Our friendship was an envy to many when we were in high school. You couldn’t separate us if you tried. I went everywhere he went. And every time I showed up somewhere, people expected to see him close by. I loved my friendship with him so much that I didn’t want anything to ruin it.

Along the line, he proposed love to me. This guy is handsome, intelligent, smart, and quite the social butterfly. Girls flocked around him everywhere he went. This was what made the idea of dating him back then unappealing to me. I didn’t have the energy to fight with multiple girls over a boyfriend.

Thankfully, he handled the rejection well. It didn’t get in the way of our friendship. We continued to be close until we left high school. Distance, and busy life, among other life issues, did not ruin the friendship. It’s been ten years now since we left high school.

A few months ago we started dating. We were both single and available. We decided, “We are already friends. We know each other inside out. And we like what we’ve seen so far. So why not date?” It sounded like a good idea at the time.

Our beginning was also a sweet one. He was nice and cool, as always. We already knew each other so we didn’t struggle to find a common ground. We fell into a familiar comfort that made the whole relationship feel easy and smooth. There was no unnecessary friction or awkwardness.

Along the line, this guy just disappeared from my life without a trace. No calls, no texts, and certainly no physical presence. I was worried when I couldn’t reach him. I thought something bad happened to him. Only for him to show up alive and well.

When I confronted him about his behavior he said, “Sometimes I don’t understand why we have to talk every day when we don’t have anything meaningful to tell each other. It makes the relationship lose relevance in my eyes and I get bored. That’s why I go off.”

Building the Perfect Relationship| Chat & Chuckles Ep15

His explanation didn’t sit well with me but I didn’t argue with him. Rather, I accepted it and stopped being the lovebird I used to be. I have been giving him distance but he doesn’t seem to notice.

I just want to know if his behaviour is normal. In a romantic relationship, should the couple only talk when they have something meaningful to say to each other? Or he is saying this because he doesn’t like me as much as I believe. Maybe he is not fully committed to me like I am to him. I don’t know what to think.


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