After everything I have been through, I am finally bursting at the seams with joy. This whole love journey has been a tumultuous one for me. I didn’t know that I would finally see a day when I am not broken In pieces because of some love gone wrong. I never thought Akwasi would come crawling back asking for a second chance. But as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around.”
When I met Akwasi, I had just healed from the heartbreak my first love gave me. When he asked me to give him my heart I told him, “My heart was broken by a man who promised to keep it safe. It took me a lot of time and patience to pick up the pieces and put it back together. How do I know you won’t also break it completely?” He swore heaven and earth that I was his happily ever after.
I saw his face and it was true. Everything he said tugged at my heart’s strings. I told myself, “As far as my heart is beating I have to allow myself to love again.” So I said yes to his proposal and we started dating. We both had jobs so money was not a problem. He took care of things when he could. I also took care of things when I could. We didn’t face any major challenges.
You know how life works. Where there are roses, expect some thorns too. The thorn in our relationship occurred when Akwasi got into an accident. He lost his job as a result of this. He couldn’t go to the hospital to get proper treatment so he was treating himself at home. He had some internal bleeding, at least that was what we suspected.
His bleeding gave him bad breath. I am not talking about the kind you could hold your breath and cover your nose when he is talking, no. This one, you smelled it when he breathed. Nobody wanted to go near him. His mother, siblings, and entire family avoided him as though his condition was contagious.
He had no money, no family, and no friends. However, he had me. I took care of him the way I would my child. I would go to work and use everything I earned on his medication and food. Then I would physically nurse. I am not a nurse but I learned how to care for a sick person because of love.
While I took care of him he called me his angel. His saving grace. By and by, my man got better. He became the man I knew and fell in love. He was strong enough to get back into society. I was happy to see him back on his feet and so full of life. Then he got a job. It was a very good one that earned him a lot of money. His win is my win so I celebrated with him.
Unfortunately for me, I also lost my job just as things were turning around for him. I didn’t panic. I was sure that Akwasi would have my back just as I had his. He told me, “Don’t worry. It’s my turn to be there for you. I will anchor you until you get back on your feet.” I felt safe and secure in his love and assurances.
When the time came for Akwasi to deliver on his promises, it became a problem. All he kept saying was, “Hold on, I will send you the money tomorrow.” Tomorrow would come and he would say, “I am I couldn’t send it. I promise to send it tomorrow.” This continued until I asked him, “Why are you doing this? Do you not want to help me anymore?”
This guy got upset. He told me that I was not his responsibility. “You are always at home doing nothing yet you expect me to go to work and bring you money. We are not married so I don’t owe you anything.” I was hurt but I ended up apologizing for my entitlement. When he calmed down he invited me to his place to spend the night.
That night while he was sleeping I went through his phone. The things I saw almost put me in the hospital. He was dating several other women. These were women he was spending money on. He organized a birthday party for one of the girls. He also bought a laptop for his ex-girlfriend and asked her to take him back. He sent some of the girls money for their upkeep. This same guy who said he didn’t owe me financial assistance was busily spending his money on other women. That was when I knew I deserved better.
When I walked out of his apartment that morning, I walked out of his life as well. I am not going to lie, leaving was hard. It broke me completely. What made it worse was that Akwasi did not even fight for me.
I stayed away from relationships for over a year after this horrible break-up. I just wanted to focus on my life. By God’s grace, I got a job. Life was beginning to smile upon me. While I was going through my singlehood, I noticed that a guy in my neighbourhood was always watching me. I didn’t really pay attention to him until a lady approached me one day.
She told me, “Do you remember the gentleman I was sitting with last night? He wants your number.” I just said, “Tell him to ask me himself.” After that encounter, I stopped seeing him around. I even forgot about him.
One day I was running an errand during light out when someone flashed their torch light in my face. I was going through some stuff so I was crying when the light hit my face. I took out my frustration on the person and started shouting, “Who is that? Can’t you point your light on the ground?” The voice that responded was warm and friendly. He apologized and introduced himself as David. It was the guy from my neighbourhood.
