I don’t know where the dream came from but all of a sudden he said he wanted to become a lawyer. To prove he wasn’t joking, he started taking classes to write the entrance exams. As a good girlfriend who also dreamed of being called “Maame Lawyer” because my husband is a lawyer, I encouraged him and prayed for him to do well.

Communication dwindled to the lowest. Seeing him became a problem. I’ll text him and he won’t respond. He told me, “You know law is hard. I don’t want to be distracted. Don’t bother to call me. I’ll call or see you when I’m free.”

He didn’t call or text. I didn’t stop nagging until one day, in front of his gate, he broke up with me. He wouldn’t let me enter the gate before dropping the bomb. He said, “Didn’t I tell you not to look for me until I do? What are you doing here?”

I had some things in his room. He left me at the gate, went inside and brought those things to me. My dream of becoming Maame Lawyer was quashed right there. I didn’t give up. I called. Texted. Sent voice notes asking him to change his mind. He told me, “If I follow you, I won’t ever pass the entrance exam.”

He wrote the exams and celebrated for writing the exams successfully. When the results were released, he didn’t celebrate. He failed. When his friend told me about it, I called him and he picked up. I said, “I heard you failed. I hope it’s not my fault?”

He was calm when he said it wasn’t my fault. He also said he’ll try again. Currently, he calls every day to ask me to be his girlfriend and that he’s sorry for the way he treated me. When he calls I simply ask, “You don’t want to pass the entrance exam again? If you follow me you won’t pass ooo. You better start learning from today.”

I tease him but he keeps coming back. No, I won’t take him back. One day, when I hear he has passed the exam, I’ll call him and tell him, “I still have a dream of being called Maame Lawyer. Can I come back now that you’ve passed?”

He thinks he’s doing me.


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