He came into my inbox one evening asking if I knew one lady who had been commenting on my posts. I said I knew her only on Facebook. He said thank you and left. A few days later, he came to explain why he asked of the lady and said the lady had been playing hide and seek with him after taking money from him.
We discussed what happened and how ungrateful some ladies were. The conversation went on and on until we started calling each other “Friends”
I’m a nurse looking for an opportunity to travel abroad. This guy looked like he travelled the world and knew places so I told him about my dream. He screamed, “And you haven’t told me all this while? Why are good women like you always find it hard to ask for help?”
So we met at a restaurant one Saturday when I was off. His offline appearance matched what I saw online so I stayed at ease. We ate over a sumptuous meal and he promised to help me travel abroad. When I told him I had no money or any connection to help me, he told me to relax.
Not long afterwards, he asked me for a copy of my certificates. I sent it to him. He asked me to send a CV with credible references. I did it in no time. He asked me to give him my passport. Unfortunately, I didn’t have it but I told him to give me some time to do an express one for him.
He sent me the money for the passport and even recommended a guy he said he had been working with to me. I got the passport in one month. He was patient with me throughout. I’d known him for two months and all he had done was look out for my welfare so I saved his number as “Good Samaritan.”
The day I went to give him my passport, I went to his home at Labone. That was the first time going to his house. He cooked for me and ensured I was comfortable. He told me, “I have to be honest with you, I wanted you to travel with my sister as soon as possible but because of the situation of your passport, my sister is gone so you’ll have to wait for a while.”
One evening, he called to tell me he was in my neighbourhood. He had never visited me but I’d told him where I lived.
I asked where he was and I went there. He parked the car in a corner and we talked. We were there until 12AM. He started getting touchy. I allowed him. He leaned in for a kiss. I gave it to him. He proposed right after the kiss. I wasn’t sure about it so I didn’t say anything but when he shifted my pant, I stayed quiet and watched him do what he wanted to do.
It became a thing between us. We’ll go out to chill and in the end, park the car in a secluded place and do it. He no longer took me to his house again or even talked about coming to my house. Everything happened in the car every day for about three months. He was no longer talking about the traveling so I asked about it. He told me soon but didn’t say anything definite.
One day I woke up and I’d been blocked. I mean blocked everywhere there was a way to reach him. Out of frustration, I went to his place at Labone. The guys there laughed at me. They said they didn’t know anyone like that and the house belonged to a man who lived abroad and hardly came home.
I used a friend’s phone to check him up on Facebook. His account was no longer there. His phone number goes through but no matter how many different numbers I use to call him, he doesn’t pick up.
Men Don’t Like It When Women Do The Paying
I’m not going to go on and cry over spilt milk. I got carried away in the process and let myself go. I was blinded by the kindness he threw my way and as a result offered myself as a burnt sacrifice to him. Honestly, I didn’t think he was going to be the man but I thought a man of his kind would know how to let a woman down slowly.
Edwuma no adi me but Clement K, (The name he used on his Facebook. The K is the initial of his surname) can you come around my place and throw the passport there for me to pick up? I know you did the passport with your own money but can you please give it back?
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
who else search his name on fb? I jus did and found many clement K pls I’m sure he is not using his picture kindly provide what he is using as his PD…
Report the passport issue to the police for security reason.
Madam, which country do you want to go and practice? There’s a lot of information online for you to peruse and make the best decision possible! Please use YouTube as there are channels of Ghanaian nurses who have gone through the process and share their experiences. Whilst at that, read the links to the resources they provide in the videos. When it comes to these things, you need to fight for your own interest and opportunities. Even if you’re using an agency or middleman! You need to know the process so you’re well informed too.
All the best in your endeavour
Report him to police, good enough he did not take your money.