I never felt real love until I met Naa. By then I was in my early thirties and all I wanted to do was to settle down with her so we could build a home together. She has everything I wanted in a woman. She is beautiful and calm. She is also a slow talker who looks adorable when she smiles because of her dimples. We were friends for four years before I gathered the courage and proposed love to her. That day she smiled and said, “I’m glad you finally said it. I too have been in love with you for a while now.” If I had any doubts about my feelings for her, that was the day they all became clear. I would have done anything for her. And I knew from the way she treated me that she loved me with all her heart.

One year into our relationship, She introduced me to her mother, who received me with warmth and treated me as she would treat her son. She and I became quite close and I was happy about the nature of our relationship. I felt Naa’s father would also embrace me the way her mom did. The only thing was, all the times I visited them he wasn’t home. So we decided that the best way she would introduce me to him would be during an official introduction. While we were yet to decide on a date, I ran into the man. I was in a barbering shop in front of their house and he was heading home with one of his sisters. And the two of them had alcohol in their system.

I was very nervous when I saw him but I tried to remain calm on the outside. I didn’t know that he knew me until that moment. He addressed me before I had the chance to introduce myself. “I know who you are,” he said, “You are the young man who wants to marry my daughter.” I nodded and said, “Yes sir.” Then he looked at his sister, turned to look at me from head to toe and shook his head saying; “I am sure you are a decent man but I cannot allow you to marry my daughter. You are a teacher, which only means you are poor. Naa is also a teacher, so I want her to marry someone with money.” He went on saying a lot of degrading things about teachers and then left with his sister before I could gather my thoughts to speak.

READ MORE: The Man I’m Pregnant For Says I Should Choose Between Being His First Or Second Wife

I felt utterly disappointed and heartbroken. I don’t know how I managed to carry myself home that day. After that day, Naa started ignoring my calls. I would send her a message and she would read it but would refuse to reply. Everything started falling apart for me when Naa stopped talking to me. Her father could be the problem but I didn’t expect her to compound the issues at hand. I was a man in love so definitely I wasn’t going to let her go that easily so I continued calling her until one day she picked up my call. She told me, “Rudolf, you heard what my father said. He is everything to me and his words stand. If he says we can’t be together then we can’t be together. There is nothing I can do about it. I love you, yes but the man who would accept your drink says no. Just move on with your life.”

I was shattered. For a second, I felt my spirit had left my body. I looked left and right and saw people passing by and talking to each other. I felt I was seeing them because I was alive. “Naa? My own Naa can open her mouth and tell me all that? No, that can’t be true. Maybe she’s under some kind of spell. I will try until that spell that’s holding her bound sets her free.” I kept calling to remind her of our beginning and how far we had come. Every little chance I got with her, I reminded her how life could be if she gave me another chance. She loved me and it showed in the way she listened to me. Somehow, a crack opened and my words started passing through the cracks until she told me one day, “I have tried everything I can to get over you but it’s not working. You seem to have this special effect on me that does not allow me to move on even though my dad says I should.” We made up again and it was one of the happiest days in our relationship.

A few months after we made up, her father invited me over for a meeting. I had high expectations when I was going to meet him. This time around he was sober. His thoughts were lucid and his words were clear. I saw it as a good sign; “If he is sober then everything we discuss here will be serious and final,” I thought. Naa’s father introduced me to some of their family members present. After the introduction, he asked Naa if she truly wants to marry me. She looked at me, smiled, and then turned to her father and said yes. Her father and family members endorsed her decision before the meeting ended.

Things were going on well for us until 2020, during the political campaign season. She told me, “Rudolf, my father has changed his mind again. He says I’m his first born so I have to set an example for the rest to follow. I must marry a rich man so the rest ca take a cue from me. I have tried. I’ve said all there is to say. I’ve done all there’s to do. He’s still not shifting ground on what he has said. He said there are so many men who have come to ask for my hand in marriage so he doesn’t understand why I would choose a mere teacher out of the lot. I am really sorry about all of this.”

I knew what she was talking about. What she meant when she said many men have come to ask for her hand in marriage. Honestly, at the time Naa was dating me, she was also dating a politician. She was with him before I came into the picture, and he lavishes her family with money. The man had proposed marriage to Naa so her father was waiting for him to come and marry her. That’s why he never liked me from day one. I knew about all of this but I was hoping my love for her will prevail in the end.

I was still willing to fight for her, but she told me she was no longer interested in me. She said, “I love you, but there’s no way I will choose you over my father. It’s good we don’t talk again. Just stop calling me.”  What I felt was heartbreak that first time was nothing compared to how I felt after she finally let me go. It was during that period that I found out that I was the fifth man Naa’s father had deemed unworthy of marrying his daughter.

He Left Me Because I Was Raised By A Single Mother–Beads Media

I tried to convince her to make her own choices but she became rude and disrespectful to me. The last time we spoke she told me, “I have moved on. I have replaced you with someone else. Just move on.” I had no option but to let her go and love her from afar. Because of her, I’ve learned not to love too hard. Everyone leaves in the end so it’s better we reserve some love in our hearts just in case what we have doesn’t work. The next one should come and meet you in good shape with a lot of love for her too. I’m sharing this story because I think of her from time to time and wonder how life would have been with her on my side. She’s gone. I’m still a teacher. My kids call me sir. I’m alive. Love will happen again. Maybe one day on my way to school, I will find the one who’s meant for me and she’ll love me because I’m a teacher. What made someone leave may be the same reason someone stayed.


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