We spoke for a while and then exchanged contacts. I noticed that every time I viewed his WhatsApp status, there was a lady. He posted different ladies every day. From what I saw I concluded that he was a womanizer. So although we became friends, I was sure that I would never date him.
The closer we got the more hostess the ladies in the neighborhood treated me. I even pointed one lady out to him and complained that she was always rude to me even though I never offended her. David told me to ignore her. Later I found out that the lady hated me because of him. When I confronted him he shrugged, “I don’t know what her problem is. She doesn’t mean anything to me so ignore her.” It wasn’t nice to be hated by another woman because of a man but I just focused on our friendship and ignored her.
As time went on, I started falling in love with him. This is something I swore would never happen. I still didn’t want to date him so I kept my feelings to myself.
One day he asked me to visit him. When I got there he held out his hands in fists and asked me to close my eyes. He then said, “I have two things in my hands. Choose one. Whatever you choose is yours.” My heart was pounding really hard at this point but I kept my cool and closed my eyes. I chose one of his hands and opened my eyes to see him holding a ring. While I was trying to make sense of the whole situation, he kissed me.
Honestly, I got scared. I asked why he did that. He said, “Isn’t it obvious? I love you. I want to be with you.” How can I date a womanizer? I instantly said no, and then tried to leave but he didn’t let me. He poured his heart into my palms. My feelings had lied to me in the past so how could I be sure that this one was real?
David kept talking to me until I finally told myself, “Mimi, allow yourself to be loved.” That was when I said yes. I was already in love with him, you know. Things got heated between us. He made love to me and I enjoyed every bit of it. It felt as if our bodies were made to fit into each other’s.
After that moment, we became lovers. I was so happy until David called to tell me that we should be just friends. I asked him why but he didn’t give me any explanations. I beat myself for falling for someone I had labelled a womanizer. “Now that he has gotten what he wants, he wants to be friends,” I thought. I was hurt but I left him alone.
After a few months, David called to talk to me again. He said he wanted us to get back together. I asked him, “What at all do you want from me? One moment you say you love me. Then the next moment you want us to be friends. Now, you want us to get back together? Why are you doing this?” He told me that he was serious so I should give him one last chance. I still loved him so I said, “If you mess up this time, that’s it.”
When we got back together I started getting a lot of hate from the girls in the neighborhood again. One girl was called Yaa Baby. She taunted me whenever she saw me. I just decided to focus on my love for David and ignore her.
Three years into the relationship David called me and asked, “Ask your parents what I need to bring to perform your knocking rites.” I thought he was joking so I didn’t do it. I remember how upset he got when he had to ask me a second time. That was when I knew he was serious. I asked my mum and she asked my dad and they gave me a list of items.
When I sent him to him he said, “Good. Tell your parents we are coming on Wednesday.”
“Eii! Just like that?” I asked him. He said, “Yes, I am ready.” That’s how he came with his family to perform the knocking rites and collect the marriage list. We tied the knot on October 14th. I still can’t believe that I am now Mrs. Abbey.
How I Met The Woman Of My Dreams
David is the best man for me. He has been good to me ever since I took him back. He has stuck to my side in all my low moments. When I was sick, he wouldn’t leave my side. He has been supportive of all my dreams. That’s how I knew I was finally home. All my bitter experiences when it came to love don’t bother me anymore. I am just glad that I am finally where I belong.
Anyway, Akwasi reached out to me recently asking me to take him back. I laughed and said, “I am no longer where you left me. I am so far gone.” I hear he lost his job again. I hear things are bad for him. All the women he was spending his money on have left him. That’s what he came back? Can you imagine? Is it that I don’t deserve to be loved and cared for in good times? He must see me as someone who only deserves to be with a broken man. Thank God that ship has sailed.
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Thank God indeed.
We all deserve a second chance indeed.
There’s no better place like home where you truly belong