I met a guy on Facebook. His profile picture looked like a failed seminarian. He posted God and talked about the goodness of the Lord. He made arguments on the side of good principles and put himself out there as someone you can trust when morality is on the table.
We got talking. Talking graduated into video calls. I love you was said and a positive response was given after a series of meetings offline. I didn’t agree to visit him until I knew him better so he was the one who visited.
We kissed on his third visit. He wanted more. I wanted less of what he wanted. We talked and we agreed we were going to take things slowly.
He came with gifts each day he visited. He acted like a gentleman. He asked for permission even when he wanted to hold my hand or touch my skin.
Five months later, we had sex at my place. Right after the action, he held my hand in his and thanked me “for everything.” It was the first time a guy had said thank you to me after the deed. I nodded, too shy to look into his eyes. He slept for a while, woke up and left.
That was the last time I heard of him.
He has stopped picking up my calls and would read my messages and still not respond. I sent a voice note, begging him to say something to me, “At least, let me know you’re alright.”
He read it and said nothing. It’s been three weeks, four days and fifteen hours without hearing a word from him. The last message I sent was, “You talk of the goodness of the Lord. Do you think what you’re doing to me reflects the kind of goodness you see in him?”
How The Death Of Our Son Nearly Brought Our Marriage To An End
My message is ticked blue but without a response from him. What does it mean when a guy does this to you? Sex. Thank you. Sleep. Wake up and disappear. Is this something a normal human being will do?
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
He wanted sex. You gave it to him. So, yes. Thank you for your services. Nice meeting you, good bye. Cut your losses and move on.
Sorry but you’ve been played. Read the writing on the wall. He wanted sex, he got it, mission accomplished, he moved on. Please try and heal. But if you want to be mischievous tell him that you missed your period and update him on your fictional pregnancy, if necessary until you give birth to the fictional child. It might not be the most mature thing to do, but it might provide you with some solace. But I’d advise you to forget him as soon as possible
It means you should close your legs. I don’t know who’s brainwashing you people into seeing premarital sex as part of relationship. You think you finally found your heart desire, who is a godfearing fornicator. Peace!