Everything began in November 2021. It was on a Tuesday afternoon after I had written my final exams in school. I received a message from a guy I know who works in my school. We used to text once in a while but we were not close. So I was surprised when he texted me, “Now that you are done with exams, I can take you out.” Before I could respond to the message he deleted it. So I wrote him, “Why did you delete it? I already read it.” He replied to me with laughing emojis.

After that day we started talking frequently. He would call me on video calls but I wouldn’t answer. However, I responded to all his text messages. After texting him for a while he told me, “I am interested in having a relationship with you.” “I am not interested in having a relationship with anyone right now,” I replied. Truly, I was taking my time to recover from a past relationship so I did not want to be with anyone. I explained things to this guy but he refused to understand.

He would empty the contents of his heart into my palms, “Annie, I love you. Give me a chance and you will never regret it. Everything about you makes me go gaga.” And I would respond, “I hear you but I don’t feel the same way about you.” It was as if he was deaf to my rejections. No matter how many times I turned him down, this guy kept pushing for me to accept his proposal.

After we finished the exams we were sent home on Christmas break so we could get some rest before our internship begins. The day I had planned to leave for the house this guy called me. “Please, I want to see you before you go home.” I told him, “I am leaving today. I am not sure I can see you.” “Please make time,” he pleaded, “I want to talk to you.” I did not want to be rude so I made time and went to see him. We talked for a while and then hugged each other goodbye.

After I hauled my stuff into a bus home, we continued to stay in touch. He texted me morning, afternoon, and evening. All he kept talking about was how much he loved me. After several days of listening to him profess his love for me I decided to give him a chance. I wasn’t sure about him but I was curious to see how things would go. Everything was smooth after I said yes to him. And then he came to visit me at home during the Christmas holidays. He spent four days at my end and it was all fun. I enjoyed his company so much that we had shuperu before he left.

Things were still good after he left. I couldn’t believe I had taken so long to finally enjoy the happiness that this guy was giving me. He did all that he could to prove that he loves me. The attention was sweet, I must say. Then out of nowhere, he texted me, “Babe, I am broke. Can you send me some money?” Not only am I a student but I am a nurse as well, and he knows this. That’s why he felt comfortable asking me for money. I did not even give his request a second thought. I sent him GHC200 immediately.

I thought helping him out with money was a one-time thing but it happened again. I sent him GHC100 the next time he asked me for money. That one too didn’t end there. He kept asking me for money whenever he was in a bind. I am not someone who easily says no to people who ask me for help so I could not turn this guy down. He would say, “I am broke” and then I would send GHC100 or GHC200. I have lost count of the number of times I sent him GHC50.

I would be there and this guy would call me, “Babe, have you eaten?” If I say yes, he would respond, “Hmm, me I haven’t eaten. I am very hungry.” If I dare say “Okay” he would get angry. “Why did you say okay when you could have simply sent me money to buy food?” For the sake of peace, I would apologize. This guy would then ask me for a loan and never pay it back. All this happened between December and January.

After the Christmas holidays, I had to come back to Accra to do my internship. I stayed at my sister’s place but once in a while I’d go and visit him. When I go, I would wash his clothes and do other chores. When I cook or buy food, I would bear the cost. I never complained while I did all this. But if he asked me for money and I tell him, “I am sorry, I am also broke” he would become cold toward me. His behavior hurt me but I endured it. After all, no one is perfect.

Three months into the relationship, he called me that he had heard something about me. He said, “I heard you dated someone on campus before I came into the picture. I am not comfortable with that. So I can’t continue with this relationship.” I was confused, “Where did you hear this story from? And why would you break up with me over this? Let me come over to your place so we talk about it.” I said everything I could but he refused to listen to me. I was so confused and so shocked that I did not know what to do. I cried as much as I could. Then I picked up the broken pieces of my heart and moved on.

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Four months after the breakup, he came back with his tail tucked between his legs like a defeated dog. He was sorry for walking out on me without giving me a chance to explain my side of the story. He said he missed me so much that it broke his heart. “Even when I left, I couldn’t stop loving you, Annie. You know the heart doesn’t come with a switch. I know I messed up but please give me one more chance.” By then I hadn’t gotten over him so I let him back into my life.

He visited me after we got back together. We clicked so perfectly that it didn’t even feel like we ever broke up. Shortly after that, he started asking me for money again. How much money didn’t I send this guy? I sent him money ranging from GHC500 to GHC100. The more I gave him the more he demanded. If we happen to have a small misunderstanding he would say, “You are behaving like this because I don’t have money and you are helping me. You have a bad character. If you don’t change and I leave you, you won’t get any man.” I didn’t know what was so bad about my character that he would say such things to me.

What Would You Do If I Died Today? | Beads Media

Despite all his ingratitude, I continued to be good to him. And he kept draining me of my finances until last year in December when he asked me for money and I told him, “I wish I could help you but times are hard. I don’t have money now but when I get something I will share it with you.” This guy got angry and said all sorts of things to me. “Keep your money I don’t need it. Do you think I am with you because you have money and I don’t?” That’s the thing, I don’t have money. I am merely managing my salary. I only help him out because I care about him, not because I have in abundance. I tried to explain things to him but he went ahead and broke up with me there and then. I experienced yet another heartbreak by the same man, but I was determined to move on.

I was doing well without him until February this year when he came back to apologize. I did not want him back but his sister pleaded on his behalf. So I agreed to give him one last chance. It didn’t take long for him to start demanding money from me again. When I have money I give him, but when I don’t have I don’t bother. Just recently he asked me to send him money to buy food. The only money I had on me was GHC50 so I told him, “All I have is GHC50. I can’t give it to you and be left with nothing.” He got angry and broke up with me for the third time. He told me, “You are taking me for granted because I keep coming back to you. Wait and see if I will come back again. This time around, I am done with you for good.”

After he left I kept asking myself if what we had was love. Did he love me like he kept saying or he was just using me all along? He has introduced me to his mother, sister, friends, and everyone in his neighborhood. Does that mean he loved me? Or it was all part of his plot to spend my money?


Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to [email protected]