I have been in a relationship with my man for over nine years now. In our seventh year together, I discovered some unpleasant things about him that pushed me to end the relationship. He was cheating on me with another woman. I didn’t want to share my man so the only thing to do was to walk away.
He didn’t let me leave. As soon as I broke up with him he was at my doorstep with his mother. The two of them apologized for what he did. I considered the respect I had for his mother and let go of the issue.
He tried to cover his tracks after that but I was calculated too. With much persistence, I found out in the eighth year that he was sleeping with other women. All types of women from all walks of life. The youngest is twenty years old.
I confronted him and he didn’t deny it. He said, “With all honesty, women are my weakness. I can promise I will stop but I would be lying. So don’t bother yourself about it. No matter what, I will always come back to you and we will definitely get married.” That was supposed to be my consolation prize; marriage.
I didn’t take it lightly, but I also loved him too much to walk away. It felt like I would be abandoning him to his fate. At the end of a long and reflective day, I decided to stay and pray for him, with the hope that he would change his ways.
Along the line, I got into a financial bind. I didn’t have a lot to live on. It was easier and more affordable for me to move in with him. So I did just that. This guy and his family put me through hell. And it was because of his womanizing ways.
Whenever he messed up and I complained, his parents would say it was my fault. They treated me as if my feelings didn’t matter. Meanwhile, I was good to these people. I dated their son for nine years when he had nothing. I provided financially for his needs and it extended to his family too. I was by his side till he found his feet.
God being so good, I didn’t have to put up with their maltreatment for long. I got a good job in another region. I took the offer and moved to start work.
Barely three weeks after I left, this guy brought the young girl to where we live. I found out when the girl made a video of herself at our place and posted it on social media. I showed the video to him and asked, “What’s going on?” “Why are you surprised? I already told you my problem. I know what I am doing is wrong but I will end up with you,” he answered.
Almost all the things in his room belong to me. So I considered moving everything out and ending the relationship for good this time. However, I feel I am the only one in his life who is willing to help him through prayers.
I consulted a man of God about his lifestyle, and he said it’s a spiritual marriage to a close relative. The prophet said he can’t get married if God doesn’t intervene. He then warned me, “Be careful with the way you are fighting for him. If you don’t take care you will die before your time.”
I don’t know if I should keep fighting for him or let him go. He is not even availing himself to be helped. Meanwhile, I have a lot of suitors coming my way with a lot of proposals. What do I do? I am so confused.
– Millicent
Continue staying! You’ve experienced all the nonsense this person and his family has put you through and you’re here acting brand new! Madam, AIDS is still real ooo! Leave this barren land and find yourself somewhere where you can be fruitful and celebrated! Ahhhhh wonp3 ahot) ohn! God is trying to take you out of this thing by showing you certain things! But you’re still confused!
Me I want to ask you this: this behaviour of his as well as that of his family, if he does not change, will you be happy being with him? Ask yourself this and whatever answer you come with, deal with the outcome accordingly. Also remember, there’ll be consequences of the answer and outcome you come with.
All the best
Go away if you love your life. He is not the only man in the world. He is not a good example for your kids to follow. My dear you are like a withering flower so please hurry up before you wither with nothing left at all. If anything at all aren’t you tired of the maltreatment . There is even STDS. If it’s the years don’t look at it. Leave him to his family. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by .You might not get them again at a point in life. Look out for yourself. God has made away for you to flee from this doom so it’s up to you to make good use of it.
Sofomaame continue praying for him. Don’t say we didn’t tell you.
Hmm, you’re in fornication for nine years, nothing prompts u guys to get married and still hoping to continue this life. Some men are ready to marry you for a good life but you don’t want to
wodeɛ tena hɔ wae, one day one day🤔
I pity the man that would eventually wife you! That’s why i agree with you to keep praying, fight for your man, next time you see him with another beat the hell out of her. True love. Peace!!
Are you brain dead or you’re just playing with us? Accept those proposals coming your way and start planning your exit. If he finds out, tell him that you have a confession. That men are also your own weakness and you can’t change, but you will definitely marry him at the end of the day.
There is a thin line between stupidity and love.
Keep fighting mame saviour