I’ve received my last warning. He says I should never go to his place with bushy hair again. Not just bushy hair but the one that grows down there.
I like to keep it because the blade does something bad to me. It leaves me with bumps and severe itch that lasts as long as my there is bald. It’s terrible when you’re in public and itching down there. But this is not the kind of itch I can ignore so to prevent that, I leave my place a little bushy.
When it grows too long, I use scissors to trim it. I won’t say I do a good job with the scissors but it’s not the kind of cut the world sees so I leave it like that.
My boyfriend doesn’t like it. It’s been a reason we quarrel. It’s been a reason we stayed away from sex. He’s denied me a birthday gift because of that. We’ve fallen into a long silence because of that.
“Shave! Shave ooo shave! What kind of woman keeps this level of bush in between her thighs? Is it a shrine? Are you keeping a zoo?” He would say.
I’ve used the lifetime of this relationship to give reasons. To defend myself. To say no. When he said, “So can’t you do this one thing for me?” I cut a lot out with scissors but all he wanted to see was skin. A bald cookie.
I Had Some Hope For Marriage Until He Invited Me To His Wedding
Days ago, he gave me a last warning. He doesn’t want to see my face again until he sees it bald. M’abrɛ mpo. One relationship I entered, I’m always receiving warnings. What is that?
— Hilda
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Flee fornication!!!
When the hair is growing and it has to pierce the skin, you’ll definitely have some irritation. A shaving stick causes the hair to go underneath the skin.
It will help a lot if you can invest in a trimmer. The blades of a trimmer are arranged so it cuts the hair but leaves it above the skin so it continues growing without piercing any skin. You can search for trimmers on jiji. Prices range from 100gh-150gh. Wish you luck
My sister you can’t kill yourself for anybody. He won’t help you to battle the furunculosis and itching. If that is his deal breaker, then let him walk. The fact that he would insist that you do something that would cause you pain just to please him is a red flag. The fact that he would deny you a birthday present because of this is another red flag. That he would give you an ultimatum to shave is yet another red flag. What would he now do if you refused to have sex until marriage? Strangle you? Leave him and don’t look back. He’s a selfish asshole with control issues.
Dear Hilda,
I think this shouldn’t be a problem to you. Your boyfriend maybe doing you good but you’d understand him in different angle.
Let’s all focus on health-wise.
You’re a lady having two outlet beneath you which they’re supposed to be kept clean. Vagina is one of the sensitive and significant organ on women which needs accurate attention.
Heat, when the place is bushy it accumulates heat gain which results to a pageant sharp smell down there. This becomes unhealthy to you.
Germs, bushy arena invites micro organisms then enter into the canal because the bushy areas are closer to the canal. The probability of you getting infection is extremely high. To this, is very unhealthy.
There are many causes of diseases inflated bushy arena down there. So, when anyone advises you to trim down there he/she is causing you no harm irrespective of the person.
Felix suggested a of solutions to your issue with the use of trimmer which I think can help you at least solve that issue. I don’t see this to be a problem my dear.
To those saying is a red flag, well…I’ve little to say about that. I want to us all to know this, not every situation in a relationship is a red flag, some needs solutions and not breakups.
Diego you are not a woman and you know nothing about women hygiene so stop spewing nonsense. Through the years healthy women have grown and kept gorgeous pubic hair with no issues without shaving. There are men who like comb through with their fingers before doing the do and enjoy seeing the thick hair down there. It’s ignorance to the highest level to say the things you said.
It’s purely personal preference. Some like it’s bushy some like cleanly shave.
Thank you Jack you have said it all. Just to reiterate again there’s nothing wrong with having a bushy vagina. It is the natural disposition of the vagina. Shaving is a newfangled fashion that is due to aesthetics. The decision to shave or not is based on personal preference, but for someone like Hilda who has a tendency to develop furunculosis, it is better not to shave.
Try using hair clippers it has wide blades so it doesn’t irritate skin. I used to have the same problem as you but nowadays am very okey.
He is a jerk who lack understanding. Walk away from him.
Finding solutions to the itching should be for you and you and you alone. Not so you can please his ego. I have bumps when I shave my beard with shaving sticks so I grow it most often. When I have time I use shaving powder and that gives me a clean shave with no bumps. You can try it for yourself. Magic Shaving powder. Take care of your Toto
He is funny if I may say so. Dose that mean he sees you as a sec object? And nothing else? Is that what you want? I. Thought the was more in a relationship than sex when two people meet. Evaluate your relationship and as your self what do you want from the relationship and tell him where you stand in a nice way