. I was in the kitchen when you called. My phone wasn’t close.”
That day I had an honest conversation with her. I told her, “I love your kids and I’m ready to do anything for them but I see trouble in their eyes. They don’t like me and they are doing all this to kill our relationship. How were they able to come out with such a lie, that another man has taken you out? It’s not a joke. It’s a deliberate attempt to push me out.”
She didn’t agree with me. She insisted they were kids and kids do crazy stuff. I was expecting her to warn them or even advise them against such a thing but she didn’t say anything to them.
She’s a good woman. We’ve been in this relationship for close to a year and everything is awesome except her kids. I’ve met her parents and they like me. She has met my parents too and they found her twins adorable. I’m ready to settle down with her because of how she easily makes good things happen in my life. And it looks like she comes with a stroke of special luck because ever since I met her, only good things happen to me. I’ve been promoted at work. I’ve been winning easy contracts when it comes to my side job and she helps puts my life in order. If only her kids would behave, we would have a perfect relationship.
When I’m with her, they ask about their father, a man they haven’t seen all their lives. When I’m in the bedroom with her, they find a reason to come in without knocking. One day, the girl nearly caught us in the act. That was the only time I saw their mom getting angry at them. When I talk about them she thinks I don’t like them.
Days ago, I was at a place waiting for her to come around. I called her phone to tell her I was around. Each time I called her line, she cut the line. For about five times, she cut the line. I got angry and left the place. Thirty minutes later she called asking me where I was. I told her I was home and she didn’t understand why I would be home when I should have been waiting for her at the place. I said, “Check your phone and see how many times I’ve called you. You were cutting my calls. I even texted. You read and said nothing.”
It was her girl who was doing that. She was playing games on the phone while I was calling. Instead of handing over the phone to her mom, she kept cutting the call because it was me. Instead of her to direct her anger at her kid, she rather asked why I didn’t wait much longer than I did. It turned into an argument and the argument ended with “They know you don’t like them that’s why they are fighting you.”
What Would You Do If I Died Today? | Beads Media
That’s a lie. They are fighting me because they don’t want me around their mom and I know it but the thing is, when we fight I’m not happy. When we argue about the kids, it creates the impression I don’t like them and it pushes them farther away. I spoke to her parents about it. That they should talk to her. In the end, she made it look like I was the one who had problems.
How do I resolve a problem like this? It’s love for her enough to keep us going when we finally marry? Some say the twins will calm down when they finally realize that I’m not going anywhere. They say after marriage, they’ll calm down but I’m scared it might get worse. I’m scared they’ll be the monsters to shake the foundation of my marriage if it happens. Should I listen to my instinct or I should believe in what people are telling me?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Say no to single mothers
The boy is trouble and contaminated the girl.As women in nature are emotional,the girl is overdoing it.So marrying that woman is trouble because both the kids and their mother will make the marriage unbearable for you
A good and lucky woman is hard to find. Make a date with the twins only, try to have fun with them. Don’t see them as nuisance, but a source of fun. When you are with the mother and they want to see her, encourage them to come in. Let them understand that you are not coming to divert to you their mother’s love for them, but rather you are good to add to it. Take the whole gang out sometime. It shouldn’t be hard to win the hearts of these kids. By all means, don’t leave her. Discuss suitable punishments with her for when they misbehave.
There will be no peace in your marriage. This is just the beginning. They are doing all these to sack you away. Your wife will always choose the kids over you. It will come to a time she will tell you that you are not the children’s father that why you Don’t like them. Be warned. People have entered into this kind of marriage and are regretting it. The kids want their mom to end up with their dad. They will always cause a rift between you and you wife. Please They are walking red flags. The fact that your girlfriend takes their side over you and choose to believe in their lies shows the kind of marriage you are about to enter. Please leave the woman alone. Find someone with no children. They are child trouble free. You are the only one who knows the intensity of the fire that is burning you . The people outside don’t know the intensity of the Heat. Run for the sake of your sanity. Remember a leopard never changes it’s spots.
It will get worse if you don’t solve the twins issues before marriage.
Hahaha! Reminds me of Steve Martin’s 2003 movie “Cheaper by the Dozen”. Don’t give up on the mother just yet. Believe me it is not easy finding your dream wife. Nevertheless, she holds the key. That the children love her is not in doubt and she must leverage on that to convince the children that you bring her happiness and joy. More importantly, you must let go of any grudge against the children and learn to laugh about these excesses. Don’t let anyone prevent you from claiming your dream girl!
Are you shallow minded ?? Of all the single women that are there you went for a single mother , because of sex you think you are in love . Wise up and look elsewhere otherwise you will never know peace .