My mother saw her death before it happened. I don’t know how but somehow she knew what was coming for her. I say this because, one day she called Owusu to have a conversation with him. Before the call ended she said, “Owusu, take good care of my daughter for me.” Neither of us thought much of this statement until my mother took her last breath. That was when my boyfriend recognized those words as my mother’s dying wish.
After the loss of my only surviving parent, I had no one. Owusu and I had been dating for about a year then. We were so close that he became my family. I had a job then but he insisted on providing for me financially. He made sure that I never lacked anything. It was at that moment that I understood the depths of his love for me.
Two years into our relationship, I found out that I was pregnant. While I was concerned about what it meant for my future, Owusu was happy. He assured me, “You have nothing to worry about. I love you, and I will take care of you and our baby. So let’s keep it.” I had never had any reason to doubt him so I agreed to keep the baby.
My first trimester had me so sick and weak that I had to quit my job. My boyfriend was concerned about me living all by myself. So he asked me to move in with him. “Why not?” I said as I packed up and moved into his house. Just like before, he continued to provide for all my needs. I didn’t even feel the financial toll of my unemployment. It was all good between us.
When I delivered a beautiful baby girl, things got even better. You would think I gave my boyfriend the world. His happiness added to mine and it doubled. I looked forward to our future with so many expectations, and in every scenario I came up with, we were all happy.
As I share this, Owusu and I have been together for six years now. Our daughter is a toddler now. The kind of relationship I expected her to have with her father is not what they have. I understand that she is still an infant but I don’t believe she needs to grow up before her father establishes a relationship with her. I have encouraged him to spend time with his daughter but he doesn’t listen. He is rarely home. Even when he doesn’t have to go to work, he prefers going out with his friends to spending time with us.
When I complain about his behavior he gets angry. And when he gets angry, he wouldn’t talk to me for days. He wouldn’t even eat my food during this period. When he calms down and wants to make amends, he won’t apologize. He would just initiate intimacy. That’s his way of saying sorry. One time I told him, “Babe, it’s important to me that you offer me a verbal apology when you offend me. Don’t just seduce me and expect me to forget about everything.” He shrugged, “That’s the only way I know how to apologize.”
This is something that scares me now about our lives together. His inability to say, “I am sorry,” and the rate at which he gets angry. Sometimes, it’s over little things. The other day, for instance, he turned on the fan while our daughter had a cold. So I said, “Please, turn off the fan so our child’s cold doesn’t escalate.” This man got angry and shouted, “Everything about our relationship these days is about your child. It looks like she is more important to you than me.” After his outburst, he didn’t talk to me or eat my food for four days.
When he finally calmed down, I asked him, “So is this how you are going to behave even after we get married?” He responded, “I am behaving this way because you are loud, and you don’t respect me.” I have always been loud so why is this now a problem? It isn’t that I shout at him. I am just the kind of person who expresses my emotions immediately something happens. Once I am done, I let it go.
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As for the disrespect part, I know it’s not true. Why on earth would I disrespect a man who takes very good care of our family? This is someone who brings me his salary at the end of every month and tells me to run the home with it. Who wouldn’t appreciate a man like this?
In my attempt to limit the rate at which he gets angry, I asked him again if he behaves that way because of financial stress. “Is it because I am not contributing to the home?” He shook his head, “Of course not. You know me. Even if you had a job it wouldn’t change anything. I will still take care of all our expenses.” He wants to send me back to school so I can further my education but I am worried the financial burden will be too much for him. And it would escalate his anger issues.
I Had My First Girlfriend As Early As Class Four | Silend Beads Videos
This is why my only concern right now is how to manage his anger. This is the only flaw he has that is causing problems for us. He is a good man so I don’t want to leave him. Besides, I don’t want our daughter to grow up without both parents present in her life.
He has started talking about marriage, but I am worried. I don’t want to walk into it while things are still like this between us. This is why I am here with our story. Is there anyone here who has had to live with a man like Owusu? Did things get better? How did you make it work? I need all the counsel I can get.
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Hmm asemoo . My uncle was once like that . Just now he has toned it down. My dear My only advice is when you see he in the mood to start a quarrel or he has started play the role of a fool don’t mind him. He will feel guilty and come back to you. Apologies mean nothing if we don’t work on them. He finds it hard to apologise, just leave him. My
uncle never apologies when he goes wrong but at least he notices it after he has done it . That alone is more than enough. Don’t forget to pray. Prayer can change things. Be patient ,with such people you have to be silent and even if he claims you are disrespectful just apologise cause if you won’t it would escalate. A patient and prayerful person always wins. Learn to tame your tongue. The moment you have something to say to him and its a suggestion do it when he is not angry. There are signs to his anger just open your eyes and you will see them.
You are the problem here. You have to correct the way you react towards him or the way you talk to him.For you it’s not a disrespect but your body language says otherwise. You see that he’s not loud himself and he’s a calm person that’s why he goes silence on you anytime you disrespect him.If he’s louder you would receive slaps in every occasion you disrespect him.Change and control yourself if possible your voice.Change your body language while you talk to him and you will see that he will be that good man you want
From your own words. “In my attempt to limit the rate at which he gets angry, I asked him again if he behaves that way because of financial stress. “Is it because I am not contributing to the home?” He shook his head, “Of course not. You know me. Even if you had a job it wouldn’t change anything.”
You should learn to come down whenever he’s upset and also not talk back at him when his mood swings.
Maybe like you said, he feels you are giving all your attention to your daughter and he may not feel loved because of that.
Mind you, men also want attention and time. Check and examine yourself whether your behavior and attitude or care towards him has changed ever since you gave birth and try to pick it up from there.
I hope you get married soon too
Wish you all the best
Marry him Sis. There are a lot of irresponsible men out there. Thank God you have a loving and caring man. His Ego is what makes him angry and doesn’t apologize later when he realizes he’s at fault.
My husband and I have passed through this stage. Today we are very happy and fine. There are so many pressures and circumstances that we face individually everyday, it’s also part of it.
Don’t be loud and watch your body language too like the other person said. Don’t try to prove a point all the time. I used to do that but I started ignoring so many things and it has helped me too. They sometimes don’t like it when we correct them, they see it as we are being controlling so turn your corrections into suggestions.
Soon, he will spend less time outside and spend more time with his family. You don’t know what is out there and besides, you read people’s stories on this page everyday. That should tell you what you have. Pray for God to give you wisdom to run your home. God bless you and your family and smile, there is nothing to be afraid of.
Please quickly get another job and also start contributing something to the upkeep of the house.
We men won’t admit we are under financial stress but it affects our mood and some of the consequences is what he is showing up.
Also please learn to ignore certain small and petty stuffs men do .
“A deaf husband and a blind wife are the best of couples “…..
Marry him but pls get a job to support him and do everything possible to go back to school to better your life .