When I told him we should buy a bed after we got married, he refused. So our mattress was on the floor the first few months of our marriage. We didn’t have any furniture in our apartment. That was how he wanted it to be. When I complained, he said he didn’t see the point in spending money unnecessarily.
I am the only girl among my siblings so my parents always encouraged me to be financially independent. At the university, they used to give me more money than they gave my brothers. They said I was a girl so I had more needs. They also said, “We don’t want you to go out there and depend on a man for money.”
So I never became a financial burden to any of the men I ever dated. I was the one who even ended up supporting them with money.
I save all the time so there was never a time when I was broke. I also don’t like taking loans or buying things on credit. If I want something badly and cannot afford it immediately, I would deny myself of certain comforts just so I could get the money.
Because I have always taken care of my own needs, I always prioritized love over money. At the time I met my husband, he had just started working. I on the other hand had been working for two years in the government institution. I didn’t care that I had more money than he did. I never rubbed it in his face either.
After we got married, I was the one taking care of the home. Everything we needed, I bought it. He didn’t give me pocket money, and I also didn’t ask him for it. I figured we were a partnership, so everything I did was for us and not just me.
Our problems only started rearing their heads when I realized that he discouraged me from everything I wanted to do that involved. For instance, when he refused to allow us to buy any furniture for our apartment. I was patient with him until I got tired and went out to buy a bed. He was not at home when I brought it. And when he came in and saw it too, he didn’t say anything. I also didn’t bring it up so we both pretended as if we couldn’t see the bed.
After a while, I was transferred to a certain district to work. Transportation over there was difficult to come by so I had to walk for forty-five minutes to get to work, and walk the same distance back home. It was very stressful.
I discussed with my husband, “Honey, we need a car. It will make it easier for me to get to work considering the distance I have to cover on foot every working day. He didn’t even pretend to think about it first. There and then, he told me; “I don’t think it is necessary for us to buy a car. Just manage like everyone else who cannot afford to buy does.” I was the one feeling the heat so I went ahead to buy the car.
You would be surprised to know that he drives the car more than I do. It also came in handy when we started having babies. If I had listened to him, I would have suffered a lot. His attitude toward money was so bad that I became used to doing things on my own. I stopped discussing my plans with him, lest he discourage me from pursuing them.
After we started we started having kids I sat him down and told him, “We need to do something to secure our children’s future. We should do that by building something they can inherit later in life. Let’s start by buying a piece of land.” The moment I mentioned the word, “buy,” the color of his face changed. I could clearly tell that he was not happy with my suggestion.
Again, he could have easily said, “Let me think about it and get back to me.” He didn’t do that. All he said was, “We are not ready to buy land yet.” I knew he was saying that because he didn’t want to spend money so I didn’t argue with him or try to persuade him. I simply gave him the money for the land and asked him to acquire it. He had the money now. All that was left for him to do was to go and look at a few locations and get us a good deal. Nonetheless, this too became a problem.
Every time I asked about the progress of the acquisition, he would give me an excuse as to why he couldn’t get it done. Every day came with a freshly baked excuse. This was something that mattered to me so I also didn’t relent. I kept putting pressure on him until he eventually bought the land.
I wanted to secure our future before our children grow up so I started putting up the building little by little. He supported me when he wanted to, but I didn’t rely on him to do much, because I knew he didn’t have money. By the time the building was complete, I contributed 70% of the cost.
One day we were having a heated argument about money. Out of anger, I asked him angrily, “How much did you even contribute to our building? Tell me the amount, so that I will buy you out.” This statement has stuck with him to date. It doesn’t matter that I regretted saying it the moment they left my mouth. Every time I remember it, I cringe. The least chance I get, I tell him, “I am sorry for what I said. I know it is no excuse but I didn’t mean it. It was my anger that drove me to say those things.” He tells me he has forgiven me but I can tell from his actions that he is holding on to a grudge.
Now, this is why I am sharing our story. By God’s grace, things have turned around for him. He is doing very well financially. He has set up his own business and it is doing well. Our building too is complete. It is a four-bedroom house while we currently live in a two-bedroom house. We are a family of five so we are all cramped up. Our rent is about to expire so I thought we would be moving into our house soon. But guess what? He says no.
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I was confused, considering that he paid a lot of money recently to have electricity connected to the house. I went through his things looking for answers and found that he had acquired a piece of land in his name only. This is a concern to me because the land I paid for is in our children’s name.
I was working up the nerves to confront him until he came to tell me about the land himself. He said, “I want to put up a building as quickly as possible so that we can move into that one instead.”
