Our firstborn is on the way coming. Very soon we would have a child after four years of marriage. To me, that’s what makes me happy but it looks like my husband is more concerned about the way the child would be born than how our dreams are going to materialise once he comes.
I’m twenty-six. Nurses tell me I shouldn’t have any problem with vaginal delivery but my husband insists we should have CS.
It started as a joke but he put some seriousness into it as time went on. “I know we are going to have a child but he shouldn’t come and destroy my kingdom for me.”
“What kingdom are you talking about?”
“It’s a tight zone and I want to keep it like that. He shouldn’t come and open up the gate with his big head.”
I got it. I was like, “Who told you he will have a big head? We only have to pray for safe delivery. That’s the most important thing.”
A few weeks to delivery and he has handed me a bunch of cash telling me to pay for CS. I said, “At least, let me try and see what happens first. I should just go in and tell them to do CS?” He answered, “I would be there. I will tell them myself.”
At least, I want to be given a chance to try but right from the start, he wants me to go in for CS. Isn’t that selfish?
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I’ve told him childbirth does nothing to his kingdom. I’ve shown him an article that says the same thing. He was like, “I know what I’m saying. I’ve dated a born one before and know how it feels.
I’m tired. Tell him something for me.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Some of these men paa de3 Boi!! So that means all your babies are going to be born through Cs hmm may God be with you. Instead of him to be happy about the baby, your health and you having a safe delivery his only concern is about how the shape and size of your vagina is going to be lyk seriously .. tweaa. My sister don’t go in for any CS wai. Think about your health first and ignore his selfish desire because it’s your life we are talking about here. Good luck.
CS has side effects they won’t tell you . They are fibroid, it also causes you to stop giving birth because it will come to a time they won’t be able to perform the CS on you so they will tell you to stop giving ie they will remove your womb or even tie your fallopian tube. Never allow CS to be performed on you when you can deliver normally. Don’t allow your husband to decide for you. Because you will suffer mentally and even physically. Stand firm. Don’t be a push over all in the name of love. If I were you I would go to the hospital and tell the doctor about not performing any CS even if your husband says so. Yet still you can sign a document stating so. That one de3 your husband can’t do shit. Because if you do this one ,he will ask you to do so every pregnancy. At the end of the day this same husband will tell you that you are wasting his money on medecin without taking into account he is the course of it. My dear if he divorces then so be it. Choose your happiness and health above all else apart from God. Good luck. Stand tall as a mountain. Don’t forget to pray for a change of mind and heart for your husband.
Delivery through CS has its own menace, it’s so sad you’re facing this situation.
Kindly engage a third party, either your midwife, doctor, and if possible the family to help you out
Choose your health, stay your grounds.
Tell your Dr to let him know that, normal delivery is always the 1st option.
Best of luck.
It is actually safer for you to deliver through CS, i don’t think its selfish
To me your husband is selfish, how does he understands the CS. This procedure is done at extreme cases and is not a child’s play.
secondly has he thought of any complications afterwards, and how your stomach will become because with the surgery you will not be able to tie your stomach well.
Thirdly, ones you do this, it will continue with every child birth. lady your health is important please, this same man can leave you if challenges comes tomorrow through this CS process. Please go through the natural delivery process God will see u through.
So let me correct the few factual inaccuracies stated above as a physician. It’s not true that after cs you can’t tie your bellie. After a week the wound will be healing well reason we discharge you 3days after cs. Then again it’s not true that cs had risks n vaginal delivery doesnt. Both does but minimally. When you choose cs usually we don’t encourage you having more than 3kids as the risk increases( my wife had 3 cs and doing well). However the reason for your cs is non sensical since vaginal delivery won’t affect size of the vagina. So choose what’s comfortable for you and not what others say