Our relationship was going perfectly well until I went to spend a few days at his place. I saw female clothing in his wardrobe. “Whose clothes are those in the wardrobe?” I asked him gently. I wasn’t looking to start a fight but that was his response. He got angry, “What right do you have to go through my stuff? Put the clothes back where you found them. They belong to my ex.” I asked him to discard them but he refused. “I am hoping one day she will come for them,” he responded. This was a relationship that ended a year before we started dating.
Before that incident, he was an amazing boyfriend. At that time, I had just finished my national service. I was at home doing nothing. I would scout for job ads and send applications. I hated the idleness. “Why don’t you do something to keep you busy?” Yaw suggested, “Maybe you can start a business.” I thought about it and decided on what to do.
I told him, “I want to learn wig-making.” Yaw gladly funded my training. He gave me GHC4,000gh to start with. This included the training cost and my capital. I took this seriously and I can proudly say this wig business has really helped me financially. This was how good things were between us. We were there for each other at all times.
However, after that incident with the clothes, our relationship never remained the same. He started distancing himself from me. I was trying to hold on but gradually he stopped talking to me. All these happened in the same year we met, 2020.
I am currently working in the government sector while running my wig business on the side. Every time the business does well, I remember that I owe him my gratitude. For this reason, when he randomly contacted me in 2022, I didn’t push him away. So once in a while, we talked.
We kept talking from time to time until 2023 when he told me he still loved me and wanted us to pick up our relationship from where we left off. I had my own reservations about him. Aside from the fact that he is a good man, every other thing about him is average.
He is not a fun person to be with. He is too prim and proper. You can’t even have a hearty talk with him. You can’t play with him or tease each other. His sense of humor is the worst I have ever seen. You would crack a joke that would leave everyone in tatters except him. His facial expression wouldn’t even change so laughter is far-fetched.
He is not a stingy man but he is also the type of man who will never give you anything if you never ask. Although he has his negative traits, he’s a very calm and supportive person. After all these analyses, I decided to overlook his shortcomings and be with him.
In January of this year, I called him and we had a lengthy conversation about our history, and where we found ourselves in the present. “Maybe if we give it one more shot it will work so let’s do it,” I said. He was happy that I agreed to give us a second chance. This is where all the drama unfolds.
We all know February is a month of love. Those who celebrate Valentine’s Day try to show their partners how much they care. As for me, my boyfriend told me he wasn’t going to be around on Val’s Day. He was supposed to go for training at Tamale. “While I am away, don’t call me on the 14th to wish me a happy Valentine’s Day. I don’t celebrate it,” he cautioned. I just said okay.
The whole of 11th February, I didn’t hear from him so in the evening I called him. He told me he was tired from his trip to Tamale so he was resting in his hotel room. We talked for some time and I slept off.
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The next day I spoke with him again and he said he just returned from his training. I just got this feeling in my gut that he was lying and that he never traveled. On Valentine’s Day, we spoke and he seemed off. So the next day I decided to go to his house, just to put my mind at ease.
Before I set off, I called to ask him how his training in Tamale was going and he said they were finalizing everything. “I should be home in the next two days,” he said. I got to his house around 6:30 pm and to my utter shock, his car was there. It seemed he had just gotten home from town. He was still in the car, when I rapped on the window.
I Didn’t Tell Anybody Because I Enjoyed It
He was startled. “What are you doing here?” He asked with a frown on his face. I also asked if he wasn’t supposed to be out of town. He got defensive and asked me if I knew where he was coming from. We started arguing over the fact that he lied to me about traveling when he was right here. The next thing I knew, he was throwing me out of his house.
On my way home he called several times but I didn’t answer any of them. And I also haven’t returned his calls. This means I haven’t heard from Yaw since 15th February. This got me thinking, why would he lie that he traveled? Is that a sign that there is another woman in the picture? Also, if he truly loved me, he wouldn’t have sacked me from his house at that time. Or I am the one at fault? Should I rather call and apologize for going to his place unannounced, or I should just pick up the pieces and move on?
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There are no pieces to pick up. Such insincerity is unprecedented! Just move on, I don’t think he’s serious about you
Sabi,you should go on with your life,leave that guy completely,he doesn’t have any plan for you.Face your work and business,God will give you a man if your own.That guy is dribbling you.
the message he sent to before Val’s day tells there’s something suspicious, just forget about him and move on and don’t ever return he may treat u as a trash
There’s someone waiting to adore you,
Maameafua has nor commented yet. All covenants above must be treated as tentative. Lol