How Silent Beads Started: A Chat With The Founder
I feel angry and betrayed, especially when I think of all the sacrifices I have had to make to complete the building we already have. I know he is doing this because I contributed more to the building than he did. I believe he wants to prove to me that he is also a man who can take care of his family, but is that the best way to go about it? Even if he wants to seek revenge for that statement I made, isn’t this too harsh a thing to do? How many times must I apologize for my wrong before I earn his forgiveness?
At this point, I am thinking of moving into the building with my children so that he would also move into his own when he is done. The alternative is to sell the house and use the money to build something in my hometown. Whatever happens, I know it will not end well for my marriage. I just need to share this burden in my heart.
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My dear don’t sell the house. Rent it out to others. This will even earn you more money . This money can be saved for your kids. Then move into the house your husband has built. If you want your marriage then you have to let go off your ego. What is for your husband is yours. Besides he has not told you that you shouldn’t come and stay with him. You have already drawed your verdict. This kind of behaviour is the reason why people loose their marriage. What is the essence of you selling the house in your kids name and leaving else where while your husband has built a house and you not living in it. The main plan was to build a house for the kids so stick to it despite a new development arising. The new development doesn’t mean that your initial plan is bad . Both are great and it will come in handy in the near future. Your duty is to support your husband and also keep being the independent woman that you are. A word to the wise is enough. Besides learn to hold your tongue when angry because if not you will end up hurting people and breaking good things.
Sorry about this. Be patient with him. All will be well
Sorry about this. Be patient with him. All will be well
My dear this is nothing to break your home about. I think your husband react that way because towards money issues because he is not financially stable and he feels he supposed to do those things not you. Besides men fear when women put alot on the table because we will definitely show our ego. Like the statement u made out of your anger. Now this is simply, he is financially stable now and he want to take the mantle as a man by doing things he supposed to do knowing very well he contributed to your building. Just rent it out , save that money for the kids instead of sealing it. Wait for his project and move in with him as your husband. And remember you put the building in the children’s name not u n him and he fears u will definitely claim it alone one day because u contributed more so he decided to claim the one he bought alone. There’s nothing wrong with that cuz u have urs. Why are you even worried over something that u will die and leave behind one day.
I wonder why your husband couldn’t see your arrogance, disrespectful, uncultured and ill mannered life when he was going out with you and then went ahead to marry an unmarriageable human like you. Your husband has too much patience and deserves someone better.
…and why are you blaming the efforts of your parents in providing for you in your stup!d!ty?
Out of shame, you’ve even brought your marriage to divorce with your own mouth which is actually the best because a woman like you doesn’t deserve such a divine soul like your husband whom even with a woman like you and your behavior, he is still saying he wants to put up a house so you all can move in. Serve your husband divorce so you can go leave your independent life and make whatever decision you want with your money and life. SIMPLE!
Am really disappointed by your hash and unfortunate comments. I don’t think you took your time to read the her story. Don’t let your shallow mind clouding your consciousness. If she were to be your sister will you have talked to her like that. Where did she go wrong? Her only crime was to be a helping shoulder to her man but because of your ego, you rain all manner of insults on her. African man bring your ego down to be able to reason clearly. Men are out there looking for ladies like her who can take the bull by the horn to lesson their burdens. Am really disappointed in you.
Am really disappointed by your hash and unfortunate comments. I don’t think you took your time to read the her story. Don’t let your shallow mind clouding your consciousness. If she were to be your sister will you have talked to her like that. Where did she go wrong? Her only crime was to be a helping shoulder to her man but because of your ego, you rain all manner of insults on her. African man bring your ego down to be able to reason clearly. Men are out there looking for ladies like her who can take the bull by the horn to lesson their burdens. Am really disappointed in you.
My dear this doesn’t call for you selling what you put up in your children’s name. Open accounts for your children respectively. And rent out those apartments. Then you save it in their accounts respectively. Tomorrow you will look back and see that you have done great things for your children. May God help you.
God have mercy on u for spewing this nonsense
Like the ordacity
Do u know how other men are out there looking for someone like her
A wife who won’t sit down doing nothing all because her husband is doing same
How many wives will go into their account to go take money to feed a grown up man and also buy other expensive stuff the home need
Like are u even serious
I can see u are like this man
U are proud and heartless
The same man who said he won’t buy a bed slept on the same bed time didn’t see any need of and had the mind to also impregnate his wife 3 times and also drives the same car he said wasn’t important
This lady right here is a good wife and I am sure even u want someone like her but u won’t get
Stop being proud and heartless and change ur attitude
This ymur comment really bore me paaaa
Like how can u say this