We were happy, I was so sure of it. It isn’t that I was too blinded by love to see the signs. I believe he was good at playing the part of the doting boyfriend. Yes, there were a few things that didn’t add up but things were good. I didn’t want to disturb the peaceful waters so I tried not to read too many meanings into things. That’s why I didn’t see it coming. The sudden changes. Today he is doing this. Tomorrow he is doing that. No time for me. No time for our relationship. That was when I was forced to open my eyes.
He had another woman. He was in love with her. He told me so himself, right before he dumped me. I loved him so much that I couldn’t accept the breakup with grace. I begged him to take me back, love me again. “You loved me once so we can rekindle the embers that are not completely cold yet. One more chance please,” I cried. He refused. I even brought in people we both knew to talk to him but it didn’t work out either. I cried a lot, I am not going to lie.
All of these horrible things happened last year. It affected everything about me. Even the kind of things I posted on my WhatsApp status. There is a guy who used to watch my status. When things changed he asked me, “What’s going on in your life? I am always in a hurry to see your posts because they are usually cheerful. But now they’ve turned dark. Do you want to talk about it?” I didn’t go into details but I told him I was going through a hard time.
We didn’t talk much but after that moment, he started texting me regularly. “I want to comfort you,” he said. He would send me motivational messages and advise me. I was touched by his kindness. By and by, I grew fond of him. Our conversations grew more frequent. He lives abroad so we mostly made WhatsApp calls and exchanged text messages.
Five months into our newfound closeness, he came to Ghana. We met in person to talk and the connection was great. I was in love with him. He confessed that he had feelings for me too. Shortly after that, we met at a hotel and had fun. My feelings for him grew more intense when we shared those moments. When he left the country, we still kept in touch.
He takes good care of me in every aspect of my life. Emotionally, he is present. When it comes to my mental health, he tries not to stress me unnecessarily. I don’t even ask him for money but he always sends me money. Honestly, it felt too good to be true. “Why is a man this good still single?” I asked myself.
There was never a mention of a wife and a girlfriend. When he came to Ghana and we met, there was no sign of a ring on his finger either. Also, he didn’t do anything to give me the impression that he was with anyone else besides me. However, I wanted to be sure so one day I asked him, “Are you married?” He didn’t answer me. I thought my question offended him so I didn’t push it.
Currently, he is back in the country. He is on a work vacation. We met again at a hotel and had fun. Two days later, I came across his post on my Facebook timeline. It was a photo he posted on 15th February 2024. There were five of them in the photo; him, a woman, and three children. A family photo. Something inside me broke the moment I saw it.
I Discovered He Had Another Woman But I Couldn’t Leave Him
Why would a man who set out to be my comforter deceive me like this? All the good things he has been doing in my life, were they just part of an act? I must be a magnet for these kinds of men. First, my ex. And now, him. What do I do?
He plans to leave town within the next few days. He will be away until six months have passed. I am wondering if I should confront him about the photos while he is still here. Or if I should wait for him to leave first. Maybe the conversation will be easier to have if he is far away. I don’t know how to approach the situation. I am completely shattered. Please help me.
If you have a compelling story to share with us, you can email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com or send us a voice note on WhatsApp number 0593290182.
Two can play the game. Pretend as if you don’t know and continue getting stuff from him while your heart heals. Before the six months he will be back you must have gotten enough stuff and move on.
My Ex-boyfriend is back with the help of this spell caster…visit, R.buc k ler11 [[ g ma i l ]]… c o m ❤❤❤❤…
1)Win lost lover back
2)Stop Divorce.
3)Save marriage/Relationship
4)Win ex boyfriend/girlfriend back
5)Fix relationship/marriage issues
6)Win Soulmate back.
7)Make Ex run after you
8)Return /reunite with Ex
9)Reclaim my lover
10)Make Ex husband/wife yours forever
My Ex-boyfriend is back with the help of this spell caster…visit, R.buc k ler11 [[ g ma i l ]]… c o m
I recommend this love spell if you want to win back your Ex-lover via