There are things that are destined to happen. The place and timing of their occurrence can change the course of your forever. Just as there are people we are bound to meet. And our interaction with them or the lack of it can alter the course of our life. I know my story may sound silly to some of you but if you help me get what I am looking for, you will be contributing to a very great love story.

My heart is telling me that this is meant to be. That’s why I have taken the bold step to put myself out there. Everything here happened yesterday. I am a caterer. People place orders and I bake and deliver it to them. Sometimes I use dispatch services. Other times too, I do the delivery myself. Yesterday was one of those times. I went with my sister to do some deliveries. On our way back we joined a trotro.

When we got to the Dome market, just before the crossing, a car bumped into our trotro. I don’t know who was at fault but our driver and the other driver started yelling insults at each other. My sister and I were in the backseat so I turned to look at the other driver. He was driving a grey Honda SUV. It was at night but I could see him clearly in his white shirt. I could also see his face. Although he was angry, he looked very handsome.

I couldn’t stop staring at him. I felt in my heart that I was supposed to meet him that day. Even after he and my driver stopped fighting each other, he was saying some words that only he could hear. I didn’t know what he was saying but it looked like was insulting someone. And I thought it was me. We kept staring at each other while he spoke and kept muttering under my breath, “Why is this man insulting me? What did I do to him?”

Then his facial expression softened and he started flashing his headlights. It took me a while before I noticed he was doing it to get my attention. I got flustered and turned away from him. After a few seconds, I turned back to look at him again. The moment he saw me he started blinking the headlights again. I got shy and smiled, then turned away from him again. When I turned back to look at him again he waved at me and smiled. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that smile.

For the next few minutes, he waved at me, smiled at me, and flashed his headlights at me every time I turned to look at him. I told my sister that we should get down so I would go talk to him but she refused. She felt I was being silly so she even blocked my path so I couldn’t get down. I was hoping by some miracle, this man would go in our direction so I could get a chance to talk to him somehow.

Unfortunately, he took the route leading to Kayport while our trotro headed straight. I was so disappointed that I never got the chance to talk to him. I have been thinking about him since I got home. It sounds crazy but I believe what happened between us was love at first sight. Maybe if I get the opportunity to get to know him, something amazing can come out of it.

This is why I need your help. I need this post to reach him wherever he is hiding so he can find me. From what I saw last night, he is fair and handsome. He wore a very neat downcut. And he wore a white shirt.

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Dear mystery man, if you are seeing this, I am the fair lady who was smiling at you in the trotro you bumped into around 8:00 PM last night. I wore my hair in a ponytail and a pink long-sleeve shirt. I hope this story finds you. Most importantly, I hope when it does you will remember me. And when you do, I hope you come find me.

I believe our meeting yesterday was cosmic. And I am trusting the powers that brought us across each other’s path last night to let us meet again. Dear readers, please if you know someone who meets this description, share the story with them. If you don’t know anyone too, still share my story. Maybe my mystery man is on your timeline.

Maybe this will not lead anywhere. But what if it does? I have never done anything like what I am doing today but there’s a first time for everything. I know what I felt for him that very moment is too real to be ignored. So please, spread the word for me. Help me find my man.


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